100字范文 > 城市燃气日负荷 daily city gas load英语短句 例句大全

城市燃气日负荷 daily city gas load英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-03 08:31:10


城市燃气日负荷 daily city gas load英语短句 例句大全

城市燃气日负荷,daily city gas load

1)daily city gas load城市燃气日负荷

1.The influence of average daily air temperature on winterdaily city gas load is analyzed with a practical example.结合实例分析了日平均气温对冬季城市燃气日负荷影响的规律,得到燃气日负荷的主要影响因素为气温所处温度区间、气温变化的幅度,而与气温所处时间区间和升降趋势无关。


1.Method for Forecasting Winter Daily City Gas Load Based on Air Temperature Variation基于气温变化的冬季城市燃气日负荷预测方法

2.Based on the forecast of daily gas load in Anshan City,the method for processing history data of gas load is discussed.结合鞍山市燃气日负荷预测,论述了历史燃气负荷数据的处理方法。

3.Research on the Nonhomogeneity and the Load Forecast of the Gas Network in a Certain City of South China;城市燃气管网用气不均匀性分析及负荷预测

4.Application of Gradient RBF in the Short-term Forecast of Urban Gas Load梯度RBF在城市燃气负荷短期预测中的应用

5.Regularity of City Gas Load and Its Prediction Error Evaluation城市燃气负荷规律性分析与预测误差评价

6.Research on the Inequality of Gas Load and the Peak-shaving Methods of the Typical Cities in the Pearl Delta of Guangdong;珠江三角洲典型城市燃气负荷不均匀性与调峰手段的研究

7.Wuhan City Natural Gas Load Forecasting and Peak Shaving Methods Optimizing;武汉市城市天然气负荷预测和调峰方式优化

8.Real-time Optimization Forecast System of Natural Gas Daily Load in Beijing City北京市天然气日负荷预测实时优化系统

9.city heat and gas supply engineering城市供热供燃气工程

10.Research of Urban Gas Short-term Load Forecasting Based on ANN;基于人工神经网络的燃气短期负荷预测研究

11.Research on Intelligent Heat Load Regulation System of District Heat Supply by Gas Boiler;燃气锅炉区域供热智能负荷调节系统的研究

12.Mixture Forming and Combustion Process of Diesel Engine at Different Loads柴油机不同负荷混合气形成与燃烧过程研究

13.Heating load calculation and energy consumption analysis for gas-infrared heated rooms燃气辐射供暖房间的供暖负荷计算及能耗分析

14.The Study and Checkout of the Load Bearing Characteristic of the Modern City;现代城市电力负荷的特性研究与测试

15.Analysis and Forecast of Saturated Load for the Central City District of Tianjin;天津市中心城区饱和负荷分析与预测

16.Impact of Temperature Change on Urban Electric Power Load in Nanjing温度变化对南京城市电力负荷的影响

17.Experimental Study on the Improvement of Knock at High Load of a HCCI Engine By Exhaust Gas Recirculation废气再循环改善均质压燃发动机高负荷爆燃的试验研究

18.Short-term Load Prediction of Natural Gas in Winter in Xi"an City西安市天然气冬季短期负荷预测研究


city gas load城市燃气负荷

3)daily Gas Load燃气日负荷

4)forecast of city gas load城市燃气负荷预测

1.The application of once accumulation method in theforecast of city gas load is put foreword.由于燃气负荷原始时间序列非线性随机变化,而一次累加法具有削弱时间序列随机性的特点,提出了一次累加法在城市燃气负荷预测中的应用方法。

5)forecast of daily gas load燃气日负荷预测

1.Based on theforecast of daily gas load in Anshan City,the method for processing history data of gas load is discussed.结合鞍山市燃气日负荷预测,论述了历史燃气负荷数据的处理方法。

6)Gas load燃气负荷

1.In order to improve the forecasting accuracy,in accordance with the influence factors and characteristics of hour gas load,a model has been established to forecasting hour gas load with OIF(output-input feedback) Elman network.为提高燃气负荷预测的精度,分析了燃气小时负荷的变化规律和影响因素,建立了燃气小时负荷预测模型,采用具有输出-输入反馈机制的改进Elman(OIF Elman)网络对燃气小时负荷进行预测。

2.The structure of forecast model by BP neural network is discussed,and the forecast method and program flow of short-term town gas load based on this model are put forward.论述了BP神经网络的预测模型结构,提出了基于该模型的城市燃气短期负荷预测方法和程序流程,结合某城市燃气负荷数据进行了燃气负荷模拟预测,预测结果和实际情况有很好的一致性。

3.The rules of hourly,daily and monthly gas load are analyzed on the basis of existing data of gas consumption in a residential area.根据居民小区现有的用气量数据,对时、日和月燃气负荷规律进行分析,得出燃气负荷的时高峰系数、日高峰系数和月高峰系数,运用时间序列理论对居民燃气时负荷进行了预测。


城市燃气城市燃气 gas【概念】供城市生产和生活作燃料使用的天然气、人工煤气和液化石油气等气体能源的统称。
