100字范文 > Tong判决 Tong multiple trial英语短句 例句大全

Tong判决 Tong multiple trial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-17 00:36:37


Tong判决 Tong multiple trial英语短句 例句大全

Tong判决,Tong multiple trial

1)Tong multiple trialTong判决

1.Tong multiple trial is applied to make the probability of false alarm meet system requirement.该方法利用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)捕获算法将接收信号和本地再生信号的时域相关运算转换成频域的频谱相乘运算,从而大大减少捕获时间,并引入非相参积累以提高对弱信号的检测能力,通过Tong判决算法保证系统总的虚警概率满足要求。


1.Based on the soft-decision maximum-likelihood algorithm of Viterbi decoding, the paper firstly introduces the procedures of soft-decision Viterbi decoding algorithm and how to implement Viterbi decoding algorithm with DSP technology.首先,在Viterbi译码的软判决最大似然算法的基础上,介绍了软判决Viterbi译码算法的译码过程及其用数字信号处理器(digitalsignalprocessor,DSP)技术实现Viterbi译码算法的软件流程;然后,以(2,1,6)卷积码为例,具体论述了利用浮点DSP———TMS320C33的现有资源实现Viterbi译码算法的3个步骤:初始化、度量更新和回溯译码。

2.Though many classical synchronization algorithms have been put forward,few of them refer to the threshold of frame headerdecision,which is the key parameter of frame synchronization.前人虽提出了一些经典同步算法,但对同步实现中的关键参数——同步判决门限很少涉及。

3.Based on the properties of DPSK (differential phase shift keying) signal in Rayleigh flat fading channels,we propose a noveldecision aided algorithm for iterative DPSK signal demodulation/decoding.本文针对衰落信道中DPSK(differentialphase shiftkeying)信号的特点 ,提出了一种基于判决反馈的TurboDPSK解调 /译码算法 ,它利用判决反馈进行衰落信道的估计并计算信息比特的似然比 。


1.A court decision.判定,判决法庭决议,裁决

2.reverse a decision [sentence]撤销判决 [宣判]

3.To pronounce sentence upon(one adjudged guilty).判决对(被判定有罪的人)宣布判决

4.The jury delivered its verdict.审判团宣布其判决。

5.The sentence confined him to life imprisonment判决判他终身监禁。

6.revision of conviction or sentence变更定罪判决或判刑

7.judgement against the plaintiff判定原告败诉的判决

8.Doom means a judicial sentence or judgment.判令指司法判决和裁定。

9.On the Res Judicata of Administrative Judgment;论行政判决的既判力——兼与民事判决既判力比较

10.judgement was against him.判决对他不利。The

11.an impartial judge, judgement公正的法官,判决.

12.pass judgment on a person [case]判决某人 [案件]

13.reverse a decree, judgement, verdict, etc撤消法令、判决、 裁决等.

14.Not satisfied with the verdict, they decided to make an appeal.他们不服判决, 决定申诉。

15.To pronounce an opinion, a judgment, or a sentence.宣判宣布一项意见、判决或审判

16.where a judgment is pronounced on a fixed date, a copy of the written judgment shall be issued immediately after the pronouncement.定期宣判的,宣判后立即发给判决书。

17.A decision made by an umpire or a referee.判决由公断人或裁判员作出的决定

18.A Comparison between Administration and the Basis of Adjuded Force of Civil Decision;行政判决与民事判决既判力根据之比较



1.Based on the soft-decision maximum-likelihood algorithm of Viterbi decoding, the paper firstly introduces the procedures of soft-decision Viterbi decoding algorithm and how to implement Viterbi decoding algorithm with DSP technology.首先,在Viterbi译码的软判决最大似然算法的基础上,介绍了软判决Viterbi译码算法的译码过程及其用数字信号处理器(digitalsignalprocessor,DSP)技术实现Viterbi译码算法的软件流程;然后,以(2,1,6)卷积码为例,具体论述了利用浮点DSP———TMS320C33的现有资源实现Viterbi译码算法的3个步骤:初始化、度量更新和回溯译码。

2.Though many classical synchronization algorithms have been put forward,few of them refer to the threshold of frame headerdecision,which is the key parameter of frame synchronization.前人虽提出了一些经典同步算法,但对同步实现中的关键参数——同步判决门限很少涉及。

3.Based on the properties of DPSK (differential phase shift keying) signal in Rayleigh flat fading channels,we propose a noveldecision aided algorithm for iterative DPSK signal demodulation/decoding.本文针对衰落信道中DPSK(differentialphase shiftkeying)信号的特点 ,提出了一种基于判决反馈的TurboDPSK解调 /译码算法 ,它利用判决反馈进行衰落信道的估计并计算信息比特的似然比 。


1.The Harmonization of Rules in Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments;论国际民商事判决承认与执行规范的趋同化

2.How is a Judgment made?——The Study of the Mode of Judicial Judgment in the Context of Country;判决是如何形成的——乡土社会语境中的法官判决模式研究

3.Judgment and Public Opinion——And Compare the Ways that Chinese and American Judges deal with Public Opinions;判决与民意——兼比较考察中美法官如何对待民意


1.Criminalsentence is the realization of the power of the people′s Court to adjudicate on behalf of the state.我国现行刑事诉讼法只规定有罪判决和无罪判决两种形式的判决,但这远远不能适应司法实践的现实需要。

2.The criminalsentence is a dynamic process.刑事审判是一个动态过程 ,在不同的诉讼阶段 ,针对不同的情形也就应当有不同种类的判决。


1.The common-law countries and the civil-law countries attach importance to civilverdict reason both on the academic theories and on the lawmaking.英美法国家和大陆法系国家,不仅在学理上而且在立法上都十分重视判决理由。

2.Public opinion in some cases leads to a fairverdict; meanwhile it also triggers a controversy whether public opinion should be taken into account in judicial practice.民意在促使一些案件得以公正判决的同时,也引发了司法实践中应否考虑民意之争。

3.The sale of theverdict is that theverdict is to be transferred to the third party other than the one involved in a legal proceeding."买卖《判决书》",从表面上看,是将《判决书》转让给当事人以外的第三人,但本质上是就判决确认的权利而进行的转移。


1.A writtenjudgement has important functions in the modern society,which guarantees the correctness and authoritativeness of thejudgement,relieves social conflicts,contains the judicial corruption,promotes the justice,improves judges s quality, brings up the outstanding judges, promotes people to participate in the administration of justice and promotes judicial democratization.判决书在现代社会承载着重要的功能:确保判决的正当性与权威性,缓解社会矛盾;遏制司法腐败,促进司法公正;提高法官素质,造就优秀法官;推动民众参与司法,促进司法民主化。


