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轴承 bearing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-25 17:43:48


轴承 bearing英语短句 例句大全



1.Technology improvement of withdrawal ring of punched hole die forbearing ribbon cage;轴承浪形保持架冲孔模退料环的工艺改进

2.Analysis of grinding method forbearing ring with double grooves;双沟轴承套圈沟道磨加工方法浅析


1.Shaft Assembly (Male, female, washer, grease….轴组件(轴,轴套,轴承,油脂。。。)

2.Bearing Clearance (#1 Journal)轴承间隙(#1轴颈)

3.plain bearing housing with bearings装有轴承的普通轴承座

4.housing bearing plain without bearings未装轴承的普通轴承座

5.radial Bearing and thrust Bearing横力轴承与推力轴承

6.cageless bearing无保持架轴承,开口轴承

7.upper center crankshaft bearing曲轴主轴承上中轴瓦

8.The feed holes for the crankshaft main bearings.曲轴主轴承进入口。

9.Crankshaft and main bearings service曲轴和主轴承的维修

10.pto bearing support动力输出轴支持轴承

11.Remove the lower insert from the bearing cap.从轴承盖上拆去下轴瓦。

12.a brass bushing or a lining for a bearing.黄铜轴衬或轴承衬里。

13.reverse idler gear shaft bearing回动空转齿轮轴轴承

14.axial-angular contact ball bearing轴-角触式滚珠轴承

15.The journal rubs against the bearing surface.轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。

16.Install the lower bearing inserts into the main bearing caps.安装下轴瓦到主轴承盖。

bined radial-axial bearing混合式径向-轴式轴承

18.These are the same as those used for the main bearings.这些轴承与那些被用作主要轴承的轴承相同。



1.Improvement of Operating Technology of Bearings for Back-up Rolls on Medium Plate Mill;中板轧机支承辊轴承使用技术的改进

2.The Research Actuality and Development Trends of Water Lubricated Bearings;水润滑轴承的研究现状与发展趋势

3.Property comparison of PM bronzebearings manufactured in Europe and North America;欧洲与北美制造的烧结青铜含油轴承性能的比较

3)Rolling bearing轴承

1.A low frequency rolling bearing fault diagnosis method based on local projective noise reduction;基于局部投影降噪的低频轴承故障诊断

2.According to characteristics of both the vibration signals and the stator currents when appering a fault in the rolling bearing of the induction motor,Park vector module signal of the three-phase current is calculated,and the envelope of vibration signals from the rolling bearing of the motor is analyzed.根据感应电机轴承发生故障时的振动信号特性以及定子电流特性,求出三相电流的Park矢量模信号,并将其与电机滚动轴承振动信号经解调处理后的包络信号进行融合分析,可以从振动信号与电流信号的融合谱图中有效地提取轴承故障特征信息,并将其作为故障识别的依据。

3.Because the signal from rolling bearing is non-linear and non-Gaussian, here, the bispectrum analysis method is applied to the different types of rolling bearing and the different serious extent for the same bearing fault.针对滚动轴承具有非线性和非高斯的特性,利用双谱分析方法研究了不同故障模式下滚动轴承的双谱特性以及同一故障类型在不同程度时的双谱特性。


1.Analysis for Raising Life of Gear andBear;提高齿轮、轴承使用寿命的研究

2.The Design of Heavy LoadBear Lubricate Grease s Lifetime Testing Machine;重负荷轴承润滑脂寿命试验机的设计

3.Change the RubberBearing into the OilBearing and Performance Analysis of It to the Small Turbine;小型水轮机橡胶轴承改造为油轴承及性能分析


1.Design on Automatic Nondestructive Examination System of Axletree s Quality and Reseach on Intelligent Appraising;轴承质量自动化无损检测系统设计及智能评判方法研究

2.The bottom die withaxletree configuration is designed.依据圆柱斜齿轮几何结构,设计出合理模具工装;将凹模设计成轴承式凹模,当锻件顶出时,凹模自动沿轴向自转,锻件被旋出凹模;采用三维刚粘塑性有限元法对其成形进行数值模拟分析,得到成形过程中的等效应力、应变分布图以及载荷-行程曲线图;模拟结果表明,坯料向齿腔充填时,齿根处等效应力、等效应变值较大;最后充填阶段,齿顶处等效应力、等效应变值较大,载荷也出现陡增现象。

6)loading ability of bearing轴承承载


