100字范文 > 小学英语四年级Module5 UNIT1 We went to the Great Wall说课稿

小学英语四年级Module5 UNIT1 We went to the Great Wall说课稿

时间:2019-09-10 04:14:54


小学英语四年级Module5 UNIT1 We went to the Great Wall说课稿

一. 教学目标:

1. New words: the Great Wall, climb, mountain

2. Past tense: go—went, see—saw, eat—ate, have—had, buy—bought

3. New text.

4. New structures: We went to the Great Wall.

We saw lots of mountains.

We ate apples.

We had a good time.

二. 教学重难点:


三. 教学课时:


四. 教具:

Recorder, tape, CAI, computer, f/c

五. 教学步骤:

1. warm-up

sing a song. (PPT) stand up and sing.

2. Load-in:

a) T: OK! I want to ask you a question.

What do you like? (PPT) 传球

I like _________.

Ss answer it.

2) T: Do you know what do I like?

Ss guess.

T: I like travelling.

(PPT) T: Now guess, Where is it?

Last year, I went to Thailand.

And this year, I went to Malaysia.

I was very happy. I had a good time.

3) T: Now I also know Sam and Daming went to a great place in Beijing. Where did they go?

OK. Let’s learn Module 5 Unit 1. We went to the Great Wall.

3. Text.

a) T: I want to ask you a question . Where did they go?


T: Where did they go?

S1: They went to the Great Wall.

f/c the Great Wall

T: This is the Great Wall. It’s wonderful.

Read. girls and boys Read it one by one.


b) T: Usually we use “go”, but in past tense we use “went”

Read. go—went 板书

T: Where did you go on summer vacation?

Ss: I went to __________.

Work in pairs and feedback.

c) a)

T: Sam and Daming talked with Daming’s father.

What did Daming’s father want to konw?

Let’s see it. (PPT)

Qs: What did you see?

What did you eat?

What did you buy?

T: We usually use “see”, but in past tense we use “saw”(PPT)
