100字范文 > 幅相不平衡 amplitude and phase unbalance英语短句 例句大全

幅相不平衡 amplitude and phase unbalance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-15 22:18:54


幅相不平衡 amplitude and phase unbalance英语短句 例句大全

幅相不平衡,amplitude and phase unbalance

1)amplitude and phase unbalance幅相不平衡

1.According to the signal processing system s characteristic of the MMW fire-control radar, this paper presents the method of dynamic modifying theamplitude and phase unbalance channel which is adapted for digital system.针对毫米波火控雷达信号处理系统的功能和特点 ,具体讨论了毫米波雷达正交通道幅相不平衡的校正方法 ,通过详细的论证 ,提出适合数字处理系统的数字动态正交校正方

2.The formula of analyzing limitations caused by theamplitude and phase unbalance of quadrature double channels in radar to the improvement of factors stability is obtained by mathematical derivation.通过数学推导得出了雷达正交双通道幅相不平衡对改善因子稳定度的分析公式,并通过计算机绘出了幅相不平衡参数K和对改善因子稳定度的限制曲线。

3.The formula of instability limitations to improvement is given in both cases ofamplitude and phase unbalances of quadrature channels in radar.推导了雷达正交通道幅相不平衡对限制改善因子稳定度的分析公式,并通过计算机画出了幅相不平衡参数K和θ对改善因子稳定度的限制曲线。

2)amplitude and phase imbalances幅相不平衡

1.In this paper,the influence ofamplitude and phase imbalances of I/Q channels on spectrum estimation of weather radar echo signal is analyzed in detail and the simulation results by basic spectrum estimation methods of frequency and time domain is present.详细分析了气象雷达中正交通道幅相不平衡对气象回波信号谱估计的影响 ,并给出基本的频域和时域估计法的仿真结果。

2.The cause ofamplitude and phase imbalances in sum and difference channels,amplitude and phase imbalances influences over angle measurement accuracy are analyzed.分析了导致和差支路幅相不平衡的原因及幅相不平衡对测角精度的影响。

3)amplitude and phase imbalance幅相不平衡度

4)balance of amplitude and phase幅相平衡

5)amplitude imbalance幅度不平衡

6)three-phase unbalance三相不平衡

1.The definition and national standard ofthree-phase unbalance in power system were expatiated.三相负荷不平衡以及系统元件三相参数不对称都会引起电力系统三相不平衡。

2.A comprehensive energy saving project is developed for 28 distribution lines, including voltage regulation, line reconstruction, treatment ofthree-phase unbalance, and reactive power optimization.评估了文昌配电网基本运行状况,结合28条实际配电线路开展了节能降耗综合治理方案研究,包括:电压调整、线路导线改造、三相不平衡治理和无功补偿优化配置,可带来重要的经济效益和社会效益。

3.The paper research theeffect ofthree-phase unbalance by unbalance of earthed capacitor, Analyze how toeffect fault selection and propose a method to resolve this problem.本文针对由对地电容不对称引起的三相不平衡电流进行理论推导,以能量法为例具体分析了对选线影响的,并且借助有效域的思想提出了具体的解决办法;另一方面针对小电流接地系统中的没有很好解决的问题―瞬时接地故障,提出了一种新的暂态选线算法,其主要思路是进行相关分析,但是在相关分析之前做了两个处理,一是把线路的电流进行处理,二是对处理后的电流用形态学的方法进行滤波。


1.Analysis and Research of Three-phase Unbalance in Distribution Network;配电网三相不平衡问题的分析与研究

2.Optimized strategy of three-phase unbalance in synchronized grid-connected准同期并网中三相不平衡问题的优化

3.Three-phase Unbalance Monitoring System Based on DSP基于DSP的三相不平衡度监测系统

4.The Research on Methods of Three Phase Unbalanced Var Dynamic Compensation;三相不平衡无功功率动态补偿方法的研究

5.Research on the Unbalanced Three-phase Reactive Power Compensation Device Based on DSP for Distribution Networks;基于DSP的低压三相不平衡无功补偿装置的研制

