100字范文 > 地面运动目标指示 ground moving target indication英语短句 例句大全

地面运动目标指示 ground moving target indication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-28 22:18:04


地面运动目标指示 ground moving target indication英语短句 例句大全

地面运动目标指示,ground moving target indication

1)ground moving target indication地面运动目标指示

1.A detector for slow GMTI(ground moving target indication) with a single channel SAR(synthetic aperture radar) multi-look ATI(along track interferometry) was investigated.通过仿真实验,验证了该方法可以有效地从强杂波中检测动目标,为单通道SAR实现地面运动目标指示(GMTI,Ground Moving Target Indication)、扩展已有SAR系统功能提供可靠的途径。


1.An Improved Method of Three-channel SAR Ground Moving Target Indication一种改进的三通道SAR地面运动目标指示方法

2.An Algorithm of GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic Three-Channel SAR Ground Moving Target Indication同步轨道星机双基地三通道SAR地面运动目标指示算法

3.automatic moving-target indicator运动目标自动指示器

4.automatic moving target indictor自动运动目标指示器

5.airport surface movement indicator机场地面活动目标指示器

6.ASMI (Airfield Surface Movement Indicator)机场地面活动目标显示器

7.air moving target indicator飞行活动目标指示器

8.Research on Ground Moving Targets Detection with Airborne SAR;机载SAR地面运动目标检测方法研究

9.Cooperative trajectory planning for UAV towards moving target aground面向地面运动目标的无人机协同航迹规划

10.Influence of the selection of strong-motions intensity measures on the seismic demands for RC bridge columns地面运动强度指标对RC桥墩地震需求的影响

11.automatic ground position indicator自动地面位置指示器

12.Ground Moving Target Indication and Velocity Estimation in Distributed Small Satellite SAR Systems;分布式小卫星SAR地面运动目标检测及速度估计

13.The Study of Ground Moving Target Detection and Imaging for Airborne Dual-Channel SAR;机载双通道SAR地面运动目标检测成像技术研究

14.The Study of Ground Moving Target Indication with Synthetic Aperture Radar;合成孔径雷达地面运动目标检测技术研究

15.Study on the Imaging and GMTI Algorithms for Distributed Radar;分布式雷达成像及地面运动目标检测方法研究

16.Research on Multi-Channel SAR Ground Moving Target Detection and Parameter Estimations多通道SAR地面运动目标检测与参数估计研究

17.Approach to ground slowly moving target parameter estimation for airborne dual-channel SAR systems机载双通道SAR地面慢速运动目标参数估计方法

18.Detection and Location of Ground Moving Target in VSAR Based on Hybrid Integration基于混合积累的VSAR地面运动目标检测和定位


ground moving target indication地面动目标指示

1.A comprehensive performance analysis method of three-channel SAR(synthetic aperture radar) GMTI(ground moving target indication) was presented after analyzing the theory of conventional three channel SARground moving target indication methods.在分析经典的三通道SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)地面动目标指示(GM-TI,Ground Moving Target Indication)方法原理的基础上,提出一种较全面三通道SAR/GMTI性能评价方法。

3)GMTI Radar地面动目标指示雷达

1.Research on Ground Moving Target Tracking Technology Using an AirborneGMTI Radar;由于JointSTARS的核心——地面动目标指示雷达——能够穿透烟雾云雨,在大范围内快速搜索,在远距离上精确探测地面运动目标,并可对宽广散布的众多地面目标进行实时跟踪,因此得到了广泛的重视。

4)automatic moving target indictor自动运动目标指示器

5)automatic moving-target indicator运动目标自动指示器

6)ground moving target地面运动目标

1.The problem ofground moving target identification and tracking based on Dempster-Shafer evidence theory and fuzzy similarity is studied.研究了基于Dempster-Shafer证据理论和模糊相似度的地面运动目标识别与跟踪问题。

2.Theground moving target indicator based on space-based sparse aperture is attractive.针对利用天基稀疏孔径实现地面运动目标指示时带来运动目标检测模糊的问题,分析了稀疏阵产生运动检测模糊的机理,研究了利用频率正交信号解模糊的方法,从理论上推导了解模糊对信号频率的约束条件,提出了稳健、有效的解模糊方法——二级检测法。

3.Based on high resolution airborne SAR, the problems of ground/sea moving targets imaging are investigated in this dissertation, mainly including: the high resolutionground moving targets imaging based on airborne SAR; the high resolution imaging of moving ship targets at sea based on airborne SAR; the three-dimensional reconstru.本论文深入开展了高分辨率机载SAR地面/海面运动目标成像研究,主要包括:单天线机载SAR地面运动目标高分辨率成像、海面运动舰船目标高分辨率成像、基于单通道机载SAR二维图像序列的运动目标三维重构以及基于三天线机载干涉SAR的运动目标三维成像方法。


