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诗 poetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-16 14:57:27


诗 poetry英语短句 例句大全



1.The Integration of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Painting;中国古代诗与画的结合之路——绘画之诗性获得过程


1.epic, lyric, dramatic, pastoral, symbolist, etc poetry史诗、 抒情诗、 戏剧诗、 田园诗、 象徵派的诗

2.Contemporary American Poetry诗人谈诗-当代美国诗论

3.Study on Epics and the history written in poem in the Book of Songs;论《诗经》中的“史诗”与“诗史”

4.New Poems: Eighty Songs at Eighty新诗:80岁诗80首

5.wend one"s way(to)[诗]向...而进

6.A Study on Phenomenon of Poem in Poem in ShiJing;试论《诗经》诗篇结构的“诗中有诗”现象

7.On the Differences of Poems by Poets,Literati and Confucians in the Song Dynasty论宋人的“诗人诗”、“文人诗”与“儒者诗”之辨

8.A single metrical line in a poetic composition;one line of poetry.诗句;诗行一部诗作中的一个诗行;诗的一行

9.Translating Verse as Verse, Poets Translating Poetry--A Study of Wang Zuoliang s Verse Translation;以诗译诗诗人译诗——王佐良诗歌翻译述评

10.To versify or engage in versifying.作诗或者从事于作诗

11.If the poem has any meaning, so much the worse for it."诗有意义是诗的不幸

12.A poem With weak rhymes halts.不押韵的诗算不得好诗。

13.The art or work of a poet.诗歌艺术或诗歌作品

14.There is painting in his poetry, and poetry in his painting诗中有画,画中有诗

15.The selected Satires and Poems讽刺诗与其他诗歌选

16.It was in blank verse that she sang.她以无韵诗体作诗。

17.a natural underivative poet.诗风清新独创的诗人。

18.It is a good poem all right, but it"s a bit too long.诗是好诗, 就是长了点。



1.‘Transience’ in poems and pictures;诗、画表现中的“一顷刻”

2.Genuineness results from simplicity: brief discussion on the simplicity and genuineness of Tao yuanming s poems;平淡出真知——小释陶渊明诗的平淡自然


1.On the Position of Classical Poems in Ancient History——A Brief Account on the Position ofpoems;古典时期“诗”之文化定位论略

2.Different understanding and expression of human beings in different ancient Chinesepoems and ci;从伦理到世俗——中国古代诗词对人的认识和表现的不同

3.Query on the Annotation of Su Shi s Famous Poems by Mr. Chen Er-dong & Jin Xing-yao;陈迩冬、金性尧先生苏诗名篇注释质疑


1.He went there mang times where he spent his Last move than 10 years ,hence a lot of Luo Posey -poesy created in Luoyang on which the auther focus his attention in this thesis.在洛阳停留和生活其间,白居易创作有大量诗歌,本文就是以白居易在洛阳创作的诗歌一洛诗为研究对象的。

2.Thepoesy essence is a basic problem of the scientificpoesy system.诗的本质,是一个科学的诗学体系的基本问题。

5)The Book of Songs《诗》

1.The Compilation and Spread ofThe Book of Songs Before Confucius;孔子之前《诗》的编撰与流传

2.The Rhetorical Implication in Zhuxi s Study ofThe Book of Songs;朱熹《诗》学理解修辞深刻意蕴探析

3.The Ideological Speech Construction and Renewal on the Book of Songs and the Spring and Autumn;《诗》亡然后《春秋》作——意识形态真理话语的建构与更新

6)Book of Songs《诗》

1.Jianjia inBook of Songs and Shangui in Encountering Sorrow or Chu Ci are outstanding literary pieces chanting romantic love.《蒹葭》与《山鬼》分别为《诗经》与《楚辞》中咏唱爱情的出色篇章,然而,这两篇内容相似的作品却向读者展示了《诗》与《骚》不同文体风格的差异,以及北与南不同地域风俗的差异。


诗【诗文】:轗轲固宜然。卑陋何所羞。援兹自抑慰。研精于道腴。 【注释】:【出处】:
