100字范文 > 等效边界非线性弹簧 equivalent boundary nonlinear spring英语短句 例句大全

等效边界非线性弹簧 equivalent boundary nonlinear spring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-31 09:20:24


等效边界非线性弹簧 equivalent boundary nonlinear spring英语短句 例句大全

等效边界非线性弹簧,equivalent boundary nonlinear spring

1)equivalent boundary nonlinear spring等效边界非线性弹簧

2)equivalent line-spring等效线弹簧

1.In this paper, theequivalent line-spring model is employed to study the dynamic stability of a rotating cracked shaft.本文用等效线弹簧模型计算裂纹转轴的动力稳定性问题。

2.Non-linear dynamics characters of a rotor system for an elastic shaft-disk with a crack are examined by introducing the geometric non-linearity andequivalent line-spring model.本文引入了几何非线性关系和等效线弹簧模型对含裂纹的弹性轴弹性盘转子系统进行非线性动力学分析。

3)equivalent linear spring model等效线性弹簧模型

1.The axial stiffness and radial stiffness of the bearing under both axial force and radial force are derived firstly,then anequivalent linear spring model is established so that the axial force and radial force of the bearing under random vibration can be iteratively obtained using the spectrum analysis of ANSYS.推导轴承在轴向力和径向力联合作用下的轴向刚度和径向刚度,建立轴承的等效线性弹簧模型,并利用ANSYS的谱分析迭代求取轴承在随机振动下的轴向力和径向力,将径向当量静载荷和轴向载荷分别与径向基本额度静载荷和极限轴向载荷比较,分析其安全性。

4)nonlinear spring非线性弹簧

1.Analysis ofnonlinear spring based on finite element method基于有限元的非线性弹簧分析

2.The section loss of steel bars and degradation of bond intensity were taken into consideration in this study in order to establish the finite element model of corroded reinforced concrete beam through simulating the bond slip behavior between steel bar and reinforced concrete based onnonlinear spring element.在考虑锈蚀引起的钢筋横截面损失和粘结强度下降的前提下,利用非线性弹簧单元模拟锈蚀钢筋与混凝土之间的粘结滑移性能,建立了锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的有限元分析模型。

3.By the formula of P-Y curves of compound foundation reaction method, the formulas of elastic coefficients ofnonlinear springs are deduced.从Newmark方法弹簧支座的概念出发,建立了桩土相互作用体系的接触非线性有限元分析模型,采用复合地基反力法的P-Y曲线公式,推导了作用于桩上的非线性弹簧弹性系数的计算公式,基于marc有限元软件编制了相应的计算程序,基于一阶Taylor随机有限元的思想,给出了土性参数对泥面位移的敏感性计算公式,结合试桩资料的计算结果验证提出方法是合理可行的。

5)equivalent spring等效弹簧

1.The action of transmission lines to tower is substituted withequivalent spring in tower-spring model.针对这一问题,利用有限元程序ANSYS/LS-DYNA,建立导地线模型和以等效弹簧代替导地线对输电塔作用的塔-弹簧模型,将导地线模在断线作用下悬垂点的支座反力反向施加在塔-弹簧模型上,数值仿真了输电塔在导地线断线作用下的动态响应。

2.Based on the consideration of the pile-soil nonlinear interaction,nonlinearequivalent spring is introduced in this paper to simulate the action of soil on piles.本文在考虑桩 -土之间相互作用非线性特性的基础上 ,采用非线性等效弹簧模拟海底土层对桩基的作用 ,对桩基进行有限元分析。


1.Thermal effect on equivalent spring constants of double-clamped beams with different mass arrangements不同质量块布局双端固支梁的等效弹簧系数的热效应(英文)

2.Using equivalent spring boundary to analyze the responses of buried pipeline subjected to ground settlement采用等效弹簧边界分析埋地管线在沉陷情况下的反应

3.Based on Pspice RLC Spring Coupled System s Equality Simulation;基于Pspice的RLC弹簧耦合系统的等效仿真

4.Discussing on the Equivalent Stiffness Coefficient of Parallel Spring Groups;关于平行弹簧组等效劲度系数的讨论

5.Interested in selling torsion spring, compression spring.本公司正在供应拉力弹簧,压缩弹簧等。

6.Research in simulation of frequency variety and equivalent algorithm for metal helical spring stiffness螺旋钢弹簧刚度频变仿真及等效算法研究

7.constant rate full-elliptic spring等刚度椭圆形板弹簧

8.A simple and accurate method for the stiffness evaluation of the spring interface elements used in delamination simulations简单而准确的脱层分析弹簧界面元等效刚度计算方法

9.Numerical Simulation of Air Spring Shock Based on Control Volume Method and Equivalent Viscous Damping Method基于控制体积法及等效粘性阻尼法的空气弹簧冲击数值仿真

10.On Dynamic Plastic Failure of the Restoring Spring of a Missile Projector;弹射挂弹机构复位弹簧动塑性失效分析

