100字范文 > 突发性石油水污染 petroleum accidental water pollution英语短句 例句大全

突发性石油水污染 petroleum accidental water pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-08 00:58:20


突发性石油水污染 petroleum accidental water pollution英语短句 例句大全

突发性石油水污染,petroleum accidental water pollution

1)petroleum accidental water pollution突发性石油水污染


1.Emergency Drinking Water Treatment against Petroleum Accidental Water Pollution突发性石油水污染的应急水处理技术

2.Research on Sudden Water Pollution Accident Early-warning and Emergency Response System;突发性水污染事故预警应急系统研究

3.Emergency management system of sudden water pollution accidents突发性水污染事故应急管理体系研究

4.Study on the Volatilization and Biodegradation of Oil Contaminants in Soil-water System;土—水系统石油污染物挥发和生物降解过程研究

5.Pilot Research on the Removal of Sudden Organic Phosphorus Pesticides Pollution in Source Water水源水中突发性有机磷农药污染去除试验研究

6.Study on Emergency Treatment of Source Water by Sudden Polluted Accident供水水源地突发性污染应急处理方法与措施

7.Capacity Construction of Hydrological Stations in Response to Unexpected Water Pollution水文站应对突发性水污染事故的能力建设

8.Environmental Risk Assessment for Abrupt Accidents in Water Source Areas of Rivers江河水源地突发性水污染事故风险评价

9.Features of Oil Pollution of Soil and Surface Water in Northern Shaanxi Oilfield,China陕北油田土壤和地表水石油污染特征

10.Mechanism of Oil Pollution in Groundwater System of a Refinery某炼油厂地下水系统石油烃污染机制

11.In accordance with the situation of oil pollution in Dawu water source district,Zibo City,a dynamically simulating study on transport performance of oil con-taminants has carried out.针对淄博市大武水源地的石油污染状况进行了动态模拟石油类污染物迁移特性的研究。

12.Phylogenetic Analysis of Bacterial Communities in Sewage and Oil Contaminated Soils from Zhongshan Station;南极中山站生活污水及石油污染区域细菌多样性分析

13.The Simulation and Analysis on Environmental Impact of Oil Contamination on Groundwater during Fuyu Oil Field Exploitation;扶余油田开发中石油类污染物对地下水环境影响模拟分析

14.Responses of Brain Acetylcholinesterase(AChE)Activity in Carassius auratus to Crude-Oil-Contaminated Soil and Malachite Green in Aquatic Environment鲫鱼脑AChE活性对水体中石油污染土壤和孔雀石绿的响应

15.The Design and Implementation of Yellow River Sudden Water Pollution Emergency System;黄河流域突发性水污染应急系统的设计与实现

16.Research on Basin Sudden Water Pollution Accident Risk Prevention Systems;流域突发性水污染事故风险应急防范系统研究

17.The Criminal and Civil Responsibility of Sudden Water Pollution Accident;突发性水环境污染事故法律责任追究探析

18.Consideration of Paroxysmal Pollution in Water Exigent Monitoring;对突发性水环境污染事故应急监测的思考


emergent oil pollution突发性油污染

1.This paper conceives a plan to operate theemergent oil pollution emergency response system.突发性油污染发生突然,危害严重,有必要建立一套有效的应急响应体系。

3)sudden water pollution突发性水污染

1.Emergency management system ofsudden water pollution accidents突发性水污染事故应急管理体系研究

2.In recent years,with the ever-increasing of sudden pollution accidents occurred in water source areas in China,many problems need to be solved urgently,such as how to protect the security of ecological environment in water source areas and the security of municipal water supply system,and how to rapidly and effectively deal withsudden water pollution accidents.近年来,我国城市水源地突发性污染事件日益增加,如何保护水源地生态环境安全和城市供水系统安全,以及如何快速、有效地处理突发性水污染事故已成为亟需解决的问题。

3.The concept and type and characteristic and harm ofsudden water pollution accidents are presented.在介绍突发性水污染事故的概念、类型、特点和危害以及突发性水污染事故预警应急系统的结构和功能的基础上,结合闽江特点,对闽江流域突发性水污染事故预警应急系统的基本构架进行初步探索。

4)pollution accidents in water source area水源地突发性水污染

5)accidental pollution突发性污染

1.Some measures was put forward to reduce the adverse effect to environment and ecology ecosystem,especially to prevent and reduceaccidental pollution to maintain clean production.如何减少对周边环境与生态的影响 ,特别是如何防止和降低可能的突发性污染 ,制定了相应的处理措

6)sudden pollution突发性污染

1.Becausesudden pollution of domestic water sources was at high risk,a study on emergent treatment process of sudden cyanide pollution raw water was performed based on the conventional water purification processes.为应对水源水受到突发性污染,以常规净水工艺为基础,以氰化物为目标污染物,开展了应急处理工艺研究。


