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钩沉 research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-15 07:16:08


钩沉 research英语短句 例句大全


1)research[英][ri"s?:t?][美][r?"s?t?, "ri,s?t?]钩沉


1.Preface of Lost and Found Pieces of Zhongzhou Documents--Preface;编纂《中州文献钩沉》已是水到渠成之时——《中州文献钩沉》代序

2.Chinese Translations of"Economy"in the Context of Modernization in 19~(th)Century;“经济”译名钩沉及相关概念之厘正

3.Rediscovering the Japanese Literature Journals during the Period of Manchuria-Shinkyo;“满洲”“新京”时期日语文学杂志钩沉

4.Research on Chinese Traditional Even-rule;钩沉失落万年的匀律——兼论华乐的承传

5.On relation between Chinese Han cultural circle and ancient art of sub-America;华夏汉文化圈与亚美洲远古艺术钩沉

6.Investigation of the Profound Truth, Monument for the Descendants--A Topic about Fan Kuan;探赜钩沉 百代标程——由范宽说起

7.Mutual Support of the BOOK of Odes and History: Fishing out On Poetry in Shangbo Bamboo Slips;《诗》、史互证:上博简《诗论》钩沉

8.Books not Recorded in the JingJiZhi of JiuTangShu;《旧唐书·经籍志》史部脱漏书钩沉

9.History- a pageant of stellar cars in the old days.车史钩沉——历数车坛名流沧桑,纵览汽车历史文化。

10.On Urban Construction and Renewal of Yecheng City in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期邺城城市建设与更新发展钩沉

11.An Exploration of Dao Yuan & World Red Swastika Society in Shandong;民国山东道院暨世界红卐字会史事钩沉

12.Survey of the Catholic Missionary Activity in Gansu in the 17~18th Century;明清之际甘青地区天主教传教活动钩沉

13.A Research on the Civilian Buddhism and Its Historical Data in Review on Ancient Novels by Lu Xun;《古小说钩沉》中的民间佛教及其史料研究

14.Tht First Sino-Russia Sea Trade in the Early 19~(th) Century;嘉庆年间俄船首次海上来华贸易事件钩沉

15.On Serving the People:New Chinese Leaders Thought of Art and literature;以人民为本位:新中国领导人文艺思想钩沉

16.Loving the Common People Deeply, Sympathizing with the Solitary Particularly--Lost and Found Historical Pieces of Qu Xin-ling,a Virtuous Official and Gifted Scholar in the Tang Dynasty;“爱民如子,尤恤茕独”——唐贤官才子麹信陵史实钩沉

17.Looking Back to the Uncut Book --Mr. Shi You-heng s Uncut Book;毛边书钩沉——兼介时有恒先生所藏毛边书

18.From Late Qing Dynasty to "May the Fourth": The Changing and Review of The Idea of Heroes in the New Literature;晚清至“五四”:新文学“英雄理念”的嬗变与钩沉


the collection of dream images意象钩沉

3)sinker hook沉降钩

4)Xiɑoxue Gouchen《小学钩沉》

5)A Survey of Shiyang Ancient Town古镇钩沉

6)Study on Sa-ge"萨葛"钩沉




