100字范文 > 风味 flavor英语短句 例句大全

风味 flavor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-14 22:32:10


风味 flavor英语短句 例句大全



1.The identification of specific aroma inflavor of natural milk fat using the cooperation of GC-O and GC-MS;GC-O与GC-MS结合鉴定天然乳脂风味中的特征致香成分

2.Changes of meatflavor during postmortem aging;宰后肉成熟过程中的风味变化

3.Milk Flavor Substances and The Effect Factors In Milk;牛奶中风味物质及其影响因素


1.Typical Chinese local dishes taste wonderful.中国风味莱,味道好极了。

2.It offers food of Hunan flavor, which is hot and spicy.湖南风味,口味香辣。

3.What sort of food would you like, peppery taste or sweet taste?你喜欢吃什么风味的菜,辣味还是甜味?

4.Local snacks are fresh, delicious and tasty.风味小吃,样样新鲜、美味、可口。

5.add zest or flavor to, make more interesting.为了使更有趣而增加风味或滋味。

6.Natural color and luster, mild flavor, sweet and sour taste and nice mouth feel.色泽天然、风味平和、口味甜酸、入口性好。

7.The wine has a certain race.这个酒有一种特殊风味。

8.having been given flavor (as by seasoning).有风味的(加了作料后)。

9.a restaurant specializing in Indonesian dishes印度尼西亚风味的餐馆.

10.an ethnic restaurant具有民族风味的饭店.

11.Coconut trees and palms have a tropical fiavour.椰林棕榈,热带风味。

12.To make European.使欧化,使具有欧洲风味

13.with flavours of stews and gravies具有各种炖的、卤的风味

14.The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour.海外游子思念家乡风味。

15.Yes, typical for a certain area.在一些地区算是风味菜,

16.The special of the day is a roast of pork .当天的风味菜是烤猪肉。

17.Add zest to sth.增加某物的风味[兴趣]

18.This poem has the distinctive flavour of a ballad.这首诗有民歌风味。



1.The Compatibility of Granulated Flavour Tea;颗粒风味茶的风味协调性试验

2.Study on the proteolysis of dry cured goose and its influenceonflavour in processing period;风鹅加工过程中蛋白质分解及其对产品风味的影响

3.Research on influence of UHT sterilization onflavour of fresh green tea juice;UHT杀菌对绿茶饮料风味的影响研究


1.Effects of casein hydrolysate (CH) on fermentation time,starter dosage,viscosity,taste,mouthfeel and stability of yogurt with YC-380,ABT-7 and FAST-89 as starters were studied in the paper.本文研究了酪蛋白水解产物对YC-380、ABT-7、FAST-89为发酵剂的酸奶发酵时间、发酵剂用量、粘度、风味、口感以及稳定性的影响。

2.Effects of hydrolysis degree of milk protein treated with papain and of yeast protein by cell autolysis ontaste were studied.对木瓜酶解蛋白奶及酵母自溶过程中蛋白水解度与其风味特征的研究结果表明,处于β-转角的氨基酸最先受到蛋白酶的攻击,其次是α-螺旋的N端和C端氨基酸。


1.Study and development of new typeflavoring for ham;新型火腿风味调味料的研究与开发

5)salt flavor matter咸味风味物

1.The study and the development of the new typesalt flavor matter;新型咸味风味物质的研究与开发

6)fish flavors鱼味风味物


风味事物的特色(多指地方色彩):~小吃 ㄧ家乡~ㄧ江南~ㄧ这首诗有民歌~。
