100字范文 > 物理漏失量 Physical leakage英语短句 例句大全

物理漏失量 Physical leakage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-11 13:37:15


物理漏失量 Physical leakage英语短句 例句大全

物理漏失量,Physical leakage

1)Physical leakage物理漏失量

1.By presuming all of physical leakage as the function of the pressure,and the book leakage as the function of using water model,the paper points out the time delay simulating digit of the water supply network can reasonably differ the physical leakage and book leakage,and concludes the mathematical models of the physical leakage and book leakage for the water supply network.假设所有物理漏失量为压力的函数,而账面漏失量为用水模式的函数,指出利用给水管网的延时模拟数据即可合理地区分物理漏失量和账面漏失量,并得到供水管网的物理漏失量和账面漏失量的数学模型。


1.Study of the method for calculating the clearanceleakage between the plunger and the barrel of oil well pump;抽油泵柱塞与泵筒间隙漏失量计算方法的研究

2.By studying the laws of fluid flowing in the wedged clearance, accurate and approximate equations are derived for calculating the annularleakages as pump barrel being concentric and eccentric with the plunger.根据柱塞和泵简在井下工作时受井液压力、温度和轴向力等因素的影响,使环隙沿柱塞长度近似呈倒锥形,通过对液体在楔形缝隙中流动规律的研究,导出了泵简与柱塞同心和偏心两种情况下的环隙漏失量的精确和近似公式,这些公式可直观反映出间隙和偏心量的大小对漏失量的影响。

3.Sucker pump with automatic compensate gap its plunger as nonmetal elasticity material was developed in order that friction between plunger and pump barrel was reduced, gapleakage between plunger and pump barrel was decreased, the cost of sucker pump and the expense of pump inspection and operation were reduced by aming at inelasticity was .针对常规抽油泵应用时存在的不适应性入手,以降低柱塞与泵筒之间的摩阻、减少柱塞与泵筒的间隙漏失量、降低抽油泵成本和检泵作业费用为目的,研制了一种采用非金属弹性材料作为抽油泵柱塞弹性元件的间隙自补偿柱塞泵。


1.Inversion of Overflow and Leakage of Reservoir in Under -balance Drilling欠平衡钻井过程中地层溢流量与漏失量的反演

2.Calculation of Annular Clearance Leakage for the Plunger and Pump Barrel of Sucker-rod Pump抽油泵柱塞和泵筒环隙漏失量计算的新公式

3.An amount lost as the result of leaking.由渗漏而导致的损失总量

4.The amount of liquid within a container that is lost, as by leakage, during shipment or storage.漏损量在运输或储存过程中容器内损失的液体的数量

5.an inadvertent slip, omission, etc不经意的失误、 遗漏等.

6.Leakage Simulation Test and Calculation of Seepage Quantity of Oil Tank Bottom Plate油罐罐底渗漏模拟试验及渗漏量计算

7.Gas Leakage Test and Calculation of Hydrogen Leakage of 600MW Generators600MW发电机气体泄漏试验及漏氢量计算

8.To minimise leakage and unaccounted-for water, a 20-year programme for the replacement of some 3050 kilometres of watermains was under planning.为尽量减少漏水及流失食水,当局现正计划在内分阶段更换约3050公里的水管。

9.Cause analysis of lost circulation and plugging method in Paleogene of Kuqa Piedmont structure库车山前下第三系漏失原因分析及堵漏方法

10.coolant leakage measuring assembly冷却剂泄漏测量装置

11.Large accidental spills have occurred.发生大量泄漏事故。

12.internal leakage in steering control valve转向控制阀内泄漏量

13.The path or place at which this loss takes place.漏电之处这种损失发生的路径或地方

14.7.14 Using the seawater to force drill out the loss formation.采用海水强行钻过漏失层。

15.Loss of electric current as a result of faulty insulation.漏电由于绝缘不好而导致的电流流失

16.To lose one"s grip on(a ball, for example)momentarily.漏接(球)暂时地失去控制(例如一球)

17.The reasons, loopholes of management and absence of management.原因是管理上有漏洞和管理缺失。

18.Copper Tube Leakage and Countermeasures for Generating Set Low Pressure Heater机组低压加热器铜管失效泄漏与对策



1.Study of the method for calculating the clearanceleakage between the plunger and the barrel of oil well pump;抽油泵柱塞与泵筒间隙漏失量计算方法的研究

2.By studying the laws of fluid flowing in the wedged clearance, accurate and approximate equations are derived for calculating the annularleakages as pump barrel being concentric and eccentric with the plunger.根据柱塞和泵简在井下工作时受井液压力、温度和轴向力等因素的影响,使环隙沿柱塞长度近似呈倒锥形,通过对液体在楔形缝隙中流动规律的研究,导出了泵简与柱塞同心和偏心两种情况下的环隙漏失量的精确和近似公式,这些公式可直观反映出间隙和偏心量的大小对漏失量的影响。

3.Sucker pump with automatic compensate gap its plunger as nonmetal elasticity material was developed in order that friction between plunger and pump barrel was reduced, gapleakage between plunger and pump barrel was decreased, the cost of sucker pump and the expense of pump inspection and operation were reduced by aming at inelasticity was .针对常规抽油泵应用时存在的不适应性入手,以降低柱塞与泵筒之间的摩阻、减少柱塞与泵筒的间隙漏失量、降低抽油泵成本和检泵作业费用为目的,研制了一种采用非金属弹性材料作为抽油泵柱塞弹性元件的间隙自补偿柱塞泵。

3)flowrate loss metering漏失计量

4)injection water leakage注水漏失量

1.Theinjection water leakage of a pre-mining and two post - mining hole are observed .通过分析许厂煤矿1302上工作面具体地质条件与开采条件,在进行合理覆岩破坏发育规律预测的基础上,选择先进的井下仰孔测漏法探测导水裂隙带高度,在现场进行了一个采前孔与两个采后孔的注水漏失量观测,并分析了采前、采后注水漏失量随钻孔深度变化曲线,获得了本工作面覆岩导水裂隙带发育高度。

5)fluid-loss test漏失量试验

6)book leakage账面漏失量

1.By presuming all of physical leakage as the function of the pressure,and thebook leakage as the function of using water model,the paper points out the time delay simulating digit of the water supply network can reasonably differ the physical leakage andbook leakage,and concludes the mathematical models of the physical leakage andbook leakage for the water supply network.假设所有物理漏失量为压力的函数,而账面漏失量为用水模式的函数,指出利用给水管网的延时模拟数据即可合理地区分物理漏失量和账面漏失量,并得到供水管网的物理漏失量和账面漏失量的数学模型。


同量异位素(原子物理学)同量异位素(原子物理学)Isobar (atomic physics)bar同量异位素(原子物理学)巨sc (atomic physieS)」数Z位素可;它异位白夕-俘获量异26),多数定的CaP-撰]同量异位素是指质量数A相同、但原子厅不同的两个或多个原子之一。因此,虽然同量异具有近似相等的质量,但是它们的化学性质不}们是不同元素的原子。原子序数相差1的同星素不可能都是稳定的,其中一个不可避免地将发射(Z~Z+l)、月+发射(Z~Z一l)或电子(Z~Z一1)而衰变为另一个。有许多稳定的厉位素偶的例子,例如,soTi(z一24)和SOe:(z=还有稳定的同量异位三重态的四个例子。对沐A值,已知的放射性同量异位素的数目超过稀同量异位素的数目。参阅“电子俘获,’( electrorture)、“放射性”(radioaetivity)各条。〔达克沃思(H.E.Duekworth
