100字范文 > 管径选择 the choice of diameter英语短句 例句大全

管径选择 the choice of diameter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 22:20:04


管径选择 the choice of diameter英语短句 例句大全

管径选择,the choice of diameter

1)the choice of diameter管径选择


1.Guideline for pipe diameter selection in process units for petrochemical enterprises石油化工企业工艺装置管径选择导则

2.Selection and Application of Large Diameter Steel Pipe Piles for Donghai Bridge东海大桥大直径钢管桩的选择和应用

work Governance:Path Selection of Urban Sustainable Development;网络治理:生态城市管理的路径选择

4.Financial Innovation and Ways Choice of Financial Supervision Reform;金融创新与金融监管改革的路径选择

5.The Path-Choice of Constructing a Management Method of Service-oriented Business创建服务型工商管理模式的路径选择

6.The Applied Anatomical Research of Choosing OperationPath in High-level Bile Duct Carcinoma;高位胆管癌手术路径选择的应用解剖研究

7.Strengthen System Arrangement and Route Choice of Management and Service of the Floating Population;加强流动人口管理服务的制度安排与路径选择

8.The Rule of Law in Administration: The Path Selection of Administrative Modernization in China;行政法治化:我国行政管理现代化的路径选择

9.The Regulation System and Development of Seasoned Equity Offerings in China;中国再发行市场的监管制度及其发展路径选择

10.Consideration of Chinese City Governing County System and Choose the Way to Reform;我国市管县体制的反思及变革途径选择

11.Performance Management: Method Adapted to Promote Our Country s Government Effectiveness;绩效管理:提升我国政府效能的路径选择

12.On Human Resources Management of Higher Vocational College and its path Selection;论高职院校人力资源管理及其路径选择

13.Path Choice of Urban Governance Under the Background of Healthy Cities;基于健康城市视角的城市管治路径选择

14.The Ways Chosen for Labor Market Supervision: from the Perspective of Globalization;劳动力市场监管之路径选择——以全球化为视角

15.Effective Management on Rapid Development of Foreign Reserves in China;中国外汇储备高增长的有效管理及路径选择

16.System Evolvement & Path Choosing of Public Budget Management Reformation in China;中国公共预算管理改革的制度演化与路径选择

17.Peasant Household and the Business Enterprise Symbiosis Path Choices Based on Supply Chain Management;基于供应链管理的农户与企业共生路径选择

18.Selection of Equipment for Development of Domestic Production of Large-sized Seamless Steel Tubes;国内大直径无缝钢管生产发展的装备选择


route selection路径选择

1.Views on reforms to China s exchange rate arrangements: force, restraint androute selection;中国汇率制度改革:动力、约束与路径选择

2.Route Selection for Constructing the Harmonious Trade Unions;构建和谐工会的路径选择

3)route choice路径选择

1.Exploring Drivers Route Choice Response to Real-time Guidance Information of Variable Message Signs;VMS诱导信息影响下的路径选择行为分析

2.Application of fluid neuron network onroute choice based on user optimum in traffic network;流体神经网络在交通网用户最优路径选择中的应用研究

3.Simulation-based approach to evaluate dynamic multiple userroute choice behavior under ATIS;ATIS环境下动态多用户路径选择行为仿真研究

4)path selection路径选择

1.Multi-constrained optimalpath selection of QoS;QoS多约束优化路径选择算法

2.The main task and thepath selection of the current development of inner-party democracy;当前发展党内民主的主要任务与路径选择

3.Thepath selection of the economical use of urban and rural construction land;城乡建设用地节约集约利用的路径选择

5)path choice路径选择

1.Thepath choice of the reform of the woodland property right system;林地产权制度改革的路径选择

2.Technology Innovation Path Choice of the Local Enterprises in Developing Countries: Taking the South Korean Samsung Electron as an Example;发展中国家本土企业技术创新的路径选择——以韩国Samsung电子为例

3.On the Path Choice of Foreign Direct Investment by Chinese Firms to Western Europe;论我国企业对西欧生产性投资的路径选择


1.Study on the Optimization of Container FlowRouting Between Center Stations;中心站间铁路集装箱运输径路选择优化研究


