100字范文 > 穿越大堤 crossing levee英语短句 例句大全

穿越大堤 crossing levee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-20 21:03:38


穿越大堤 crossing levee英语短句 例句大全

穿越大堤,crossing levee

1)crossing levee穿越大堤


1.The shield driving crosses the big dike seep handle and reinforce construction and effect盾构穿越大堤防渗处理加固施工与效果

2.Pipe Jacking Construction Technology of Traversing Qiantang River Embankment穿越钱塘江大堤的顶管工程施工技术

3.Schematic design of Guangzhou Xijiang River diversion works crossing through Beijiang Dike某引水工程穿越北江大堤管道工程方案设计

4.Structural Design of Guangzhou Xijing River Diversion Works crossing through Beijiang Dike广州市西江引水工程穿越北江大堤工程的结构设计

5.Brief Talking on Shield Construction Machine through Anqing Changjiang River Dam by "D" Mode Impel Technique浅谈盾构机采用“D”模式推进工艺穿越安庆长江大堤

6.It is situated on Bai Causeway that runs across the Lake from west to east.它坐落在由西往东穿越于西湖的白堤上。

7.a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean).穿越河水(经常穿越大西洋)。

8.Colorado River through the Grand Canyon.科罗拉多河穿越大峡谷。

9.Design of a shield tunnel underground crossing newly-built sea dike and analysis of settlement observation盾构隧道穿越新建海堤时的设计与沉降观测分析

10.After the dam burst, water of the Yellow River flooded and created a Yellow River flood area consisting of 44 counties of the 3 provinces of Henan, Anhui and Jiangsu and caused serious disaster.花园口决堤后,黄河水夺堤而出,形成穿越豫皖苏3省44县的黄泛区,造成十分严重的灾情。

11.Spanning or crossing a continent.横穿大陆的横跨或穿越大陆的

12.The complicated nests systems destroy the construction of soil which comes to be a serious hidden danger to induce the safey of dam.其分层而筑并横穿或斜穿堤坝的巢穴系统,严重地破坏了土层结构,是影响堤坝安全的重大隐患。

13.Textual Reseach on the "Levee" Homeplace in the "Levee Song" of Music Bureau on Nan Denasty;南朝乐府《大堤》之“大堤”非襄阳城之大堤

14.The duration from the occurrence of penetrating chinks to dyke breaches depends on the composition and cross-sectional size of the dyke body, and the river water level.从发生贯穿性漏洞到溃口的时间与堤身组成物、堤身断面大小、江水位高低有关。

15.Under increasing tension, the magnetic field eventually breaks through the surface.由于压力越来越大,其磁场最终穿透太阳表面。

16.others devise larger and larger rocket bombs, more and more powerful explosives, and more and more impenetrable armour-plating;有的在设计体积越来越大的火箭弹,威力越来越强的爆炸物,厚度越来越打不穿的装甲板;

17.An armada of ants crossing the lawn.一大批正在穿越草坪的蚂蚁

18.a transcontinental highway, flight, journey穿越大陆的公路、 飞行、 旅行.


dyke crossing穿越江堤

3)penetrating seawall穿堤

4)Maximum penetration of light最大化采光穿越

5)the biggest passing current最大穿越电流

6)Walk through the Grand Nujiang Valley穿越怒江大峡谷


