100字范文 > 高速目标成像 imaging of fast-moving target英语短句 例句大全

高速目标成像 imaging of fast-moving target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-24 05:00:19


高速目标成像 imaging of fast-moving target英语短句 例句大全

高速目标成像,imaging of fast-moving target

1)imaging of fast-moving target高速目标成像

2)accelerating target imaging加速目标成像

3)ISAR imaging of high speed target高速目标逆合成孔径雷达成像

4)ISAR Imaging of high speed moving target高速空天运动目标的精确成像

5)target imaging目标成像


1.Rotating objects imaging of synthetic aperture imaging lidar合成孔径成像激光雷达旋转目标成像

2.A Method of ISAR Imaging of Multiple Targets Based on FrFT一种基于FrFT的ISAR多目标成像方法

3.Study of the Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging to Maneuvering Targets;机动目标的逆合成孔径雷达成像研究

4.Research on Method for Generating Images of Dynamic Infrared Point Targets Based on Image Synthesis基于图像合成的红外点目标图像生成方法研究

5.Study on Automatic Target Recognition in SAR Imagery合成孔径雷达图像目标识别问题研究

6.Ship Detection in SAR Images;合成孔径雷达图像上舰船目标的检测

7.Study on ISAR Imaging and Feature Extraction of Midcourse Ballistic Target;弹道中段目标ISAR成像与特征提取研究

8.Target Recognition in Synthesis Aperture Radar(SAR)Image;合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像目标检测

9.Research on the Target Location of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Image;星载合成孔径雷达图像目标定位研究

10.Study on Monostatic ISAR 3-D Imaging Technique of Space Object;单站ISAR对外空目标3-D成像技术研究

11.Rotation Parameters Estimatoin in ISAR Imaging of Ship Targets;舰船目标ISAR成像中的转动参数估计

12.ISAR Imaging of High Speed Moving Targets;高速运动目标ISAR成像方法研究

13.Study of Monopulse Radar Target Three Dimensional Imaging and Recognition;单脉冲雷达目标三维成像与识别研究

14.Study on SAR Images Target Recognition合成孔径雷达图像目标识别技术研究

15.Image Building and Features Extraction of Forward-looking Scanning Sonar前视扫描声纳的成像与目标特征提取

16.Analysis of Doppler Characteristics in Ship target ISAR Imaging舰船目标ISAR成像多普勒特性分析

17.ISAR Imaging Algorithm of Maneuvering Targets Based on FRFT基于FRFT的机动目标ISAR成像算法

18.ISAR Imaging of Multiple Targets Using Time-Chirp Distribution基于时间-调频率分布的多目标ISAR成像


accelerating target imaging加速目标成像

3)ISAR imaging of high speed target高速目标逆合成孔径雷达成像

4)ISAR Imaging of high speed moving target高速空天运动目标的精确成像

5)target imaging目标成像

6)high-speed object高速目标

1.Algorithm research inhigh-speed object parameter validation of exterior trajectory;外弹道高速目标参数验证算法研究


