100字范文 > 社会主义 Socialism英语短句 例句大全

社会主义 Socialism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-10 13:34:45


社会主义 Socialism英语短句 例句大全



1.New Rural Construction ofSocialism and Rural Ecoenvironmental Problems;社会主义新农村建设与农村生态环境问题

2.A Discussion on Guidance of the View ofSocialism Honor and Disgrace on the View of Medical Practice;论社会主义荣辱观对医疗执业观的指导

3.Existing problems analysis in the new socialism country building;社会主义新农村建设中存在问题浅析


1.Adjicharacterized by, supporting or relating to socialism社会主义的;拥护社会主义的;有关社会主义的

2.socialist aggregate social product社会主义社会总产品

3.consumption in socialist society社会主义社会的消费

4.market in socialist society社会主义社会的市场

5.debate on socialism“社会主义”的论战

6.How to Interpret the Socialist Concept from the Perspective of Democratic Socialism;怎样认识民主社会主义的社会主义观

7.Socialist Democratic Rule of Law and Socialist Harmonious Community;社会主义民主法治与社会主义和谐社会

8.On Relations of New Democratic Society and Socialist Society新民主主义社会与社会主义社会关系探究

9.Laski’s “Democrat Socialism”--Transitional Stage of “Social Democracy” and “Democrat Socialism”;拉斯基“民主的社会主义”——社会民主主义和民主社会主义的过渡阶段

10.struggle against socialism反对社会主义,同社会主义斗争

11.Rwandan Socialist Party卢旺达社会主义党(卢社会主义党)

12.If they serve socialism they are socialist;它为社会主义服务,就是社会主义的;

13.On Non-Socialist Factors at the Primary Stage of Socialism;社会主义初级阶段的非社会主义因素

14.What Is Socialism"and the Dialectics of Socialism;“什么是社会主义”与社会主义辩证法

15.Socialist Market Economy and Values;社会主义市场经济与社会主义价值观

16.From State Socialism to Socialized Socialism ──Also on the Essential Characteristics of Socialism;从国家化社会主义到社会化社会主义──兼论社会主义的本质特征

17.The Realistic Socialism:Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism;现实社会主义:世界主义和国民主义

18.Montenegrin Democratic Party of Socialist黑山社会主义民主党



1.A New Probe to the Relationship between Man and Nature underSocialist Conditions;社会主义条件下人与自然关系的新探析

2.A Study on the Moving Function of theSocialistic Mixed Economy;社会主义混合经济运行机制研究

3.Importance,hardship and countermeasures of building a new socialist countryside;建设社会主义新农村的重要性、艰巨性及对策

3)the socialism社会主义

1.The core value system ofthe socialism is the guidelines of the undergraduate ideological and political works.社会主义核心价值体系是大学生思想政治工作的指针。

2.The Reform began from 1978 is the necessary result that the fundemental contradiction of Socialism developed,and the reason of its great success is that we have grasped the reforming property thatthe socialism consummate by itself and chosen a general plan which advanced gradually.从1978年开始的改革是社会主义基本矛盾运动的必然要求,其取得巨大成就的原因是因为把握了社会主义制度自我完善的改革性质,选择了渐进式的发展方略。

3.It is a natural and historical process developing from the capitalism tothe socialism,the socialist elements can and must constantly accumulate from the capitalist elements in the long-time development of the capitalism,from which the socialist system can establish really.从资本主义到社会主义的发展是一个自然历史过程 ,社会主义因素可以而且必须在资本主义的长期发展中不断从资本主义内部积累起来以后 ,社会主义制度才能真正确立。

4)socialist society社会主义

1.Under the new situation of building a harmonioussocialist society,it shares the internal relations with the building of the harmonioussocialist society,and it has an irreplaceable effect and unique advantage.在构建社会主义和谐社会的新形势下,作为团结各方面力量的广泛联盟和我们党执政兴国的重要法宝,统一战线与构建社会主义和谐社会有着必然的内在联系,具有不可替代的作用和自身独特的优势,是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要力量和有效途径。

2.The spiritual wealth is the important goal of socialist modernization,playing very important part insocialist society.精神富裕是社会主义现代化建设的重要目标,在社会主义社会中占据着十分重要的地位。

3.Then how to answer the question queried by some people what the nature of the production is in asocialist society,Whether it is a commodity manufacturing or not is studied in this paper carefully.那么,社会主义的生产,究竟是产品生产还是商品生产?我认为从本质上看仍是商品生产,它不仅要生产使用价值,更要生产价值、生产利润;剩余价值的生产构成了它的基本内容。


1.Therefore,how to understand and evaluate the globalization and its effect on socialism,and how to judge the relations between the globalization,capitalism and socialism is not only a significantly theoretical question,but a vitally realistic question,as well.全球化已经把这个世界紧密地联系在一起,如何认识全球化,理解全球化,如何认识全球化和资本主义、社会主义的关系,怎样看待全球化对社会主义的影响,不仅是一个重大理论问题,而且是一个重大现实问题。

2.On the one hand, the Democratic Revolution cleared the way forcapitalism; on the other hand, it created the first conditions for socialism.毛泽东认为民主主义革命是社会主义革命的必要准备,社会主义革命是民主主义革命的必然趋势。

3.To understand the relationship between socialism andcapitalism correctly, we should notice both the opposing sides and the identical ones of theirs, and unite the two sides systematically.正确认识社会主义与资本主义的关系,既要看到二者对立的一面,又要看到同一的一面,并把对立和同一两种属性有机地结合起来,在对立中把握同一,在同一中把握对立。

6)socialist society社会主义社会

1.Two Patterns for the Arising and Developing of Socialist Society and Development of Marxist Ideology——From the coming of Marxist Revolutionary Theory to the view of science development;社会主义社会产生和发展的两种方式与马克思主义意识形态建设——从马克思主义革命理论的产生到科学发展观的形成

2.Analysis of Latest Connotation of Religion Corresponding with Socialist Society;宗教与社会主义社会相适应的新内涵探析

3.Keep with the World Trends and Satisfy the Needs of the People ——On Buddhism Adapting to Socialist Society;适应世界潮流 合乎人群需要——试论佛教与社会主义社会相适应


