100字范文 > 灵活 flexibility英语短句 例句大全

灵活 flexibility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-05 01:17:26


灵活 flexibility英语短句 例句大全



1.We should adopt a cautious method combined with theflexibility when defining the constitution of confusion of personality.判定人格混同应采取谨慎与灵活相结合的判定方法。

2.Also it poses that equivalent effect translation can smooth away the contradiction amongflexibility,accuracy and fluency.笔者认为可译性的根据为等效翻译提供了理论基础,并将以实例从语言形式、文化和文体风格三方面论证等效翻译的可能性,同时论证等效翻译能够消除灵活、准确与通顺之间的矛盾。

3.According to the investigation of economical characters and the market supply, we will do much work on the building theory s appropriateness ,motion,flexibility, and the unity of system ,then we will give out the most suitable program of curriculum building.在理论适度化、动态化、灵活性、系统完整性几个方面进行改革探索,根据各地区的经济发展特点和市场需求,探索出优化的电大高职班课程设置方案。


1.Limber or agile in movement.行动灵便的在运动中轻柔或灵活的

2.influence or control shrewdly or deviously.机灵或灵活的影响或控制。

3.Sound and movement make information come alive.声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。

anize production and sale of products according to market demand and price changes.价格随行就市,灵活经营。

5.SmartUpdateConfigure software installation灵活更新配置软件安装

6.Stability and reactivity稳定性和反应灵活性

7.The automatic works very well .自动装置运转很灵活。

8.a very manoeuvrable car操纵高度灵活的小轿车

9.Wiry and agile.柔韧的坚硬且灵活的

10.proposals for more flexible rostering较灵活的值勤安排建议

11.Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。

12.RADSL is a more flexible technology.RADSL是一种更灵活的技术。

13.sewing with nimble fingers以灵活的手指缝纫.

14.Tell him Ali was too smart.告诉他阿里非常灵活.

15.He was quick and agile and he didn"t mind losing.他敏捷,灵活,输了不在乎。

16.Hinges work better with oil.铰链上油后就灵活了。

17.flexible use of tracks车站线路的灵活使用

18.Selective Traffic Enforcement Policy [STEP]灵活执行交通法例政策



1.Research and design onflexible data acquisition device;功能可灵活配置数据采集器的研制

2.Which emphasizes that the library must be open、flexible、safe、applicable.强调了图书馆在保证开放、灵活、安全、适用的同时还要注重其美观和舒适,营造良好的室内外环境。


1.This paper comments the design of natural resourceseconomy,life-cycle and property of pleasantness andflexbility.本文在资源经济、全寿命设计和宜人性、灵活性设计三个方面做以论述。

4)Rapid and flexibility快速灵活


1.Discussion onflexibility of municipal project quality supervision;浅谈市政工程质量监督工作的灵活性

2.Research of realization of the decision support systemflexibility;实现决策支持系统的灵活性研究

3.Improvingflexibility of refurnishment & reorganizationfor brick-concrete housing;提高砖混住宅装修改造的灵活性


1.Study on wrist dexterity of minimally invasive surgical robot;微创外科机器人手腕灵活性的研究

2.Topological structure optimization of medical hybrid robot based on dexterity;CT导航混联医疗机器人灵活性研究

3.Although it is difficult for surgical robot to have full dexterous workspace,surgical robot must have high dexterity orienting to minimally invasive surgery.微创手术给外科机器人提出了较高的灵活性要求,但是机器人很难具有完全灵活的工作空间。


灵活1.敏捷﹔不呆板。 2.善于应变﹔不拘泥。