11.The advanced calculator in adoption in company equipments profession manufacturing is every kind of to reduce to shake spring coil, hardware spring coil, every kind of precise and small spring coil...etc.公司采用先进计算机设备专业制造各种减震弹簧、五金弹簧、各种精密小弹簧等。

12.A deadly weapon, such as a firearm or switchblade.凶器致命的武器,如火器、弹簧刀等

13.0 pressures, torques, pull dint, abnormal shape etc. precise spring coil.0压力、扭力、拉力、异形等精密弹簧。

14.Research on Fatigue Invalidation of Helical Outer Spring for Type K2 Bogie;K2转向架圆柱外弹簧疲劳失效研究

15.Fracture Failure Analysis of Pressing Spring for Rearview Mirror汽车后视镜压入弹簧片断裂失效分析

16.Failure Analysis of Disc Spring in Thermal Power Plant火力发电厂热管道蝶形弹簧失效分析

17.Failure Analysis of the Elastic Spring of the Safety Valve of a Liquefied Oil Gas Storage Tank液化石油气罐车安全阀弹簧失效分析

18.The cone angle measuring equipment of clutch diaphram spring possesses features of high measuring precision,high working efficiency and easy operating,etc.这种离合器膜片弹簧锥角测量仪具有测量精度高、工作效率高、操作简便等特点。


equivalent line-spring等效线弹簧

1.In this paper, theequivalent line-spring model is employed to study the dynamic stability of a rotating cracked shaft.本文用等效线弹簧模型计算裂纹转轴的动力稳定性问题。

2.Non-linear dynamics characters of a rotor system for an elastic shaft-disk with a crack are examined by introducing the geometric non-linearity andequivalent line-spring model.本文引入了几何非线性关系和等效线弹簧模型对含裂纹的弹性轴弹性盘转子系统进行非线性动力学分析。

3)equivalent linear spring model等效线性弹簧模型

1.The axial stiffness and radial stiffness of the bearing under both axial force and radial force are derived firstly,then anequivalent linear spring model is established so that the axial force and radial force of the bearing under random vibration can be iteratively obtained using the spectrum analysis of ANSYS.推导轴承在轴向力和径向力联合作用下的轴向刚度和径向刚度,建立轴承的等效线性弹簧模型,并利用ANSYS的谱分析迭代求取轴承在随机振动下的轴向力和径向力,将径向当量静载荷和轴向载荷分别与径向基本额度静载荷和极限轴向载荷比较,分析其安全性。

4)nonlinear spring非线性弹簧

1.Analysis ofnonlinear spring based on finite element method基于有限元的非线性弹簧分析

2.The section loss of steel bars and degradation of bond intensity were taken into consideration in this study in order to establish the finite element model of corroded reinforced concrete beam through simulating the bond slip behavior between steel bar and reinforced concrete based onnonlinear spring element.在考虑锈蚀引起的钢筋横截面损失和粘结强度下降的前提下,利用非线性弹簧单元模拟锈蚀钢筋与混凝土之间的粘结滑移性能,建立了锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的有限元分析模型。

3.By the formula of P-Y curves of compound foundation reaction method, the formulas of elastic coefficients ofnonlinear springs are deduced.从Newmark方法弹簧支座的概念出发,建立了桩土相互作用体系的接触非线性有限元分析模型,采用复合地基反力法的P-Y曲线公式,推导了作用于桩上的非线性弹簧弹性系数的计算公式,基于marc有限元软件编制了相应的计算程序,基于一阶Taylor随机有限元的思想,给出了土性参数对泥面位移的敏感性计算公式,结合试桩资料的计算结果验证提出方法是合理可行的。

5)equivalent spring等效弹簧

1.The action of transmission lines to tower is substituted withequivalent spring in tower-spring model.针对这一问题,利用有限元程序ANSYS/LS-DYNA,建立导地线模型和以等效弹簧代替导地线对输电塔作用的塔-弹簧模型,将导地线模在断线作用下悬垂点的支座反力反向施加在塔-弹簧模型上,数值仿真了输电塔在导地线断线作用下的动态响应。

2.Based on the consideration of the pile-soil nonlinear interaction,nonlinearequivalent spring is introduced in this paper to simulate the action of soil on piles.本文在考虑桩 -土之间相互作用非线性特性的基础上 ,采用非线性等效弹簧模拟海底土层对桩基的作用 ,对桩基进行有限元分析。

6)nonlinear spring element非线性弹簧元

1.The micromechanical finite element method and thenonlinear spring element for the interface were employed to predict the effective behavior of MMCs.采用非线性弹簧元模拟界面,用细观力学有限元法计算分析了不同界面特性下弱界面粘结的纤维增强金属基复合材料的宏细观性能。

2.In the model,the hyperbolicnonlinear spring element was adopted to simulate the elasto-plastic interaction between the wall and the foundation soil.在狭长基坑计算中,为提高地下连续墙计算模型的计算效率,采用双曲线非线性弹簧元模拟土的弹塑性,建立了地下连续墙的简化计算模型。


