100字范文 > 文学价值观 Values英语短句 例句大全

文学价值观 Values英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-27 18:57:28


文学价值观 Values英语短句 例句大全



1.On theValues of Taiwan Local Literature;论20世纪70年代台湾乡土文学价值观


1.The Values Systems of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and the Values of Traditional Chinese Literature;20世纪中国文学价值系统与传统文学价值观

2.On the Values of Taiwan Local Literature;论20世纪70年代台湾乡土文学价值观

3.Formation of Cultural Value Sense System From Subjective View;论主体观照下的文学价值观念体系构成

4.From “Three-immortal” to “Writing Is Harmful to DAO”--A Research on the Literary Values of Middle-Tang Dynasty;从“三不朽”到“作文害道”——对中唐文学价值观的考察

5.Theory of Lin Yutang s essay in 1930 s from the idea of literary value;从文学价值观念看林语堂30年代的小品文理论

6.Conflict And Intergrowth:The Meeting Of Two Kinds Of Literary Value--the Analysis of Xia -Zhi qing s Literary Concept;冲突与共生:两种文学价值观的交遇——夏志清的文学理念整体观

7.The concepts on scientific paper evaluation: based on motivation,valuation and quality;基于动机、价值、质量的科学论文评价观

8.They pass on culture, traditions and values.学校还得传递文化、统和价值观念。

9.The Cross-cultural Comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese Students Work Values;中越大学生职业价值观的跨文化比较

10.On Harmonic Value of Marxist Literary Theory;马克思主义文艺学的和谐价值观探析

11.Beauty can be seen from Yao Dian--A tentative analysis on Yao Dian′s literary value;《尧典》可以观美——试析《尧典》的文学价值

12.Scientific Value of Outlook on Artificial Nature for Cultural Development;人工自然观对于文化发展的科学价值

13.University Students Value of Consumption in Facing Cultural Imperialism;大学生消费价值观遭遇文化帝国主义

14.The Construction of the Quality Education of the Humanities and the College Students Values;人文素质教育与大学生价值观的构建

15.A Tentative Analysis into the Present College Students Cultural Value in East & West China;试析东西部大学生文化价值观的现状

16.A Summary of the Studies on the Value of Literature in 1990s;20世纪90年代文艺价值学研究概观

17.Macro-value and Fundamental Function of "Northern Literature;“北方文学”的宏观价值与基本功能

18.On the Consumption Character of Popular Literature and Its Value;通俗文学消费性特征与价值观念刍议


cultural values文化价值观

1.A Comparative Study on Cultural Values Embodied in Chinese and American Public Service Advertising;中美公益广告文化价值观对比

2.Based on the discussion of working dynamics and perception of metaphors,this thesis aims at categorizing the common vehicles in digital merchandise advertisements and exploring thecultural values behind them.研究结果发现:自由、生活、成功、爱情、美、梦想、智慧、世界、自然、永恒是数码商品广告中的常见喻体;数码商品广告中的隐喻与中国特定的文化传统有着紧密的联系,即使是最时尚商品的广告也折射出最传统的文化价值观。

3)Cultural Value文化价值观

1.The research of college students cultural value is being paid more and more attention to in academic world.大学生文化价值观的研究越来越受到学术界的关注。

2.Although the basic structure of requests and the request sequence is a universal phenomenon, due to varied cultural values, languages differ in the actual realization of request strategies and modifications, which leads to different interactional styles.尽管请求言语行为的基本结构和序列具有普遍性特征 ,由于文化价值观存在差异 ,不同语言之间请求策略的选择和请求修饰语的使用不尽相同 ,形成了不同的交际风格。

3.Therefore, the knowledge of how cultural values affect conflict resolution styles will help us better understand how culturally different members can communicate effectively and resolve conf.所以了解文化价值观如何影响冲突解决风格会有助于我们更好的理解不同文化的成员怎样才能进行有效的交流和建设性的解决冲突。

4)culture values文化价值观

1.Based on the comparison of literature collection across time and space,this paper analyses the characteristics of literature collection and the effects ofculture values.文化价值观是深嵌于社会机制内部影响社会行为的一种动力,古代文献收藏活动同样也渗透着传统文化价值观的影响。

2.The aim of this article is to analysis how theculture values of enterprisers affect the corporate culture of their company.本文从企业家文化价值观与企业文化关系的角度,利用典型相关分析的方法,探讨了企业家文化价值观对企业文化的影响。

3.Therefore, it is very important to leadculture values into the construction of a harmonious rural society.因此,将文化价值观引入和谐农村建设的研究中,对于拓宽和谐农村建设研究的视角,弥补仅仅从经济、政治角度研究中存在的缺陷,有着重要的理论意义和实践价值。

5)cultural value outlook文化价值观

6)Literature Style Values文体价值观


