100字范文 > 和谐宇宙 Harmonious universe英语短句 例句大全

和谐宇宙 Harmonious universe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-05 20:35:45


和谐宇宙 Harmonious universe英语短句 例句大全

和谐宇宙,Harmonious universe

1)Harmonious universe和谐宇宙

2)universe harmony宇宙和谐

1.Specifically,the harmonious idea mainly includesuniverse harmony,system harmony and opposite harmony.具体来说,和谐理念主要包括宇宙和谐、系统和谐和对立和谐,它们并不是相互对立的,相反具有极强的内在关联性。


1.D. H. Lawrence s Birds, Beasts and Flowers : An Invocation for Human Return and Universal Harmony;劳伦斯《鸟·兽·花》:人的复归与宇宙和谐秩序的祈唤

2.The Reflections of Ethic Relationship between Man and Nature;宇宙和谐与生态文化——关于人与自然伦理关系的思考

3.From the Clash of Civilizations to Cosmological Harmony:The Trend of Global Politics from the Perspective of Campbell"s Transcendence Theory从文明冲突论到宇宙和谐论——从坎贝尔超越理论看全球政治的发展走向

4.Based on the interpretation of the cosmic constitution through harmony in numbers, Pythagorean School established cosmic aesthetics.他们用数的和谐解释宇宙的构成,创立了宇宙美学理论。

5.Quality will and emotion;意志·情感·创新精神——和谐是宇宙大化的共同节奏

6.The law of karma holds throughout the universe. It operates at all levels, ensuring justice, harmony, and balance.羯摩法则适用于整个宇宙。它在所有层次运作,以确保公正、谐和平衡。

7.Concern over the Ultimate Fate and the Pursuit of Human Harmony:An Analysis of the Life and Poems of Alexandre;关注宇宙命运,追求人类和谐——评阿莱克桑德雷其人其诗

8.earth and cosmic biotelemetry地球和宇宙生物遥测术

9.lifting boby宇宙和高空飞行两用机

10."Relativity, Granvitation and World-Structure"相对论、引力和宇宙结构

11.the time covered by the physical formation and development of the universe.宇宙形成和发展的时期。

12.Phantom Cosmology and Gravitational Back Reaction;Phantom宇宙学和引力反作用

13.The Particles and the Universe-From Macro- and Micro-scopic Scales to Cosmoscopic Scale;粒子之小和宇宙之大——宏观、微观和宇观

14.Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science宇宙和航空科学研究所(宇航科研所)

15.The cosmos was built with the tools which humans calls music, arithmetic, and geometry; harmony, system, and balance.宇宙是用人类称作音乐、学和几何学的工具创造出来的;和谐、统而且平衡。

16.For many people, the element of gold is regarded as the best of the fiveelementsintheuniverse, bearing a propitious and harmonioussignification.很多人都认为五行中的金是构成宇宙五种元素中最好的一种,带有吉祥和谐的含义。

17.Since we must live in one of these universes, we should not be surprised that the physical constants are finely tuned.既然我们必须在这些宇宙之一中生存,我们就不应该对物理常量如此和谐完美而感到惊讶。

18.The holy or sacred power that is the source and sustainer of the universe.宇宙力量宇宙的来源和支撑的神圣的或值得崇奉的力量


universe harmony宇宙和谐

1.Specifically,the harmonious idea mainly includesuniverse harmony,system harmony and opposite harmony.具体来说,和谐理念主要包括宇宙和谐、系统和谐和对立和谐,它们并不是相互对立的,相反具有极强的内在关联性。

3)theory of cosmological harmony宇宙和谐论


5)harmonious philosophical world view和谐的哲学宇宙观

1.Theharmonious philosophical world view is an important theoretical legacy in both Chinese and foreign philosophy,and is also the important thought origin of the scientific development concept and the construction of harmonious society.和谐的哲学宇宙观是中外哲学的一份重要理论遗产,也是科学发展观和建构和谐社会的重要思想源头。

6)Harmonious world of Johames Kepler和谐的开普勒宇宙


