100字范文 > 调频步进信号 stepped-frequency Chirp signal英语短句 例句大全

调频步进信号 stepped-frequency Chirp signal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-08 01:44:10


调频步进信号 stepped-frequency Chirp signal英语短句 例句大全

调频步进信号,stepped-frequency Chirp signal

1)stepped-frequency Chirp signal调频步进信号

1.To solve the effect of the velocity on the range profile,a compound velocity measurement method for thestepped-frequency Chirp signal is presented.针对调频步进信号高速运动目标径向速度影响合成距离像问题,提出一种复合测速方法。


1.Apply Super-SVA to Processing Stepped Frequency Chirp Signal with Bandwidth Gaps运用Super-SVA方法处理频谱不连续调频步进信号

2.Analysis of Micro-Doppler Effect in Frequency-Stepped Chirp Signal Radar线性调频步进信号雷达目标微多普勒效应分析

3.Analysis of Micro-Doppler Effect and Feature Extraction of Target in Frequency-Stepped Chirp Signal Radar线性调频步进信号雷达微多普勒效应分析及目标特征提取

4.A 2D Sub-aperture Algorithm for SAR with Stepped-chirp Signals一种适用于调频步进信号SAR的2维子孔径处理算法

5.Accurate Velocity Measurement of High Speed Moving Target about Stepped-frequency Chirp Signal调频步进信号高速运动目标径向速度精确测量技术研究

6.In order to obtain high range resolution, the Chirp signal is used as subpulse to form stepped frequency modulated radar signal.为了获得高距离分辨率,将线性调频信号作为子脉冲构成调频步进雷达信号。

7.A New Velocity Estimating Method Based on a Stepped Frequency Signal一种新的频率步进信号速度估计方法

8.high-frequency and modulation frequency signal generator高频调频信号发生器

9.AMFM signal generator调幅调频信号发生器

10.Wide-Band Stepped Frequency Radar Signal Source Design and Realization;宽带步进频率雷达信号源的设计与实现

11.RFI suppression in range-Doppler imaging using stepped frequency waveforms步进频信号距离-多普勒成像的干扰抑制

12.A Velocity Compensation Method Based on One Frame Data of Stepped Frequency Signal一种基于单帧数据的步进频信号运动补偿方法

13.Velocity Compensation of Stepped Frequency Signal Based on Evaluation Function基于评价函数的步进频率信号速度补偿研究

14.Range sidelobe suppression of stepped Chirp waveformsChirp子脉冲频率步进信号的距离副瓣抑制

15.pilot burst mix导频色同步信号混合

16.FM stereo signal generator调频立体声信号产生器

17.linear mixing of frequency modulated signals调频信号的线性混合

18.Information Processing Experimental Platform Construction of Chirp Step-frequency Radar调频步进雷达信息处理试验平台的构建


frequency-stepped signal步进调频信号

3)Frequency Jumped Burst (FJB)调频步进信号(FJB)

4)frequency-stepped chirp signal线性调频步进信号

1.Thefrequency-stepped chirp signal is very common in ISAR imaging because of its peculiar characters.线性调频步进信号由于其独特的优点更是在ISAR成像中占据了重要地位。

2.Thefrequency-stepped chirp signal makes the fine m-D signatures extraction of target possible because of its high range-resolution capability.线性调频步进信号的距离高分辨能力为目标的精细微多普勒特征提取奠定了基础,因而研究该信号体制雷达的微多普勒效应具有重要意义。

3.The theory of the micro-Doppler(m-D) effect infrequency-stepped chirp signal is studied,and the causations of the range profile\"s migration and wrapping are analyzed.研究了线性调频步进信号体制下雷达目标的微多普勒效应,分析了距离像走动和卷绕现象,并重点讨论了旋转和振动形式的微动引起的微多普勒效应,推导出了其在距离-慢时间平面的解析表达式。

5)wide-band stepped-frequency chirp signal宽带调频步进信号

6)stepped-FM coded signal步进调频编码信号