6.Quantitative Analysis and Reduction of Additional Loss of Wire Caused by Unbalanced Operation;三相不平衡运行附加线损的定量分析及降低

7.Research on All-capacitor Adjusted Compensation for Low Voltage Three-phase Unbalance Distribution Network低压配电网三相不平衡全电容调节补偿的研究

8.Detection and Analysis of Power Quality Three-Phase Imbalance Based on LabVIEW8.5基于LabVIEW8.5的电能质量三相不平衡度检测与分析

9.Harmonic Transmission Characteristic and Suppression of Unbalanced Power System三相不平衡系统谐波传输特性及其抑制

10.Research on New Reactive-load Compensation Algorithm for Three Phase Unbalance Load三相不平衡负载新型无功补偿算法的研究

11.Impact and countermeasure of three-phase unbalanced operation for low voltage distribution systems低压配电网三相不平衡运行的影响及治理措施

12.Calculation of Three-Phase Unbalanced Power Flow in Distribution Network Containing Distributed Generation含分布式电源的三相不平衡配电网潮流计算

13.Analysis of three phase voltage imbalance on the 6.3 kV side of high voltage auxiliary transformer of substation高厂变6.3kV侧三相电压不平衡分析

14.The Development of the Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation Equipment Used on 3-Phase 3-Wire Imbalance Load三相三线不平衡负载动态无功补偿装置的研制

15.Design and Realization of Phase Locked Loop under Three-phase Unbalance Voltages三相电压不平衡条件下锁相环的设计与实现

16.Research on the Three-Phase Compensator for Balancing with Power Balance Theory;基于功率平衡理论的三相负载不平衡补偿器的研究

17.Quality of electric energy supply--Admissible three-phase voltage unbalance factorGB/T15543-1995电能质量三相电压允许不平衡度

18.Research on the Unbanlanced Control Scheme of 3-PhaseVoltage Source PWM Rectifier;三相电压型PWM整流器不平衡控制方法研究


amplitude and phase imbalances幅相不平衡

1.In this paper,the influence ofamplitude and phase imbalances of I/Q channels on spectrum estimation of weather radar echo signal is analyzed in detail and the simulation results by basic spectrum estimation methods of frequency and time domain is present.详细分析了气象雷达中正交通道幅相不平衡对气象回波信号谱估计的影响 ,并给出基本的频域和时域估计法的仿真结果。

2.The cause ofamplitude and phase imbalances in sum and difference channels,amplitude and phase imbalances influences over angle measurement accuracy are analyzed.分析了导致和差支路幅相不平衡的原因及幅相不平衡对测角精度的影响。

3)amplitude and phase imbalance幅相不平衡度

4)balance of amplitude and phase幅相平衡

5)amplitude imbalance幅度不平衡

6)three-phase unbalance三相不平衡

1.The definition and national standard ofthree-phase unbalance in power system were expatiated.三相负荷不平衡以及系统元件三相参数不对称都会引起电力系统三相不平衡。

2.A comprehensive energy saving project is developed for 28 distribution lines, including voltage regulation, line reconstruction, treatment ofthree-phase unbalance, and reactive power optimization.评估了文昌配电网基本运行状况,结合28条实际配电线路开展了节能降耗综合治理方案研究,包括:电压调整、线路导线改造、三相不平衡治理和无功补偿优化配置,可带来重要的经济效益和社会效益。

3.The paper research theeffect ofthree-phase unbalance by unbalance of earthed capacitor, Analyze how toeffect fault selection and propose a method to resolve this problem.本文针对由对地电容不对称引起的三相不平衡电流进行理论推导,以能量法为例具体分析了对选线影响的,并且借助有效域的思想提出了具体的解决办法;另一方面针对小电流接地系统中的没有很好解决的问题―瞬时接地故障,提出了一种新的暂态选线算法,其主要思路是进行相关分析,但是在相关分析之前做了两个处理,一是把线路的电流进行处理,二是对处理后的电流用形态学的方法进行滤波。


