100字范文 > 用药规律 medication rule英语短句 例句大全

用药规律 medication rule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-05 02:27:18


用药规律 medication rule英语短句 例句大全

用药规律,medication rule

1)medication rule用药规律

1.Analysis onmedication rule of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diabetic nephropathy糖尿病肾病中医治疗用药规律分析

2.[Objective] To explore themedication rule of Professor Ding Shu-wen in treating tachycardia.[目的]探讨丁书文教授治疗心动过速的用药规律。

3.Methods 102 literatures on TCM treating diabetes effectively were collected and 102 formulas were selected single herbs in which were input into software Excel 2000 to establish a database,and then statistic method was used to analyze it\"smedication rule.目的研究分析治疗2型糖尿病的用药规律。


1.Study on Traditional Chinese Medication Rule in Therapying Coronary Heart Disease;中医药治疗冠心病临床用药规律研究

2.Analysis of Medication Rule on Diabetes Ⅱ Patients Treated with TCM中医药治疗2型糖尿病用药规律分析

3.A Data Mining Experiment on the Clinical Law of Chinese Herbs Compatibility in Blood Stasis Syndrome;血瘀证临床用药规律的数据挖掘试验

4.Metrological Study on Prescription Regularity of Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Seasonal Febritle Diseases;《温病条辨》方用药规律计量学研究

5.Prescription Regularity Study on Hypomenorrhea by Medical Records of Masters月经过少名家医案组方用药规律研究

6.The Study of Characteristics and Medicine Laws for Curing Amenorrhea by Chen Zi-Ming陈自明论治闭经特色及用药规律研究

7.Regularity of Chinese compound prescription for the treatment of childhood minimal brain dysfunction中药复方治疗儿童多动症的用药规律研究

puter Assisted Analysis of Using Drugs Regularity of Professor Ding Shuwen;丁书文教授用药规律的计算机辅助分析

9.Discussion on TCM Syndrome Classification of 200 Breast Cancer Cases and the Rules of Application of Chinese Herbal Medicine;200例乳腺癌中医证型分布及用药规律的探讨

10.Study of Prescribing Rules on the Spleen-stomach Damp-heat in Digestive System in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties;唐宋元时期消化道脾胃湿热证用药规律研究

11.Study of Prescribing Rules on the Treatment of Arthralgia(Osteoarthritis) in Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties;唐宋元医家论治骨痹(骨关节炎)用药规律研究

12.Study on Medicine Law for Treating Arthralgia with Other Joint Sympotoms (Osteoarthritis) in the Ming-Qing Dynasty;明清医家论治骨痹(骨关节炎)用药规律研究

13.The Chinese Medicine Treats Diabetes the Peripheral Nerve Pathological Change Medication Rule to Search Micro;中医治疗消渴病并发痹证用药规律探微

14.The Study on the Medication Rule of Clinical Basic Syndromes of Small Intestinal Disease小肠腑病临床基本证候用药规律的研究

15.To Research Etiology and Drugs of Prescription Rule for Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss by Ancient and Modern Literature突发性耳聋组方用药规律的古今文献研究

16.Study of Modern Using Medicine Regulation in the Treatment of Psoriasis with TCM中医治疗银屑病相关文献的用药规律研究

17.Discussion of etiology and disease-bit of diabetes mellitus by laws of using drugs试从临床用药规律论消渴病的病因病位

18.Analysis on Syndrome Types and Formula Application in Myoma of Uterus in Chinese Medicine in Recent 30 Years近30年临床子宫肌瘤中医证型和用药规律分析


Using drugs regularity用药规律

1.The important purpose of this task is to mineusing drugs regularity .本课题的主要目的是依据数据挖掘技术,通过收集治疗典型病例的众多医案,从大量有噪声、不完整甚至是不一致的数据中,挖掘出典型病例的用药规律,为中医临床治疗、中医药教学及中成药的研制提供参考。

3)the principle of herbs used by TCM treatment用药规律

1.Objective: To initially realize quantitative diagnosis of frequent TCM syndrome ofhepatocirrhosis and studythe principle of herbs used by TCM treatment.目的:初步实现肝硬化中医常见证候的计量诊断及探讨肝硬化的用药规律。


1.Objective: Grey relational analysis(GRA) and fuzzy clustering analysis(FCA) are adopted to discuss theregularity of compound herbal formulae for OP.目的:应用灰关联分析及聚类分析等数据挖掘方法探讨治疗骨质疏松症的用药规律。

5)Chinese drug laws中药用药规律

6)herbal prescription rule用药组方规律


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
