100字范文 > 水质保障系统 water quality guarantees system英语短句 例句大全

水质保障系统 water quality guarantees system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-23 01:08:19


水质保障系统 water quality guarantees system英语短句 例句大全

水质保障系统,water quality guarantees system

1)water quality guarantees system水质保障系统

2)geological guarantee system地质保障系统

1.The construction ofgeological guarantee system in Burte Mine and some suggestions;布尔台矿井地质保障系统建设进展与建议

2.The progress of the theory and technique in the field of thegeological guarantee system for high-yield and high-efficiency coal-mines during the current ten years was briefly described.通过对近来国内外煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统的现状进行概要回顾,探讨了我国煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统建立与发展过程中遇到和存在的问题,并对我国这方面研究今后一段时间内的努力方向提出了建设性意见。


1.Probing into Chongqing coal mine geological assurance system to improve safety and efficiency重庆煤矿安全高效开采地质保障系统的探讨

2.Summary of Data Quality Security System of Analytical System经营分析系统数据质量保障体系综述

3.Establishment of Education Quality Guarantee System in Local Universities;地方高校教育质量保障体系构建初探

4.The Strategic Study on Urban Water Supply Safe System in Beijing Area;北京地区城市供水保障系统战略研究

5.Analysis of New Type Artillery Survey Support System"s Operation Capability新型炮兵测地保障系统作战能力分析

6.Pilot Research on Closed Loop System of External Quality Assurance System in Higher Education;高等教育外部质量保障体系的闭环系统初探

7.The Geography of Shanxi and Shaanxi and the System for Protecting Water Rights in Modern Times;近代山陕地区地理环境与水权保障系统

8.Analysis on the Grounding Faults in 35 kV System with Neutral Resistance Grounded and Its Protective Measure35kV电阻接地系统接地故障分析与保护措施

9.Product Geometric Sense Quality Assurance System Based on COMERO基于测量机的产品几何尺寸质量保障系统

10.Application of Theory of System in the Guarantee of Quality of Adult Higher Education;系统论在成人高等教育质量保障中的运用

11.On the Establishment and Improvement of the Guarantee System of Teaching Quality in Teachers Colleges;师范院校教学质量保障系统的建立和完善

12.Application of Traceability in Food Safety;信息可追踪系统在食品质量安全保障中的应用

13.The Construction Study on the System of Master Curriculum Quality Assurance System in Local Colleges and Universities;地方高校硕士生课程质量保障体系建构研究

14.Construction and Practice of the Endurable Quality of Teaching in the Local Universities;地方高校教学质量内部保障体系的构建与实践

15.Analysis of local medical colleges course teaching quality guarantee system;地方医学院校课程教学质量保障体系探析

16.Research on Long-term Effective Quality Control System for Graduate Student Education in Local Universities;地方高校研究生教育质量的长效保障体系研究

17.Construction and Practice of Teaching Quality Guarantee System in Local Colleges and Universities;地方高等学校教学质量保障体系的建构与实践

18.On Establishing the Quality Assurance System for Textbooks Used in Local Engineering Universities;谈建立地方工科院校教材质量保障体系


geological guarantee system地质保障系统

1.The construction ofgeological guarantee system in Burte Mine and some suggestions;布尔台矿井地质保障系统建设进展与建议

2.The progress of the theory and technique in the field of thegeological guarantee system for high-yield and high-efficiency coal-mines during the current ten years was briefly described.通过对近来国内外煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统的现状进行概要回顾,探讨了我国煤矿高产高效矿井地质保障系统建立与发展过程中遇到和存在的问题,并对我国这方面研究今后一段时间内的努力方向提出了建设性意见。

3)water supply safe system供水保障系统

4)water quality guarantee水质保障

5)ensure system保障系统

1.The continuity & need of mine productive power & powerensure system were talked in this article, & also its experiences & lessons.主要论述了矿山生产用电连续性而需要用电保障系统及其经验教训。

2.By methods of literature review, questionnaire, mathematical statistics etc, this paper makes studyensure system gymnastic technological innovation in China.所以,在实践过程中要有保障系统。

6)guarantee system保障系统

1.The definition of train operation safetyguarantee system and the difference between the above system and train operation safety system are discussed in this paper.讨论了铁路行车安全保障系统的定义及其与行车安全系统的区别,并借助系统分析方法的思路较全面地刻划了铁路行车安全保障系统的有序结构和它所包含的相互关联的内在本质。

2.This article has explained the administration,technological measures,checking and monitoring system about qualityguarantee system of direct drinking water in Milwaukee,and has inrorduced how the public and authorities participate in the quality control of water supplying.美国密尔沃基市饮用水质量达到A级要求 ,文章介绍了该市供水质量保障系统的行政管理、技术措施、检查监测体系及供水质量保障系统的公众与部门参

3.The structure of runningguarantee system on Taklimakan Desert Highway was proposed by using the systematic theory for the safety of people and vehicles on the highway.以保证道路的畅通,人员的安全和车辆的顺利通过为主要目标,运用系统的理论和方法,提出了沙漠公路运行保障系统的结构,分析了保障系统各要素(子系统)的主要功能,探讨了保障系统配置的基本思路和原则。


后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)sustained logistic support capabilityhouqin chixu baozhQng nengli后勤持续保障能力(sus‘ained 10915‘ics叩port eaPability)见后勤保障能力。
