100字范文 > 惠州 Huizhou英语短句 例句大全

惠州 Huizhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 00:51:02


惠州 Huizhou英语短句 例句大全



1.Gini Coefficient Method Applied in Total Pollutant Load Allocation for Water Bodies inHuizhou City;基尼系数法在惠州市水污染物总量负荷分配中的应用

2.Nitrogen flow inHuizhou region.;惠州地区氮流动力学分析

3.Investigation of dental caries of 1 163 children inHuizhou;惠州市1 163名小学生龋病调查


1.Research on Native Youngsters Attitudes Towards Huizhou Dialect;惠州本土年轻人对惠州方言的态度研究

2.On the Compafiabilihy of Su Dongpo and Huizhou--Dongpo s life in Huizhon,the cultare and its modern use;东坡惠州两相成——东坡寓惠文化及其现代利用

3.On Industrial Zone Development in Huicheng Area;对惠州市惠城区工业园区建设的调查与思考

4.On the Strategy of Huizhou s Economic and Social Development--Speeding up the process of Huizhou s wrbanization;关于惠州市经济社会发展战略的思考——加快推进惠州城市化进程

5.On Three "Dongs" -The Kernel of Huizhou Culture--Talking on excavating the travel culture in Huizhou;三“东”:惠州文化的精髓——兼谈开挖惠州旅游文化的构想

6.Marketing Study of Consumption Credit in Guangdong Huizhou Construction Bank of China;广东惠州建设银行消费贷款营销研究

7.On the Actuality and Countermeasures of Pawnbroking in Huizhou City;惠州市典当业的发展现状与对策选择

8.Investigation of Herb of West Lake Spot in Huizhou City;惠州市西湖风景区草本植物资源调查

9.Investigation on the Ornamental Plants in Dongjiang Tree Park of Huizhou;惠州市东江树木园观赏植物资源调查

10.Questionnaire and Report on the Freshmen UPI of Huizhou University;惠州学院05级新生UPI问卷调查报告

11.Investigation on Woody Plant Resourses of West Lake Spot in Huizhou;惠州市西湖风景区木本植物资源调查

12.A Control Study of Adaptive Behavior Feature of External Primary School Student in Huizhou;惠州市外来小学生适应行为特点研究

13.Strategic Orientation of Huizhou Port in the Pearl River Delta;惠州港在珠江三角洲战略定位的思考

14.Thought of the Cultural Competition of Huizhou City;惠州城市文化竞争力问题的几点思考


16.On the Three Levels of "Three Dong" Cultures of Huizhou and their Cultivation;惠州“三东”文化价值的三个层次及开发

17.On Strengthening Regional cooperation between Huizhou city libraries;加强惠州城市图书馆区域协作之设想

18.Study on 2000 Year’s survey of national constitution in Huizhou City;惠州市2000年国民体质测试结果分析


Huizhou city惠州

1.Through the case analysis on the planning of two rivers bank inHuizhou city,it was clarified that the charm of river bank landscape should come form the basis of natural resources,fulltapping of regional river bank cultural characteristics,blengingfeatured landscape,and organic integration of art,ecology and diversity.通过对惠州两江四岸园林绿化景观规划分析,提出特色鲜明的滨河景观所表现出的迷人魅力,必然是充分利用自然资源和挖掘地域文化特色,集艺术性、生态性、多样性为一体的有机统一。

2.The paper analyzes the present situation of theHuizhou city botanical garden.通过分析惠州城市园林绿化的现状,指出存在问题,分析产生原因,研究解决对策。

3.17 kinds of organochlorine pesticides(OCPs) in 6 agricultural soil profiles of Huizhou City were detected.对惠州市6个样点的农业土壤剖面样品的17种有机氯农药残留量进行了测定,探讨了土壤剖面有机氯农药的残留现状和分布特征。

3)Huizhou area惠州地区

1.An analysis of creation conditions for Miocene stratigraphic and lithologic traps inHuizhou area,Pearl River Mouth basin;珠江口盆地惠州地区中新统地层岩性圈闭形成条件分析

4)Huizhou West Lake惠州西湖

1.Study on Eutrophication inHuizhou West Lake;惠州西湖富营养化现状调查

2.Preliminary study on the characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the sediments ofHuizhou West Lake;惠州西湖底泥中氮磷特征的初步研究

3.The study of phosphorus model ofHuizhou West Lake, Guangdong;惠州西湖磷模型的初级研究

5)Huizhou port惠州港

1.Study on the Relationship of Huizhou Port and Huizhou Economy惠州港与惠州经济的相关性研究

2.Present situation and development tendency of marine environmental protection of pollution from vessels and dangerous cargo management inHuizhou port is analyzed.分析惠州港防治船舶污染和危险品管理工作的现状及其发展趋势 ,结合惠州港海域的特点 ,从危险品管理和防治船舶污染的角度 ,探讨了防范对策和管理思路。

3.Huizhou port has been developed rapidly in recent years and is drawing more and more interest.惠州港近年来得到快速发展,受到普遍的关注,但很少有人考虑惠州港可持续发展的问题。

6)Huizhou depression惠州凹陷

1.Characters of the sedimentary facies of Paleogene Zhujiang Formation inHuizhou depression,Zhujiangkou basin,China;珠江口盆地惠州凹陷HZ25-3-2井珠江组沉积相特征

2.Provenance analysis of the Palaeogene strata in theHuizhou depression,Zhujiangkou Basin,Guangdong;珠江口盆地惠州凹陷古近系物源分析

3.Sequence stratigraphy and distribution of Palaeogene Enping Formation inHuizhou depression;惠州凹陷古近系恩平组层序地层划分及展布特征


上元夜(惠州作)【诗文】:前年侍玉辇,端门万枝灯。璧月挂罘罳,珠星缀觚棱。去年中山府,老病亦宵兴。牙旗穿夜市,铁马响春冰。今年江海上,云房寄山僧。亦复举膏火,松间见层层。散策桄榔林,林疏月鬅鬙。使君置酒罢,箫鼓转松陵。狂生来索酒,(贾道人也。)一举辄数升。浩歌出门去,我亦归瞢腾。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷二十三
