100字范文 > 雨污水管道 rain foul water pipe英语短句 例句大全

雨污水管道 rain foul water pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-04 13:41:05


雨污水管道 rain foul water pipe英语短句 例句大全

雨污水管道,rain foul water pipe

1)rain foul water pipe雨污水管道

2)rainfall and sewage pipes雨、污水管

3)Hydraulic calculation of rain and wastewater lines雨污水管道水力计算

4)Rainwater pipe雨水管道

1.Taking the Changshu region of Jiangsu Province for an example,through analysis on drainage modes of rainwater in low-lying field,the existing problems in conventional design method for flooded fields drainage were put forward,and the conception and method for pressure rainwater pipe design were discussed as well.以江苏常熟地区为例,通过对圩区雨水排水工况的分析,提出了传统雨水设计方法在圩区排涝设计中存在的问题,并探讨了圩区压力流雨水管道设计的思路和方法。


1.On Hydraulic Parameter Value in Rain Pipeline Design浅谈雨水管道设计中水力参数如何确定

2.On Construction of Rainfall Pipeline with Deep Trench, Big-diameter in the Pile Group of Waste Old Building废弃老建筑群桩内深沟槽大管径雨水管道施工

3.The Programming Design of Storm Sewer Calculation & Drawing to Be Integrated;城镇雨水管道程序设计计算与绘图一体化

4.Effect of storm sewer sediment on first flush雨水管道沉积物对径流初期冲刷的影响

5.Drainage is a general term applied to fluid flow along all pipes or open channels which take liquid wastes or rain water.排水是个通用名词,指沿各种废水或雨水管道或明渠流动的液体。

6.The application of shock-fitting method in the simulation of free-pressured transient flow采用激波拟合法数值模拟城市雨水管道中明满流混合流动

7.This essay also introduces some installation methods of rain cups and pipes suitable to the big house surface draining rain through pressure flow rain drainage system.介绍了适用于大屋面雨水排放的压力流雨水排水系统中雨水斗和管道的安装方法。

8.Technical specification for UP-VC pipeline work of roof rainwater drainage屋面雨水排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程

9.These pipes are provided to allow rain water to run away from the house.安装这些管道是为了将雨水从房子里排出。

10.Studies on Urban Storm-runoff Model & Osmotic Pipe Design;城市暴雨径流模型及透水式管道设计方法研究

11.Rain Water Pipe雨水渠管(俗名清水垌)

12.Cataracts of rain flooded the streets.倾盆大雨弄得街道淹水。

13.Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Stream Corridor Renaturalization,Flood Control and Stormwater Management at Lower Rhine;下莱茵流域河道半自然化、生态防洪与雨水管理案例

14.Sustainable management of urban stormwater--the design and inspiration of Green Street,Portland城市雨水的可持续管理——波特兰绿色街道的设计及其启示

15.Although it rain, throw not away your watering pot.尽管天下雨,水罐不可丢。

16.Development and Application of the Storm Flood Computation Model for Urban Storm-water;城市雨水管网暴雨洪水计算模型研制及应用

17.The new pipes and network will be designed and built for treatment of early-stage rainfall.新建排水管网考虑初期雨水处理设计。

18.We used waterspouts to drain off the rain我们用水落管来排掉雨水。


rainfall and sewage pipes雨、污水管

3)Hydraulic calculation of rain and wastewater lines雨污水管道水力计算

4)Rainwater pipe雨水管道

1.Taking the Changshu region of Jiangsu Province for an example,through analysis on drainage modes of rainwater in low-lying field,the existing problems in conventional design method for flooded fields drainage were put forward,and the conception and method for pressure rainwater pipe design were discussed as well.以江苏常熟地区为例,通过对圩区雨水排水工况的分析,提出了传统雨水设计方法在圩区排涝设计中存在的问题,并探讨了圩区压力流雨水管道设计的思路和方法。

5)rainwater pipeline雨水管道

1.In order to improve the water drainage reliability of therainwater pipeline,the reliability theory of engineering structure is introduced intorainwater pipeline.为提高雨水管道的排水可靠性,将工程结构可靠性理论引入了雨水管道中,提出了雨水管道的概率极限状态水力计算方法,给出了目标可靠指标建议值,并计算出与之相对应的分项系数,形成了基于可靠性的以分项系数表达的概率极限状态水力计算公式。

2.This paper submit some methods ofrainwater pipeline combining with geography feature, such as the pipe diameter determination and pipeline embed are conducted separately, hydraulic calculation adopts unitary hydraulic gradient, the pipeline embed adopts unitary setter slope, advocating plain joint and spout covering and so on.本文结合河网平源地区的水文地理特点,提出了雨水管道设计中管径确定与管道埋设分别独 立进行,水力计算采用统一的水力坡降,管道埋设采用统一的安装坡度,以及提倡管底平接等设计思想与计算 方法。

6)storm sewer雨水管道

1.The structure and function of the intelligence system forstorm sewer design are described.介绍了国内外排水管道计算机辅助设计软件的发展状况及典型软件的特点,分析国内外排水管道辅助设计软件存在的问题及成因,提出排水管道智能辅助设计系统是排水管道辅助设计软件的发展方向,并描绘了雨水管道智能辅助设计系统的结构及各模块的功能

2.Presently, regarding the design ofstorm sewer, many designed departments still adopt the method of consulting the chart for hydraulic calculation, this computational method depends on experience, low precision , time-consuming, and unfavourably optimizating the design.目前,对于城镇雨水管道的设计,大多设计部门仍采用查图查表的方法进行水力计算,这种计算方法是凭经验进行的方法,费时费力、计算精度不高,不利于设计方案的优化。


