100字范文 > 农田氮素 nitrogen英语短句 例句大全

农田氮素 nitrogen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 02:46:12


农田氮素 nitrogen英语短句 例句大全



1.Non-point source (NPS) pollution caused bynitrogen from agro-ecosystem was a serious threat to water environment.论述农田生态系统中氮素非点源污染的特征、排放途径和污染方式,两种重要氮素形态(NH4+-N、NO3--N)在土水界面的扩散过程及迁移机理,农田非点源氮迁移过程及其影响因素,由农田氮素造成的非点源污染的污染负荷定量计算方法及评价指标,并指出国内外污染负荷定量模型的优缺点和发展趋势;提出了农田非点源氮污染的控制对策。


1.Effects and Mechanism on Nitrogen Output in Farmland with Nitrogen Fertilization;氮肥施用对农田氮素径流输出的影响及其机理

2.Influence of Urbanization on the Nitrogen Flow in Food Consumption System and Nitrogen Cycling in Agro-Ecosystem of China;城镇化对我国食物消费系统氮素流动和农田氮素循环的影响

3.Countermeasures to Curb Pollution Due to Nitrogen Loss in Farmland农田氮素流失对环境的污染现状及防治对策

4.Application of DNDC model in estimating cropland nitrate leachingDNDC模型在农田氮素渗漏淋失估算中的应用

5.Influence of urbanization on N cycle of farmland of various periods in China城镇化对我国不同年代农田氮素循环的影响

6.Nitrogen Cycling and Balance in Winter Wheat-Summer Corn Rotation System under Optimized Nitrogen Management优化施氮下冬小麦/夏玉米轮作农田氮素循环与平衡研究

7.Nitrogen Cycling and Balance in Wheat-maize Rotation Field in Piedmont Plain of MT Taihang in the North China Plain;华北太行山前平原冬小麦—夏玉米轮作农田氮素循环与平衡研究

8.Study on nitrogen leaching in farmlands with different crops in riverine plain area of Taihu Lake太湖水网地区不同种植类型农田氮素渗漏流失研究

9.Study of laws of nitrogen losses from farmland drainage in Zhanghe Irrigation District漳河灌区农田排水氮素流失规律研究

10.Nitrogen Recycling in Rice-wheat Rotation Farm System and Water Environment Effect;水旱轮作农田系统氮素循环与水环境效应

11.Nitrogen Environmental Risk Assessment Research in Farmland Ecosystem农田生态系统的氮素环境风险评价研究进展

12.Research Progress on the Laws and Control Technologies of Nitrogen Loss in Farmland农田土壤氮素流失规律及其控制技术研究进展

13.Dynamic analysis of soil nitrogen factors of typical farmland in blacksoil region黑土区典型县域农田土壤氮素动态分析

14.Changes of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen of Croplands in China and the Net Carbon Effiency of Rice and Wheat Crops Determined by Nitrogen;中国农田土壤碳氮变化及氮素对稻麦作物固碳效益的影响

15.Influencing Factors of Nitrogen Runoff Loss from Farmland Soil and Its Prevention Measures农田土壤氮素径流损失的影响因素及其防治措施研究

16.Effect of nitrogen on vertical distribution of canopy nitrogen and chlorophyll relative value (SPAD value) of summer maize in sub-humid areas施氮对半湿润农田夏玉米冠层氮素及叶绿素相对值(SPAD值)垂直分布的影响

17.Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Balance and Development of SISNDB Information System;农田土壤氮素平衡动态模拟模型研制与SISNDB信息系统开发

18.A Primary Study on Modeling Nitrogen Release from Cropland Organic Manures and the Model Regional Applications;农田有机肥氮素释放动态模型及其区域化应用的初步研究


amounts of runoff losses of nitrogen农田氮素流失量

3)soil nitrogen balance in farmland农田土壤氮素平衡

4)nitrogen non-point field pollution农田氮面源污染

1.After summarizing studies about nitrogen fertilizer non-point pollution in China, the type ofnitrogen non-point field pollution was regionalized.在总结国内有关农田氮面源污染研究结果的基础上,对我国农田氮面源污染类型进行了区划,将全国划分为12个一级农田氮面源污染类型区,并进一步合并为3大类区域;定义了肥料氮污染指数的计算方法,在此基础上,利用近年各省氮肥施用的统计资料,对各省农田氮面源污染现状进行了初步分析。

5)The nitrogen and phosphorus loss农田氮磷流失

6)nitrogen budget of cotton field棉田氮素平衡


农田氮素循环农田氮素循环nitrogen cycling in agricultural land农田氮素循环(nitrogen eyeling in agricul-tural land)氮素通过不同途径进入农田生态系统,在该系统中经各种转化和移动过程后,又不同程度地离开农田生态系统(见图)。其主要过程为氮素的输入和物出.太素的翰入包括生物固氮,施用的氮肥和有机肥,.降水和灌溉水,以及干沉降物等带入的氮.生物固氮生物固氮t占氮紊总输入量中的比例随氮肥施用水平的提高而趋于降低.不同生物固氮类纽的固抓t见生物固氮作用。随着农业生产集约化程度的提高和氮肥施用量的增加,氮素循环的速率随之增高。这是农、林、牧业发展的基本条件.但是,由此引起的氮素损失的增加,也可能对环境质量产生不利的影响。.考书目 Stevenson,F,J.,Cyclos of Sofl Cor加:.Nitrog亡n,Phosph口ru,,S“lfur,Microel。
