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旋转 rotation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 21:11:20


旋转 rotation英语短句 例句大全



1.A Possible Mechanism of α Subunit "Push" γ-Subunit Rotation in ATPase;ATP合酶中α亚基推动γ亚基旋转的可能机制

2.Successful experiences ofrotation mining method at combined mining face;综采工作面旋转采煤法成功经验

3.Measurement of therotational alignment of the distal femur with 3-dimensional CT;三维螺旋CT重建股骨远端旋转力线的测量


1.To revolve or cause to revolve.旋转旋转或引起旋转

2.a mechanism for revolving the turntable旋转台 [转盘] 的旋转装置

3.To cause to turn around or as if around a central axis;revolve or rotate.旋转使盘旋,使仿佛绕着一中心轴旋转;旋转,回旋

4.Not rotating or involving rotation.不旋转的或不含旋转的

5.The rotational inertias of uniform rotational rigid surfaces about the around axis均质旋转面绕旋转轴转动的转动惯量

6.the whirl of the propeller blades螺旋桨叶片的旋转.

7.The helix makes a complete turn every 4.4nm.螺旋旋转一周为4.4nm。

8.state of being twisted in a spiral被旋转成的螺旋形.

9.total propeller-disk area螺旋桨旋转盘总面积

10.two-lobed epitrochoid rotary mechanism双弧外旋轮线旋转机械

11.The act of twirling or the condition of being twirled; a quick spinning or twisting.很快的旋转旋转的动作或者被旋转的状态;很快的旋转或转圈

12.Something, such as a cloud of dust, that whirls or is whirled.旋转物旋转的或被旋转的物体,如一团灰尘

13.Earth, going round and round, silently, rising the sun, and the moon.地球啊,默默地旋转,旋转出太阳,旋转出月亮。

14.To turn around or as if around a central axis;revolve or rotate.旋转围绕或仿佛围绕一中心轴而转动;盘旋,旋转

15.Research on Bending Rotation Test of Rotation Shaft in Point the Bit Rotary Steerable System指向式旋转导向系统旋转轴弯曲旋转试验研究

16.rotarydisplacement meter“旋转”排量式仪表

17.nylon-roller pump尼龙滚子(旋转)泵

18.rotating-field electromagnetic pump旋转(磁)场电磁泵



1.Heat transfer performance of!heat piperotating about parallel axes;平行轴旋转热管传热性能的实验

2.Experimental investigations on the local heat transfer coefficient ofrotating single circular impingement in a half-limited space;旋转半受限单孔冲击局部换热特性实验

3.Local heat transfer in arotating U-shaped square channel with three channel orientations;3种转角下旋转U形方通道的局部换热


1.Introduction of static bias push-the-bitrotary naviyational system;静态偏置推靠钻头式旋转导向钻井系统介绍

2.Improvement & application ofrotary self-seal assembly in workover job;旋转自封封井器在大修作业中的技术改进及应用

3.Brief discussion on fully mechanizedrotary miningmethod with hydraulic powered support;综采支架旋转采煤法初探


1.The experimental results show that it can eliminate the phenomena of zigzag caused in image rotation and reduce the image distortion after imagerotates many times.图象旋转是图象处理中的一个基本操作,根据图象在邻近区域内连续的特点,该文提出一种基于高斯模板的图象旋转算法。

2.Let P and Q be two nonintersecting simple polygons in the plane, this paper discusses the rotational movability of them if Protates around a point and collides with Q .设 P和 Q为平面内两个互不相交的简单多边形 ,若 P在平面内绕某点旋转 ,文中讨论了其旋转可移动性问题 。

3.In addition, certain parts of ship unloaders, especially chain bucket ship unloaders, tend torotate along the horizontal or vertical direction during the course of work, and there are many loads and load cases in strength analysis.由于卸船机尤其是链斗式卸船机在工作过程中某些部件往往会沿水平或垂直方向旋转,且强度分析中的载荷和工况较多,所以会存在大量重复的前处理工作,无法充分发挥通用有限元计算的优势。


1.Numerical simulation on complex flow field in air inlet of high-speedspinning ramjet extended range projectile;高速旋转冲压增程弹用进气道复杂流场数值模拟

2.The Three-Dimensional Kinematic Analysis on Spinning and Delivery Technique of Some Domestic Female Elite Hammer Thrower;我国部分优秀女子链球运动员旋转及最后用力技术的三维运动学分析

3.In this paper,a GPS receiver based on DRFM is proposed to enhance receiving ability in thespinning environment.主要研究基于数字射频存储器(DRFM)解决旋转状态下GPS信号的跟踪和定位问题,并利用Zarlink产品设计芯片级GPS接收机。


1.Why? The reason of the accelerated expansion contains two factors:a galaxy takes place the mass loss;and a galaxyrevolved around the center-mass of the universe.宇宙不仅膨胀,而且正在加速膨胀,其原因有两个:一是星系质量损失;二是星系环绕宇宙中心旋转。

2.This paper introduces a new special mechanical drive, which can lead the leaves of the glass louver torevolve.通过采用特殊的机械传动装置,不仅可以使玻璃百叶窗的叶片旋转,而且克服了玻璃叶片重量较大无法升降的缺点,实现了玻璃百叶窗的自由升降的功能。

3.The paper elaborates on the relations between therevolve of Javelin and pressure resistance,deflection force,ascensus force as well as stability.运用空气动力学原理,对标枪的纵轴旋转与压强阻力、偏向力、上升力及稳定性的关系进行分析研究,以更好地指导运动训练的实践。


