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Ask Me No Questions I'll Tell You No Lies

时间:2022-06-21 08:17:04


Ask Me No Questions  I'll Tell You No Lies

If only there were no questions involved in getting a job!

If you"ve ever been a fan of NBC"s "The Apprentice," you know who Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth is. She"s had the honor of being fired by Donald Trump (and others, according to "People" magazine).

On that show, Omarosa claimed that one of the other contestants made a racial slur against her.

According to website opinion polls at the time, only 10% of viewers believed Omarosa"s claim; 90% thought she was lying.

These poll results were showing BEFORE viewers of the April 15, episode saw Omarosa lie to members of her team, including her "boss." It wasn"t a little white lie, it was a biggy.

And it had nothing to do with trying to win the game, because she"d already been fired from the competition. I won"t go into the details... talking about Omarosa could keep me busy for about 50 pages.

I believe that, despite Omarosa"s obvious intelligence, talent and skills, her decision to tell lies rather than take responsibility for her actions (or inactions) is going to ruin her career.

It"s a real shame, because she has so much going for her. But her lying will be her undoing. And when she fails, she"s going to blame others. She reminds me of... uh-oh, I"m starting to get off on a tangent.

Back to my point... don"t lie to employers... or potential employers!

Telling a little white lie when you "call in sick," is one thing. Lying about your qualifications on your resume or during a job interview is quite another... do not do this, no matter how tempted you are! It will come back to haunt you!

When you"ve been struggling to find a new job, have you ever thought about:

Putting a friend"s name as your previous boss on the application?

Making something up about your experience so you"ll match the desired qualifications?
