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时频 time-frequency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-10 22:27:34


时频 time-frequency英语短句 例句大全



1.Wavelet Package Based Speech Enhancement Algorithm Using Time-Frequency Threshold;基于时频阈值的小波包语音增强算法

2.Application of jointtime-frequency distribution and its attribution.;联合时频分布及其属性的应用

3.Applying "zoom lens having adjustable focus" of wavelet transform to provide multiple levelstime-frequency analysis for load power signal of shearer,analysis results show that th.应用小波变换的"可变焦"特性对采煤机负载功率信号进行了多尺度时频分析,分析结果对采煤机工作状况监控和采煤机的设计具有实际的应用价值。


1.Parameters Estimation and Time-frequency Analysis of Chirp Signal;线性调频信号的参量估计与时频分析

2.Time-Frequency Analysis of Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Signal and Its Application;非线性调频信号的时频分析及其应用

3.Time-Frequency Analysis on The High Frequency Magnetotelluric Sounding DataEH4高频大地电磁测深数据的时频分析

4.Elastoplastic TFRS and TFRS Analysis Method for Structural Dynamic Analysis;弹塑性时频反应谱和动力分析的时频反应谱法

5.Method Study of Adaptive Time-frequency Analysis and Time-frequency Attributes Extraction;自适应时频分析及其时频属性提取方法研究

6.Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Based on Adaptive Time-Frequency Distribution基于自适应时频分布的瞬时频率估计算法

7.Signal Detection and its Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Based on Hybrid Time-frequency Representations基于混合时-频分布的信号检测与瞬时频率估计

8.Time-frequency analysis on Wigner-Ville distribution of seismic signal based on time-frequency rearrangement基于时频重排的地震信号Wigner-Ville分布时频分析

9.When leaving the airport they waved again and again to us.离开飞机场时他们向我们频频挥手。

10.Separate audio and video from slides on import导入时将音频和视频与幻灯片分离

11.Real Time Video/Audio Processing Technique under Network Enviroment;网络环境下的实时视频音频处理技术

12.The Realization of Division and Multichannel Output ofHigh-Frequency Clock Using the FPGA;用FPGA实现高频时钟的分频和多路输出

13.Time-sharing controlled frequency multiplication of IGBT based 180 kHz/50 kW high frequency induction soldering power supply倍频分时控制IGBT180kHz/50kW高频感应焊接电源

14.Design of real-time Video & Audio transmitting system based on High Definition Multimedia Interface基于HDMI的实时视频/音频传输系统设计

15.Night urination is different from frequent urination, frequent urination is going to the toilet often, night urination if the urge to go toilet to urinate while sleeping.夜尿不同于频尿,频尿是频频上厕所,夜尿是半夜睡眠时,频频感觉得需要如厕小便。

16.SFTS (Standard Frequency and Time Signals)标准频率和时间信号

17.frequency and duration method停电频率和持续时间法

18.half pulse repetition rate delay半脉冲重复频率延时


space-time-frequency spreading空时频扩频

1.STS is expanded from a single carrier to multi-carrier when space, time and frequency are coded, which results in aspace-time-frequency spreading(STFS) coding arithmetic.通过一种空时频扩频(STFS)的编码算法,将单载波的空时扩频扩展到多载波,进行空间、时间 和频率的联合编码,这种编码在相同符号率下比空时扩频具有更大的分集度和更高的编码增益,用线性 合并最大似然检测法检测和仿真结果都显示这种空时频扩频比空时扩频具有更好的性能。

3)time-frequency distribution时-频分布

1.Preliminary analysis oftime-frequency distribution of transient evoked otoacoustic emission in normal hearing human subjects;正常人耳瞬态诱发耳声发射的时-频分布初步分析

2.Thus, the standardtime-frequency distribution images of all fault conditions including the gap abrasion in-formation of the main bearing can be defined.通过该方法,可以得到含有内燃机主轴承间隙磨损状态的时频信息,定义出各个标准故障状态的时-频分布图,建立了基于图像匹配技术的内燃机主轴承磨损故障诊断模型。

4)Instantaneous dominant frequency瞬时主频

5)Instantaneous frequency瞬时频率

1.Diagnosis method of instantaneous frequency for rotor impact-rub fault of aeroengine;航空发动机转子碰摩故障瞬时频率诊断方法

2.Ultrasonic signal process method based on instantaneous frequency;基于瞬时频率的超声信号数字处理方法

3.Study of analysis of instantaneous frequency in partial wave method;论局域波法中瞬时频率分析

6)time and frequency analysis时频分析

1.The study oftime and frequency analysis,feature extraction,source locating and denoising of the original signal is described in detail.在综合描述复合材料声发射信号特征和小波变换基本原理的基础上,本文总结了小波变换在声发射信号分析中的研究进展,并重点描述小波变换对复合材料破坏过程中声发射信号的特征提取、时频分析和信号除噪及声源定位方面的研究,提出了小波变换在声发射信号分析应用中需要进一步解决的问题。


频率计量(见时间频率计量)频率计量(见时间频率计量)frequency metrology: see time and frequency metrology口n IQ liliang顷率频率计皿(f比quency metrolo盯) 计t。见时闰
