100字范文 > 隐含相似性 implicit similarity英语短句 例句大全

隐含相似性 implicit similarity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-16 06:50:52


隐含相似性 implicit similarity英语短句 例句大全

隐含相似性,implicit similarity

1)implicit similarity隐含相似性

1.This problem can be avoided by introducingimplicit similarity existing in the same scenes.异质图像配准是多源图像融合的关键步骤之一,通常需要精确提取和匹配图像的同名特征,这种同名特征在成像机理差异巨大的光学和SAR图像中进行提取和匹配十分困难,利用相同场景图像中的隐含相似性可以有效避开这一难点。


1.Optical Image and SAR Image Registration Via Implicit Similarity基于隐含相似性的光学和SAR图像配准方法

2.Cognitive Basis of Metaphor and Similaritiesof English and Chinese Metaphors;隐喻的认知基础与中英隐喻的相似性

3.Similarity of a Metaphor--the Expression of Optimal Relevance in the Interpretation of a Metaphor;隐喻的相似性——最佳关联性在隐喻中的表现

4.About Similarity and Cognitive Foundation of Metaphor in Uygur and Chinese Language Culture;隐喻的认知基础与汉维语言隐喻的相似性

5.The Cognitive Functions of Metaphor and Similarities in Cross-Cultural Metaphors;隐喻的认知功能与跨文化隐喻的相似性

6.Similarities between Metaphors in Chinese andEnglish: the Cognitive Basis of Metaphors;隐喻的认知基础与跨文化隐喻的相似性

7.a metaphor that exploits a similarity between experiences in different sense modalities.利用不同感觉形式相似性的隐喻。

8.Similarity is the foundation of metaphor.英语修辞中认为,相似性是隐喻的基础。

9.Metaphor exists based on similarity;隐喻,因相似性而存在——认知视角论

10.On Generalized Nonlinear Implicit Variational-Like Inclusions Problems关于广义非线性隐似变分包含问题(英文)

11.Approximation solvability of a class of generalized implicit variational-like inclusions involving(A,η)-monotone mappings涉及(A,η)单调映射的一类广义隐似变分包含的近似可解性(英文)

12.Metaphorical Straightforwardness and Similarity from the Perspective of Linguistic Philosophy语言哲学视野中的隐喻直陈性及相似性

13.Set approximation and its interpretation on vagueness based on similarity relations基于相似关系的集合近似及其含糊性解释

14.Definition and Implications of Compressibility. Special Solutions. Reynolds Analogy.可压缩性的定义与含意,特解。雷诺相似。

15.Similarities between LI Shang-yin s Poems and Tang and Song Ci in Titleless Poems;谈李商隐诗歌与唐宋词在“无题”意义上之相似性

16.Similarities between English-Chinese metaphor of vertical locality英汉空间隐喻的相似性——以“up/down”与“上/下”为例

17.Intercultural Comparability of Temporal Metaphors from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics从认知语言学角度看时间隐喻的跨文化相似性

18.There was a distant [faint] resemblance between them.他俩有隐约相似的地方。


similarity metaphor相似性隐喻

3)metaphor universality隐喻相似性

4)similarity of metaphor隐喻的相似性

5)implicit attribute隐含属性

6)Completely generalized implicit nonlinear variational-like inclusion完全广义非线性隐似变分包含


隐喻1.暗中寄寓讽喻之意。 2.指言外之意。 3.修辞手法比喻的一种。又称暗喻。其构成方式是本体和喻体之间不用喻词"如"﹑"像"之类﹐而是用"是"﹑"成为"等动词来联系﹐有时连动词也不用﹐如﹕花的海洋﹔落后和贫困这两座大山。
