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女性化 feminization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 14:33:56


女性化 feminization英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis of men s wearfeminization from the aesthetics;从审美转变角度看现代男装女性化现象

2.This paper analyzes on the proportion of female librarians in Chinese libraries and the causes of the vocationalfeminization in libraries, probes into the advantages and disadvantages of female librarians, and advances some countermeasures for overcoming these disadvantages.分析了我国图书馆女馆员所占比例情况和造成图书馆职业女性化的原因,探讨了女性馆员的优势与不足,提出了克服不足的对策。

3.Agriculturalfeminization and aging essentially indicatefeminization and aging on farm labors which are the core productive element.农业女性化和老龄化实质上是生产力要素中的核心要素——劳动者的女性化和老龄化。


1.To give a feminine appearance or character to.使女性化给予…女性的外表或性格

2.She dresses in a very feminine way.她穿得非常女性化.

3.The Feminist Consciousness of the Chinese Female Writers;中国女作家“女性化”创作意识略论

4.De - feminine features of women s movement in modern China;论中国近代妇女运动的非女性化特征

5.Domestication and Foreignization in the Frademark Translation for the Female Cosmetic;“归化”“异化”与女性化妆品商标的翻译

6.The Weak Feminism: The Rhetoric Analyse of "Superwoman"、"Female Doctor"、"Super Girl"女性义弱化:“女强人”、“女博士”、“超女”的修辞分析

7.A Perspective on the Female Culture of Nvshu and the Preservation of Culture Ecology;女书的女性文化透视及文化生态保护

8.Paternity Culture,Female"s Images and Women"s Emancipation in the Present Age父权文化与女性形象及当代女性解放

9.The female literature image was remodeled and developed by the female composer of poetry in Song Dynasty宋代女性词对女性形象的重塑与深化

10.Construction of Hunan Women s Literature and Chinese Women s Literature--A Cultural Perspective of Hunan Modern Women s Literature;湖南女性文学与中国女性文化建设——现代湖南女性文学的文化透视

11.A Discussion on Odes To The Goddess Associated with Japanese Culture;从女性创世神话走出的《女神》——《女神》与日本文化

12.Poetic Pursuit of Women in Life;女性生存的诗意化追求——读简女贞的《忧郁女猎人》

13.The Comparison of Oriental and Southern-European Women from a Cultural View;文化视野中的“东方女性”与“南欧少女”

14.Alienation or Assimilation:Contradiction of Feminist Consciousness in L amant;异化?同化?:《情人》的女性意识之矛盾性

15.Women s Own Voice--The Feminist Concepts of Women in the New Culture Movement Period;女性自己的声音——新文化运动时期女性的女性主义思想

16.The Rights of Woman Under Paternity Culture and the Development of Female Rights in New China父权文化下的女性权利及新中国女性权利发展

17.Women in Ailao Culture;从女性主义视角透视哀牢文化中的女性

18.A Research on Achieving Women Technique with Men s Characters in Guangxi Women Table Tennis Team;广西乒乓球女队实现“女性技术男性化”初探



3)women culture女性文化

1.It relates the tragic contradiction between Liu Lanzhi & traditional Chinesewomen culture from the perspectives such as "the three obediences","the seven partings"and "the filial obligations".本文主要从形象美、品德美、心灵美、女性美、人格美等方面分析刘兰芝这一悲剧形象永恒的审美价值;又从"三从"、"七出"、"孝道"等角度入手,阐述刘兰芝与中国传统女性文化的悲剧性矛盾冲突。

4)female culture女性文化

1.This paper discusses the rise and development offemale culture of Yunnan minorities from the historical and cultural perspectives.从历史和文化的角度来分析和探讨云南少数民族女性文化形成和发展的状况,从自然环境、婚姻制度、宗教等方面,阐述了云南少数民族女性文化的演进,及云南少数民族女性的社会地位和生存状况。

2.It is the Multi-cultural views and open multi-cultural minds of Kazak female writers in Xinjiang that makes their spirit share same characteristics with the other Chinese female literature,and makes their creation be unique and bright withfemale culture characteristics.新疆哈萨克女作家的多元文化视野和开放的多元文化心态,使得她们的精神旨趣与中国女性文学有着许多共性;使她们的创作富有独特而鲜明的女性文化特征。

5)Cultural Female文化女性

1.Visualization ofCultural Female Characters in the Ci of Qingzhao Li;文化女性特质在李清照词中的显现

6)female alienation女性异化

1.This article interprets the connotation and manifestation offemale alienation in the novels by Zhang Ailing.本文解读了张爱玲小说女性异化的表现形态和内涵。


