100字范文 > 漳州 Zhangzhou英语短句 例句大全

漳州 Zhangzhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-25 07:20:14


漳州 Zhangzhou英语短句 例句大全



1.Nutrient export patterns from an agricultural catchment of basin hill in Fujian province——case as Wuchuan subwatershed,Zhangzhou city;福建盆谷型农业小流域氮磷流失模式分析——以漳州市五川流域为例

2.Briefly Discussing the Wetland Resource Protection and Development inZhangzhou City;浅议漳州市湿地资源保护与发展

3.Studies on peak bone density inZhangzhou Area;漳州市健康人群定量超声骨量峰值研究


1.Damin Foodstuff (Zhangzhou) Co., Ltd.大闽食品(漳州)有限公司

2.Zhangzhou Kylin Electronic Co., Ltd.漳州麒麟电子有限公司

3.An Investigation on the Similarities of Zhangzhou Porcelainsand Fengxi Porcelains of Chaozhou;与漳州窑瓷近似的潮州枫溪窑瓷初探

4.There are Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, ZhangZhou, Putian, six major coastal ports of Ningde now.现有福州,厦门,泉州,漳州,莆田,宁德六大沿海港口。

5.Zhangzhou Wanjia Ceramic Industry Co., Ltd.漳州万佳陶瓷工业有限公司

6.A Study of Port Economy for China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone;招商局漳州开发区港口经济发展研究

7.Prediction and Preventative Strategies of Earthquake Damage of Buildings in Uban Area of Zhangzhou City;漳州市区建筑物震害预测及防御对策

8.Taking science and technology innovation as support to develop Zhangzhou modern agriculture;以科技创新为支撑发展漳州现代农业

9.On "Zao Qi","Zao Dun" and "Tou Zao" in Zhangzhou Dialects;说漳州方言中的“早起”、“早顿”和“头早”

10.Norms Establishment of SCL-90 among Zhangzhou Normal University Freshmen;漳州师范学院SCL-90新生常模的建立

11.Epitaph and Brief Biographical Sketch of the Number One Scholar Lin Zhen in Ming Dynasty;漳州明代状元林震的《墓志铭》与《行状》

12.Study on construct land change and economic development of Zhangzhou City;漳州市建设用地变化与经济发展研究

13.SWOT Analysis of Extend the Industry Chain of Flowers and Plants of Zhangzhou;延伸漳州花卉产业链的SWOT分析

14.Tone Sandhi of the Suffix [a]仔 of Zhangzhou dialect in Fujian province;漳州方言“仔”缀词的两字组连读变调

15.Project Design Research to Basic Pit Support for Zhangzhou Jinsui Building;漳州金穗大厦基坑支护工程设计研究

16.Study of Song of Zhangzhou in Yang-e Tablature, Kun (《Yang e yuepu· kun》suozai 《zhangzhou qu》chutan);《洋峨乐谱·坤》所载《漳州曲》初探

17.On the Constrution of Digital City-Zhangzhou Developing Zone;关于建设“数字城市”——漳州开发区的思考

18.Pushing the Crossover Style Development of Zhangzhou Forestry with Building Fast Growing and High Yielding Forests;建设速丰林,推进漳州林业跨越式发展


Zhangzhou city漳州

1.Prognoses of Possible Land Subsidence Brought on by Extraction of Geothermal Resources in Zhangzhou City,Fujian Province;漳州地下热水开采与地面沉降预测

2.General planning feature of Longchi economic development zone inZhangzhou city;析漳州龙池经济开发区总体规划特色

3.Primary Exploration on the Geological Background of Planting Narcissus in Zhangzhou City;漳州水仙花农业地质背景初探


1.Status of PSP in waters ofZhangzhou,Fujian;福建漳州海域麻痹性贝毒的污染状况调查

4)Zhangzhou city漳州市

1.Study of Comprehensive Control of Lymantria xylina in Zhangzhou City;漳州市木毒蛾综合治理的研究

2.A Study of Dynamic Change of Rural Residential Land Based on GIS——A Case Study of Zhangzhou City,Fujian Province;基于GIS的农村居民点用地动态变化分析——以福建省漳州市为例

3.Study on construct land change and economic development of Zhangzhou City;漳州市建设用地变化与经济发展研究


1.Dynamic Monitoring of the Littoral Shelter Forest Changes inZhangzhou of SE China Using Remote Sensing Technology;漳州市沿海防护林变化的遥感动态监测

2.Research on Remote Sensing Dynamic Monitoring of Change of Land Cover and Its Driving Forces inZhangzhou;漳州市土地覆被变化的遥感动态监测及驱动力分析

3.An overview of development of flower industry inZhangzhou,Fujian;漳州市花卉产业化发展探讨

6)Zhangzhou lichee漳州荔枝

1.At the same time it expounds in detail the thoughts and counter measures for promoting lichee industry in Zhangzhou;improving quality of lichee,upgrading the ability of processing,fresh keeping and comprehensive production;expanding marketing and exportingZhangzhou lichee.从分析漳州荔枝产业现状入手,明确指出造成漳州荔枝产业困境的八大原因;同时针对现状和困境,详细阐述推进漳州荔枝产业发展,提升漳州荔枝品质、加工保鲜及综合生产能力,拓展漳州荔枝营销和出口的思路和对策;并对近年来提升漳州荔枝产业发展的有益经验进行总结,为今后的发展进行探索。


漳州漳州ZhangzhouZhan9zhc"u漳州 (Zhangzhou)中国历史文化私城,东南沿海要地之一,福建省辖市。位于福建省南部,九龙江下游,东距厦门70T米,西南距广东省汕头210千米。辖芗城、龙文2区,龙海市和平和、南靖、诏安、漳浦、华安、东山、长泰、云霄8县,面积12 874平方千米,人口450万。其中,市区面积366平方千米、人lJ 51万(2000);海域面干J{1.86厅平方千米,海岸线曲线长一620千米。秦属闽中郡。汉分属会稽郡和南海郡。晋分属晋安郡和义安郡。隋属建安郡龙溪县。唐垂拱二一年(‘686)置漳州,贞元二年(786)迂至今治,此后为历代州、路、府、道冶所。因卅I治傍漳江而得名。1 950年改称龙溪区。1951年由龙溪县城·区、i:区设氍漳州市。1985年升为地级市。地处华南丘陵地东端。地形以丘陵地为丰,海拔80—300米,川有平原分布。漳州平原是福建省最大平原。地势西:I匕高、东南低,内陆至沿海呈山地、匠陵和平原的阶状分布。博平岭横冗西北,戴云山余脉深入北部境内,表层多露岩,间有树林植被覆薷。全境最高峰为平和县内的大芹山,海拔1 545米。九龙汀由西北向东r}j流经漳州北部,车龙海入海,全长1 923干米,为福建第■大河。漳汀傍穿市区南郊,征市区东部与九龙江汇合。
