100字范文 > 复合双基地雷达 complex bistatic radar英语短句 例句大全

复合双基地雷达 complex bistatic radar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-12 21:24:30


复合双基地雷达 complex bistatic radar英语短句 例句大全

复合双基地雷达,complex bistatic radar

1)complex bistatic radar复合双基地雷达

1.Algorithm of target location forcomplex bistatic radar system based on Gauss-Newton method基于高斯—牛顿法改进的复合双基地雷达目标空间定位算法

2.For improving target s location accuracy and fully utilizing redundant information incomplex bistatic radar systems,a new target location algorithm based on Gauss-Newton iterative is proposed.为了提高复合双基地雷达系统对目标的定位精度,以及充分利用冗余信息,提出了基于高斯-牛顿算法的空间目标定位算法。


1.Algorithm of target location for complex bistatic radar system based on Gauss-Newton method基于高斯—牛顿法改进的复合双基地雷达目标空间定位算法

2.Positioning Accuracy in Monostatic-Bistatic Composite High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Network单双基地复合高频地波雷达网定位精度分析

3.Synchronization Aspects and Imaging Algorithms of Bistatic SAR;双基地合成孔径雷达同步与成像算法

4.Research on Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Denoising with Double Density Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform基于双密度双树复数小波变换的合成孔径雷达图像降噪研究

5.Simulation Analysis of Cross-correlation and Time Difference Estimation in Non-cooperative Bistatic Radar Systems非合作双基地雷达互相关时差估计仿真分析

6.Study of range-azimuth coupling and decoupling in bistatic MISO surface-wave radar双基MISO地波雷达中的距离-方位耦合及解耦研究

7.Distance Measuring Method and Accuracy Analysis in Non-Cooperative Bistatic Radar非合作双基地雷达测距方法与精度分析

8.The Application of Back-projection Algorithm in Bi-static Synthetic Aperture Radar;反投影算法在双基地合成孔径雷达成像中的应用

9.Research on Signal Processing Techniques for Bistatic LFMCW Radar;双基地LFMCW雷达信号处理技术研究

10.The Character Analysis of Mobile Bistatic(Multistatic) Radar Echo;移动双(多)基地雷达回波特性分析

11.The Design of Optical Receiving System in Monostatic and Bistatic Lidar;单、双基地激光雷达光学接收系统设计

12.The Designtion and Realization of the Scan Principle System of the Bistatic Lidar;单双基地激光雷达扫描原理系统研究

13.The receiver and transmitter angle estimation in bi-static MIMO radar双基地MIMO雷达的收发角度估计

14.Anti-jamming Capability Analysis for Nearby Space Bistatic Radar临近空间双基地雷达抗干扰能力分析

15.Research of Spatial Synchronization in Bistatic Radar on Airborne Plat机-机双基地雷达空间同步技术研究

16.Critical Technologies of Bistatic Radar Onboard Airplanes机-机双基地雷达若干关键技术研究

17.Research into The Dynamic Detection Performance of Variable Baseline Ground-to-air Bistatic Radar变基线地空双基地雷达动态探测性能研究

18.HF Passive Bistatic Surface Wave Radar Based on DRM Digital AM Broadcast基于数字调幅广播的无源双基地地波雷达


Monostatic-bistatic composite HF radar network单双基地复合雷达网

3)bistatic radar双基地雷达

1.Study of parameter measurement and location method in non-cooperativebistatic radar;非合作双基地雷达参数测量与定位方法研究

2.Improved algorithm for locating targets inbistatic radar system based on MQNM;基于MQNM的双基地雷达目标定位改进算法

3.Study on the detection technology ofbistatic radars for stealthy targets;隐身目标的双基地雷达探测技术

4)bistatic SAR双基地合成孔径雷达

1.The conclusion is the important base for designingbistatic SAR and for imaging simulation,based on some simulation for signal processing and imaging of the system.测绘带宽度、脉冲重复频率的大小和双基地基线的长度是双基地合成孔径雷达系统设计和成像仿真的重要基础和基本依据,从信号处理的系统性观点出发,对这三个参数进行了详细的研究,将单基地合成孔径雷达的有关结论推广到双基地系统;基于双基地合成孔径雷达方程和卡西尼曲线的特性,分析了双基地基线的选取对测绘带面积受损程度的影响,以及对发挥抗电子干扰性能的影响。

5)hybrid bistatic space-based radar空天混合双基地雷达

6)bistatic synthetic aperture radar双基地合成孔径雷达

1.A new phase gradient autofocus(PGA) algorithm forbistatic synthetic aperture radar(SAR) is studied.研究并提出了一种双基地合成孔径雷达(BSAR)相位梯度自聚焦(PGA)算法。

2.Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar is the synthetic aperture radar system whichputs transmitter and receiver on different delivery platforms.双基地合成孔径雷达(BiSAR)是将雷达的发射系统和接收系统分别安装在不同的运载平台上的合成孔径雷达系统。


