100字范文 > 网络战 network warfare英语短句 例句大全

网络战 network warfare英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 21:12:37


网络战 network warfare英语短句 例句大全

网络战,network warfare

1)network warfare网络战

1.To the complexity of the modernnetwork warfare at sea, the theory of complex networks is adopted to analyze the meaning and topological structure of combat network at sea.针对现代海上网络化战争的复杂性,运用复杂网络理论分析了海上网络战的内涵和作战网络的拓扑结构,阐明了研究复杂网络理论与研究系统科学的一致性,用网络拓扑结构知识表示方法研究了未来海上作战网络的最佳网络参数。

2.The principle and model of information hiding is introduced comprehensively;application of information hiding in thenetwork warfare is analyzed simply;and two kinds of key technology hiding technology and detecting technology discussed mainly.随着网络技术的快速发展,信息隐藏技术在以计算机网络为中心的网络战中发挥重要作用。

work Warfare has became the main manner of battle in the high-tech Information Warfare of modern war.网络战已成为现代战争的高科技信息作战的主要作战样式,网络安全将直接影响战争的胜负,网络欺骗技术已成为一个的有效的信息安全技术,本文主要对网络欺骗的概念原理及主要技术和增强欺骗质量的方法进行了探讨。


1.Analysis of capability and technology system and series ofnetwar equipment;网络战装备能力和技术体系分析

2.This paper introduces the conception and characteristics ofnetwar equipment and its relationship with other weapon equipment,elaborates thenetwar equipment system and its operation requirements,and finally gives the architecture ofnetwar equipment.本文介绍了网络战装备的概论、特征及与其他装备的关系,阐述了网络战装备体系及其作战需求,最后给出了网络战装备体系结构。

3)networks war网络战

1.According to the requirement ofnetworks war,the analysis of the elements of network war is conducted in terms technology compositions in this paper,based on which the network war is divided into two phrases that are carefully studied as well.信息战是现代战争中重要作战样式,网络战是信息战的重要组成部分,分布式、网络化的计算机系统是信息作战中实施攻击与防护首要作战目标。

2.The incorporate electronics war and thenetworks war,will become the basic campaign modality of the information war.简述电子战、网络战在信息战中的地位 ,深入分析了电子战、网络战在信息战中相关性、独立性 ,阐述网络战与电子战的有机结合即“网电一体战”将成为信息作战的基本形态。

4)network war网络战

1.The 21st century s war pattern--network war;21世纪新的战争样式——网络战

5)battlefield network ware战场网络战

6)strategic networks战略网络

1.The analysis of relational embeddedness onstrategic networks of technology innovation in Chinese pharmaceutical firms;制药企业技术创新战略网络中的关系性嵌入

2.A Model and Strategies of Promotion of Mutual Trust within Strategic Networks;战略网络内部相互信任激励模型及策略

3.A Study on Enterprises Strategy of Learning in Strategic Networks;企业在战略网络中的学习策略研究


1.On Strategic Network, Strategic Ecology and Strategic Behavior;战略网络、战略生态与企业的战略行为

2.Corporation Strategic Network Based on Core Competence--The New Model of Corporation Strategic Management in the Networks Economy;基于核心能力的企业战略网络——网络经济时代的企业战略管理模式

3.Creating a new paradigm for global competitive edge-strategic network;构筑全球竞争优势的新模式——战略网络

4.Study on the Influencing Mechanism of Strategic Networks on Firm Performance;战略网络对企业绩效的影响机制研究

5.The Study on the US Armed Forces NCW Strategies in Construction and Technique;美军“网络中心战”网络建设和技术策略

work Marketing Strategies of Small& Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Internet Age;互联网时代中小企业的网络营销战略

7.On the Integration of Strategic Networks and Classic Strategic Management;简论企业网络理论的战略观与经典战略的融合

8.Business Model of the Quality-Intermedlary in the E-Market;网络信任战略与网络质量中介运行模式

9.An analysis of the prospect of trade network industry & the development strategy of network companies;网络产业的前景分析和网络公司的战略制定


11.The Competitive Strategy of Enterprise Based on the Platform of Network Economy;网络经济平台上的企业竞争战略研究

12.The Research in Peari River Media Network Limited Development Strategy;珠江传媒网络有限公司发展战略研究

13.Research of Competitive Strategy for Online Game Business of KS Co.;KS公司网络游戏业务竞争战略研究

14.The Research of Free Casual On-Line Game Marketing Strategy with Example of ;免费休闲网络游戏企业营销战略研究

15.The Study on Enterprise s Strategy Innovation under the Environment of Network Economy;网络经济环境下的企业战略创新研究

16.Study on the Enterprise s Devolopment Strategy in Network Economy Background;网络经济背景下的企业发展战略研究

17.Study of the China Netcom s Competition--Cooperation Strategy;中国网络通信集团公司竞合战略研究

18.Resource Integrating Strategy of Colleges and Universities Based on Network Relationship;基于网络化关系的高校资源整合战略



1.Analysis of capability and technology system and series ofnetwar equipment;网络战装备能力和技术体系分析

2.This paper introduces the conception and characteristics ofnetwar equipment and its relationship with other weapon equipment,elaborates thenetwar equipment system and its operation requirements,and finally gives the architecture ofnetwar equipment.本文介绍了网络战装备的概论、特征及与其他装备的关系,阐述了网络战装备体系及其作战需求,最后给出了网络战装备体系结构。

3)networks war网络战

1.According to the requirement ofnetworks war,the analysis of the elements of network war is conducted in terms technology compositions in this paper,based on which the network war is divided into two phrases that are carefully studied as well.信息战是现代战争中重要作战样式,网络战是信息战的重要组成部分,分布式、网络化的计算机系统是信息作战中实施攻击与防护首要作战目标。

2.The incorporate electronics war and thenetworks war,will become the basic campaign modality of the information war.简述电子战、网络战在信息战中的地位 ,深入分析了电子战、网络战在信息战中相关性、独立性 ,阐述网络战与电子战的有机结合即“网电一体战”将成为信息作战的基本形态。

4)network war网络战

1.The 21st century s war pattern--network war;21世纪新的战争样式——网络战

5)battlefield network ware战场网络战

6)strategic networks战略网络

1.The analysis of relational embeddedness onstrategic networks of technology innovation in Chinese pharmaceutical firms;制药企业技术创新战略网络中的关系性嵌入

2.A Model and Strategies of Promotion of Mutual Trust within Strategic Networks;战略网络内部相互信任激励模型及策略

3.A Study on Enterprises Strategy of Learning in Strategic Networks;企业在战略网络中的学习策略研究


