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形而上学 metaphysics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-25 23:32:56


形而上学 metaphysics英语短句 例句大全



1.From the Steps of Divinity to Metaphysics——The study of the technological philosophy thoughts of Desssauer;从神学阶梯走向形而上学——德绍尔技术哲学思想研究

2.Mathematical truth: from divinemetaphysics to human cultural construction—Comment on “Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty” by Morris. Kline;数学真理:从神性化的形而上学到人性化的文化构建──兼评M.克莱因的《数学:确定性的丧失》

3.A Preliminary Research into the Metaphysics:A Reply to Mr.Chen Ming;形而上学略论——回复陈明先生


1.Meditationes de Prima Philosophia《形而上学的沉思》

2.pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.关于形而上学或具有形而上学特征。

3.Deconstruction Theory and Metaphysics vs Anti-metalphysics;解构论形而上学与反形而上学的视阈

4.A Comparison between Chinese Metaphysicsand Western Metaphysics;形而上学刍议——中西形而上学之比较

5.The Metaphysics and Anti-metaphysics in Western Scientific Philosophy;西方科学哲学中的形而上学与反形而上学

6.From Metaphysics to Post-metaphysics: on Habermas Post-metaphysical Thinking;从形而上学到后形而上学——论哈贝马斯的后形而上学之思

7.Metaphysics is a doctrine affirming only one aspect.形而上学是一点论。

8.a deep metaphysical theory.深奥的形而上学理论

9.refinements of metaphysical thought形而上学思考的微细

10.Wu and You:Laozi s metaphysics;“无”与“有”:《老子》的形而上学

11.Metaphysica and Xing ershangxue:Reflections on Daoxue from Comparative Philosophy;形上学与形而上学:从比较哲学出发的道学沉思

12.On Relationships between Dao, Tilings and Images: Thinking on the metaphysics of philosophy;道、器、形之间——中西哲学形而上学的通汇

13.Metaphysical Sense of the Unity of Opposites Doctrine--Reading Aristotle s Metaphysics;形而上学意义上的对立统一学说——读亚里士多德的《形而上学》

14.Three Reversals in the Development of Metaphysics--Reflections on Heidegger"s Metaphysics形而上学发展史上的三次翻转——海德格尔形而上学之思的启迪

15.How to Have Metaphysics as Science--Perspective on the "General Issue" in the Guide of Future Metaphysics;作为科学的形而上学何以可能——《未来形而上学导论》之“总问题”透视

16.What is Metaphysics Exactly--To Clarify a Misurderstanding of Metaphysics Marxist Philosophy Circles;究竟何谓“形而上学”——澄清马克思主义哲学界对形而上学的一种误解

17.Metaphysic:An Abused Philosophical Term;遭受不公的哲学话语:“形而上学”——“形而上学”及其意义考察

18.Questioning the Scientificality of Metaphysics;形而上学的科学性质疑——解读康德的《未来形而上学导论》



1.On the base of reviewing the realization of Newton,Kant and Einstein about the nature,this paper discusses the development process of the outlook on nature from "metaphysic" to "materialist dialectic".本文在回顾牛顿、康德和爱因斯坦有关自然认识的基础上 ,讨论了近代自然观由“形而上学”到“唯物辩证”的发展历程 。

2.By means of the natural history of "zero", and with "zero" as a theme to broach, we can thinkmetaphysical questions in double senses: The one kind is the epistemologicalmetaphysics, based on the perceptual-rational-differentiate; it is related with the Zero as vacancy between numbers.借助于“零”的自然发展史,并以“零”作切入点,可以思考两种意义上的形而上学问题:一种是基于感性、理性两分之基础上的认识论形而上学,它与作为数字间空位的零相关。

3.Metaphysics is not only isolated,static and one-sided mode of thinking,the reasonable implications ofmetaphysic refer also to the study of system,the study of trenscendence,and the study of rethinking.形而上学不只是孤立、静止、片面的思维方式,形而上学的合理含义还指“体”系之学、超越之学、反思之学,马克思本人的哲学鲜明地体现出形而上学的这三个维度,而后来的马克思主义哲学却失落了其神韵和真精神。


1.Empiricism as the methodology —— on the opinion ofanti-metaphysics in late Wittgenstein s philosophy;作为方法论的经验主义——论维特根斯坦后期哲学反形而上学主张

2.From the macroscopic point of view,the history of philosophy is one of conflict between metaphysics and its opposite,anti-metaphysics.从宏观意义上讲,哲学的历史是一部形而上学与反形而上学斗争的历史,形而上学与反形而上学是相对而言。

4)old metaphysics旧形而上学

1.What the development of the main content of Mathematics de- stroyed is transcendental truth ofold metaphysics;and the application that the concrete mathematical theories have showed in practice depends on its concrete truth.我们认为这实际上是在宣扬一种数学神秘主义的观点;而数学主体内容的发展摧毁的是旧形而上学的先验"真理"观;具体数学理论在人类实践活动中显示出来的适用性,依赖于其具体的"真理"性。


1.Most scholars think that Nietzsche is anantimetaphysics-philosopher, but in his wordantimetaphysics is Nihilism.大多数学者认为尼采是一位反形而上学的哲学家 ,而反形而上学用尼采本人的话来说就是虚无主义。


1.Counter reflections ofpost-metaphysics in the west——On the deconstruction and construction of the interactive human rhythm;西方“后形而上学”之反思——兼谈“解构”与“建构”双向律动的人文变奏

2.Anti-Metaphysics or Post-Metaphysics?;反形而上学还是后形而上学

3.Reality sense of habermaspost-metaphysics;哈贝马斯后形而上学的现实意义


