100字范文 > 代参数 generation-order parameter英语短句 例句大全

代参数 generation-order parameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-03 21:48:26


代参数 generation-order parameter英语短句 例句大全

代参数,generation-order parameter

1)generation-order parameter代参数

1.To study high-energy radiation from pulsars,the arthor derives a new formula for calculating thegeneration-order parameter.为了对脉冲星的高能辐射进行研究,根据脉冲星观测的实际情况,重新推导了脉冲星代参数的计算公式。


1.Study on the Chinese herbal component SSTG compatibility from a AUC value perspective从药代参数AUC值探讨中药复方双参通冠的配伍

2.Converts a text string that represents a number to a number将代表数字的文字参数转换成数字

3.Parametrized Cyclic Representation of the Quantum Super algebra OSPq(1, 2);量子超代数OSP_q(1,2)的参数化循环表示

4.A class of iterated function systems of fractal interpolation surfaces with multiparameters一类多参数分形插值曲面迭代函数系

5.are 1 to 30 numbers, logical values, or text representations of numbers that you want to multiply要计算乘积的1到30个数值参数、逻辑值参数或者代表数值的字符串参数

6.are 1 to 29 arguments representing the payments and income为代表支出和收入的1到29个参数

7."%s" is not a valid parameter for the Snapshot Agent.""%1!"" 不是快照代理程序的有效参数。

8."%s" is not a valid parameter for the Distribution Agent.""%1!"" 不是分发代理程序的有效参数。

9."%s" is not a valid parameter for the Merge Agent.""%1!"" 不是合并代理程序的有效参数。

10.Application of ARM9 in the New Impedance Analyzer;ARM9在新一代元件参数分析仪中的应用

11.Research on Performance Parameter Test Rig of Freight Car;新一代货车通用性能参数试验台研究

12.On the Reference Service Model of Library in Digital Times;数字时代图书馆的参考咨询服务模式

13.Research Progress in Estimating Parameters of Blood Substitute Function血液代用品功能评价参数的研究进展

14.Aim:To study the influence of Santalum album(Shi herb) on the pharmacokinetics of Radix Salvia miltiorrhizae(Jun herb) in the rabbits receiving Danshenyin.目的:研究“丹参饮”中使药(檀香)对君药(丹参)药代动力学参数的影响。

15.Effects of Danshen on Pharmacokinetics Parameters and Biochemical Metabolism in Maternal and Fetal Sheep;丹参对母羊和胎羊药代动力学参数及生化代谢的影响

16.Quantizations of Cartan-type Lie Algebras and Restricted Two-Parameter Quantum Groups of Type B;Cartan型李代数的量子化和限制B型双参数量子群

17.Rational Parametric Formulas of a Kind of Cubic Implicit Algebraic Surface;一类特殊三次隐式代数曲面的有理参数化公式

18.A study of thermodynamic properties of halogenated methane by the method of chemical bond parameter function用键参数函数法研究卤代甲烷的热力学性质


iterative parameter迭代参数

1.In the formation process of the sequence of iterative vector {x_n}, the sequence ofiterative parameter {ρ_n} is needed to decide.在使用迭代法求解大型稀疏非奇异线性方程组时,引进由Chebyshev多项式形成的迭代向量{x(n)},对迭代过程进行加速,这是一种系统使用参数来加速的迭代法·在迭代向量序列{x(n)}形成的过程中,需要确定迭代参数序列{ρn}·对于斜对称化情况,迭代矩阵的特征值为纯虚数,且共轭成对地出现在虚轴上,而迭代参数序列{ρn}的确定恰取决于G迭代矩阵的谱半径S(G)的信息,即迭代参数序列{ρ2k}及{ρ2k+1}分别是单调增加和单调减少地收敛到同一个值,那么{ρn}必收敛且极限也是这个值,这样就可以利用极限值来选择一个最佳的迭代初值,从而使Chebyshev加速过程达到最优

2.We deduce the strongly implicit procedure method for the seven-diagonal matrix which is obtained from the finite differentiate method of the elliptic equation in 3 dimensions,give the iterative formation,prove the convergence of the algorithm and analyze the choice of theiterative parameter.对三维情况下椭圆型方程的七对角差分格式的强隐式法作了推导 ,给出了迭代格式 ,并对收敛性和迭代参数的选择作了分

3)metabolic parameters代谢参数

1.Rumenmetabolic parameters(pH value,NH3-N,urea-N)and the concentration of plasma urea nitrogen(PUN)were measured.选用4只1岁左右,装有瘤胃瘘管的杂种生长羯羊,按2×3交叉试验设计,交替饲喂以玉米秸和苜蓿为粗料(A处理)及以小麦秸和苜蓿为粗料(B处理)的等消化能、等氮全日粮颗粒料,测定了瘤胃消化代谢参数(pH值、NH3-N、尿素氮)和血浆尿素氮(PUN)浓度。

2.Objectives: To observe the changes in serum levels of visfatin and expression of gastrocolic omentum VFmRNA, and to assess their relationship with insulin resistance,metabolic parameters, newborn birth weight in late trimester pregnant women with varying degrees of glucose intolerance.目的观察妊娠晚期不同程度糖代谢异常孕妇血清内脏脂肪素(visfatin,VF)水平及内脏组织大网膜VFmRNA表达是否存在差异,并探讨差异与胰岛素抵抗(insulin resistance,IR)、各代谢参数及新生儿出生体重的关系,明确VF水平及其表达与GDM的相关性。

4)parameter iteration参数迭代

1.Theparameter iteration method was developed for solving the nonlinear problem in this paper.提出一种对非线性问题的参数迭代求解法 ,算例表明 ,其一次迭代解便有很好的精

5)surrogate parameter替代参数

6)code parameter代码参数


