100字范文 > 气源转换 gas conversion英语短句 例句大全

气源转换 gas conversion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-20 13:03:09


气源转换 gas conversion英语短句 例句大全

气源转换,gas conversion

1)gas conversion气源转换


1.Implementation of Gas Source Conversion Project Depending on Technical Support and Fine Management依靠技术支持和精细管理实施气源转换工程

2.The Transformation of Energy in the 21st Century and the Natural Gas Pipeline Industry;21世纪能源的转换及天然气管道工业

3.The Structure Design of the Conversion Unit and the Power for the Electro-pneumatic Inverter;电—气转换器转换单元的结构设计及其电源的设计

4.Research of Risk Source Analysis and Safety Control for Natural Gas Conversion;天然气转换中危险源分析及安全控制的研究

5.Specifies the translation of the subcategory. The translation is source specific.指定子分类的转换。转换是源的。

6.Transformation flags define how source data is converted.转换标记可以定义转换源数据的方式。

7.T&L Transform and Lighting多边形转换与光源处理

8.power off relay停电用电源转换继电器

9.atmospheric displacement空气置换转化为蒸汽

10.cross-over seat转换阀座钻屑天然气

11.active transducer有源变换器;有源换能器;有源能量转换器;主动变换器

12.The Comment on Replacement from LPG to Natural Gas in Shenzhen;深圳市液化石油气转换天然气的探讨

13.Discussion on Interchangeability of City Emergency Stand-by Gas Source城市应急备用气源的燃气互换性探讨

14.Initial Probe into Interchangeability of Multi-Source Natural Gas in Shanghai上海市多气源天然气互换性问题初探

15.S3TL S3 Transformation & Lightings3多边形转换和光源处理

16.Automatic exchange for DC and AC supply.直流电源与交流供电能自动转换。

17.Study on Transposition of Scarce Resources and Expansion of Economics Boundary稀缺资源的转换与经济学边界的拓展

18.Convert 3.0 resource file to 6.0 format?转换 3.0 资源文件到 6.0 格式吗?


energy conversion能源转换

1.But these two methods could not tell the difference in grade of different energy source, and have much trouble in converting method for hydropower and nuclear power, evaluatingenergy conversion system.基于目前我国在能耗统计中广泛采用的发热煤耗计算法和电热当量计算法不能反映不同能源品位的差异,而且在水电、核电的折算、能源转换系统的评价等方面存在诸多矛盾,本文提出将能源的“质”“量”结合一起考虑的等效电的统计方法,不仅将解决现有统计方法的诸多矛盾,而且在能耗统计方面更加科学合理。

3)source-sink transition源-汇转换

1.Migration mechanism of biogenic elements and their quantification on the sediment-water interface of Lake Taihu:Ⅱ.chemical thermodynamic mechanism of phosphorus release and itssource-sink transition;太湖沉积物-水界面生源要素迁移机制及定量化——2.磷释放的热力学机制及源-汇转换

4)energy transformation能源转换

5)power conversion电源转换

1.Chief problem of manufacture instrument is which reduce loss and prolong maketime of battery resolved by MAX757 ofpower conversion chip.为了解决这一问题最终选择MAX757电源转换芯片,实验数据表明使用MAX757进行电源转换效果很好,达到了预期目的。

6)conversion of water source水源转换

1.Under the correct leadership by municipal government and relevant departments,two phases of land subsidence controlling plan(1986-1997 and since ) has been implemented,including theconversion of water source,reduce of groundwater exploitation,and some administration and economy policy.防治手段主要是在技术上对沉降区实施水源转换、减采地下水,以及保证技术手段能够顺利实施的管理和经济调控。


可转换证券的转换价值 可转换证券的转换价值——如果一种可转换证券可以立即转让,它可转换的普通股票的市场价格与转换比率的乘积就是可转换证券的转换价值,即转换价值等于普通股票的市价乘以转换比率。
