100字范文 > 荧光 fluorescence英语短句 例句大全

荧光 fluorescence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-11 07:36:31


荧光 fluorescence英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of Amino Acid on the Fluorescence of CdTe Quantum Dots;氨基酸对CdTe量子点荧光性质的影响

2.Influence of an olfactory marker protein on thefluorescence enhancement of europium nanoparticles;嗅蛋白对铕纳米颗粒荧光增强效应的研究

3.Automatic interpretation offluorescence image by using image processing technique;利用图像处理技术进行荧光图像的自动解释


1.Of or relating to fluorescence.荧光的荧光的或与荧光有关的

2.luminescence spectrum发光光谱,荧光光谱

3.any of various fluorescent substances used in fluorescence microscopy to stain specimens.用于荧光显微术中给标本染上荧光的荧光物质。

4.fluorescent multilayer disc荧光多层磁盘,[港]荧光多层光盘

5.Er and Defect Photoluminesence in Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon;a-Si:H中的光致Er荧光及缺陷荧光研究

6.gaseous discharge lamp(荧光)气体放电管

7.pluorescent printing ink for PVC filamentPVC丝印荧光油墨

8.internal fluorescent lighting内设[验布]荧光灯

9.sensitized fluorescence敏化的荧光(现象)

10.IFA (immunofluorescence assay)免疫荧光测定(法)

11.A radar screen is not unlike a television.雷达荧光屏跟电视荧光屏一样。

12.To undergo, produce, or show fluorescence.发荧光经受、发出或显露荧光

13.Examination by means of a fluoroscope.荧光检查用荧光检查仪检查

14.fluorescent glass荧光玻璃,发光玻璃

15.flame atomic fluorescence spectrometry火焰原子荧光光谱法

16.general rules for fluorometric analysis荧光光度分析法通则

17.DC electroluminescent phosphor直流电致发光荧光粉

18.absolute recording spectrofluorimeter全记录式荧光光谱仪



1.The study ofluminescence and growth of CdSe quantum dots at different reaction temperature;不同温度下硒化镉(CdSe)量子点的生长及荧光性研究

2.Luminescence Enhancement of Phthalate-Eu-Sr Complex;邻苯二甲酸铕锶络合物体系荧光的增强

3.Green Luminescence Analysis of Ytterbium-doped Double-clad Silica Fiber;掺Yb~(3+)双包层光纤中的绿光荧光分析


1.Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Tb~(3+)-Acetylacetone Ternary Complexes Doped with La~(3+) or Y~(3+);掺杂镧、钇的铽(Ⅲ)乙酰丙酮三元配合物的合成及荧光性质研究

2.Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Eu ~(3+)-Dibenzoylmethane-1, 10-Phenanthroline Ternary Complexes Doped with La~(3+),Y~(3+) or Gd~(3+);稀土掺杂铕(Ⅲ)二苯甲酰甲烷邻菲咯啉三元配合物的合成和荧光性质

3.Effect of Thermal Treatment of Nanotubed H_2Ti_2O_4(OH)_2 on Photoluminescence Properties;真空100℃热处理对纳米管钛酸荧光性质的影响


1.The peripheral modifying with self-assemble of dendrimer and the phase transferr of the encapsulatedfluorescent guests;树状大分子的自组装表面修饰与荧光客体分子的相转移

2.Studies on the synthesis andfluorescent properties of PAMAMDSCL dendrimer;树枝状大分子PAMAM-DSCL的合成及其荧光性能研究

3.The density functional theory study on thefluorescent emission spectra of naphthaline derivatives;萘类衍生物荧光发射光谱的密度泛函理论研究

5)chlorophyll fluorescence荧光

1.s),12 h photoperiod)on photosynthesis in pepper leaves treated under controlled conditions for 15 d were investigated,using CO_2 exchange andchlorophyll fluorescence parameters.在人工控制环境下,利用叶绿素荧光和光合气体交换测定技术,研究了15℃恒温、5℃恒温和15℃/5℃(昼/夜)变温对辣椒光合作用的影响。

2.4 ,the effect of calcium on growth andchlorophyll fluorescence of cucumber seedlings under hypoxia was studed.采用营养液栽培,以根际低氧耐性不同的2个黄瓜品种为试验材料,研究了Ca2+对根际低氧胁迫下黄瓜幼苗生长和叶片荧光特性的影响。

3.Under the artificial arid condition, the changes of the relative leaf water content,thechlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic pigment content of Pistacia weinmannifolia and Pistacia chinensis were studied.人为模拟干旱条件下 ,研究了黄连木、清香木幼苗的叶片相对含水量 (RWC)、荧光和光合色素的变化情况 ,同时对胁迫后期两树种幼苗的生存率也进行了调查分析 。


1.Bulky substituents at 2,9 position of 1,10-phenanthroline will be favourable for the enhancement offlourescence.2,9-二取代基的菲咯啉有利于荧光的增强和稳定,本文合成了一种重要前体2,9-二氯-1,10-菲咯啉。


