100字范文 > 综合导航 integrated navigation英语短句 例句大全

综合导航 integrated navigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-27 16:41:02


综合导航 integrated navigation英语短句 例句大全

综合导航,integrated navigation

1)integrated navigation综合导航

1.A method of shipintegrated navigation based on ALPHA and simulation;一种基于甚低频系统的舰船综合导航方法与仿真

2.We study theintegrated navigation system of medium-sized and pint-sized warships by using the information fusion technology, aim to solve the problems that existing medium-sized and pint-sized warship have no equipments for integrating navigation information and have to obtain those from various sources.采用信息融合技术研究中小型舰艇综合导航系统,目的是以解决现役中小型舰艇导航设备信息获取分散,没有导航信息综合处理装置的问题,结合姿态传感器,为武备使用提供精确的姿态信息。

3.This paper presents the trait of ALPHA navigation system and the model foundation ofintegrated navigation and filter realization.介绍了阿尔法导航系统的特点,提出了一种基于阿尔法信息的舰船综合导航方法,具体阐述了卡尔曼滤波数学模型的建立和滤波实现,并利用Matlab软件进行了仿真和结果分析。


1.marine integrated navigation system船舶综合导航系统船舶组合导航系统

2.The Applied Research of Integrated Navigation Display Console Based on VxWorks;基于VxWorks的综合导航显控台应用研究

3.Research of The Data Processing Technology of Marine Integrated Navigation System;舰船综合导航系统数据处理技术研究

4.Application of Communication on Synthesis Navigation System Based on CAN Bus;CAN总线在综合导航系统中的应用

5.Design of Integrated Navigation Console Based on Component基于构件的综合导航显控台系统设计

6.Research on Fault Detection of Integrated Navigation System综合导航系统中的故障检测技术研究

7.integrated navigation and autopilot system综合导航与自动驾驶系统组合导航与自动驾驶系统

8.Design and Implementation of the Integrated Navigation Display and Control Console Detecting Equipment;综合导航显控台综合检测装置系统设计及软件实现

9.Optimize Design and Realization of Integrated Navigation Display & Control Console System Software;综合导航显控台系统软件的优化设计与实现

10.Design of Dynamic and Configurable Integrated Navigation Display & Control Console System;动态可配置综合导航显控台系统软件设计

11.The Study and Design of Dual Computer Redundancy Integrated Navigation Information Disposal System双机冗余综合导航信息处理系统研究与设计

12.Researchon Real-time Distributed Fault-tolerant Integrated Navigation Simulation System实时分布式容错综合导航仿真系统技术研究

13.The Research on Techniques and Application of Multisensor Fault-tolerant Integrated Navigation System多传感器容错综合导航系统技术及其应用研究

14.integrated global navigation and surveillance system综合全球导航监视系统

15.marine aided inertial navigation system船舶综合惯性导航系统航海惯性导航系统

16.Research and Application of Information Fusion on Ship"s Integrated Navigation System舰船组合导航信息综合集成技术应用研究

17.Integrated Measurement System Design of Doppler Navigation Radar System机载多普勒导航雷达综合检测系统设计

18.Integrated Design Method of Cruise Missile Including Configuration, Aerodynamics and Radar Stealth巡航导弹外形/气动/雷达隐身综合设计方法


navigation syntheses导航综合体

3)positioning and composed navigation定位与综合导航

4)integrated navigation display and control console综合导航显控台

1.Design and Implementation of the Integrated Navigation Display and Control Console Detecting Equipment;综合导航显控台综合检测装置系统设计及软件实现

2.Theintegrated navigation display and control console(INDCC) was introduced and the basic structural model was built.介绍了综合导航显控台系统,根据系统的功能要求给出了综合导航显控台的基本结构模型,采用面向对象技术和UML对综合导航显控台进行了系统分析和系统设计,包括系统建模、系统动态分析、子系统划分和任务分配,在对系统进行充分地分析和设计的基础上研制了基于VxWorks的综合导航显控台系统,对综合导航显控台系统的研究和发展起到一定的参考作用。

5)integrated navigation display control console综合导航显控台

1.Design and Realization of the Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System on Integrated Navigation Display Control Console;综合导航显控台智能故障诊断系统的设计与实现

2.In order to find the malfunction of theintegrated navigation display control console nicety and obviate it on time,this paper designs fault diagnostic equipment forintegrated navigation display control console.为了准确快捷发现综合导航显控台的故障并及时排除,文中针对综合导航显控台设计了综合导航显控台故障检测装置,给出了综合检测装置的结构模型,提出了综合检测装置软硬件的功能设计。

6)integrated navigation system综合导航系统

1.the paper makes a research on the open and highly reliableintegrated navigation system.文中根据设计全自动化、多功能化、多模式体制的舰船综合导航系统的原则,研究了现代化船舶开放式、高可靠性综合导航系统。

2.Based on analyzing location method ofintegrated navigation system,this paper discusses the principle of no col- limation shooting for shipborne gun to fire on shore,and the computational model of relative coordinates is established.在分析了综合导航系统定位方法的基础上,介绍了舰炮对岸无瞄准点射击实施原理,建立了目标相对坐标计算模型,解决了水面舰艇对岸远距离攻击射击诸元计算问题,显著提高了舰炮对岸打击能力和战术使用的灵活性。

3.According to the functions and data flow ofintegrated navigation system, a scheme of processing platform, in which TMS320C6701 is used as the core processor due to its high performance is proposed, and the sketch of hardware design is given.根据综合导航系统的功能和数据流,并结合高性能浮点DSPTMS320C6701的特点,提出了以TMS320C6701为核心处理器的综合导航系统处理平台方案,并给出了硬件实现总体框图。


奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)奥米加导航系统(见飞机双曲线导航系统)Omega navigation systemAomiiia daohang Xitong奥米加导航系统(omeg。。avigationsystem)见飞机双曲线导航系统。
