100字范文 > 国家卫生城市 National health city英语短句 例句大全

国家卫生城市 National health city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-06 10:39:55


国家卫生城市 National health city英语短句 例句大全

国家卫生城市,National health city

1)National health city国家卫生城市

1.Creating national health city (hereinafter referred to as "ChuangWei") is that the national AiWeiHui takes improving the health level of city as purpose, which was a hygiene evaluation activity began in 1990.本文在阐述国家卫生城市的概念、渊源及产生背景的基础上,总结了经济欠发达城市创建国家卫生城市的价值及其重大意义,即可以改善市民生活和工作环境,提高市民健康水平,提升城市品味和知名度,实现城市的可持续发展;分析了经济欠发达城市创建国家卫生城市面临的问题,包括城市环境卫生的管理水平低下、市民环卫活动参与意识较差、硬件建设与国家标准差距较大、市容执法难度较大、创建国家卫生城市行为存在误区等;提出了经济欠发达城市创建国家卫生城市的思路与对策,主要指加强宣传教育、分解创建标准、多方筹措资金、强化行政效能、提高执法水平、完善监督体制、坚持因地制宜等七个方面。


1.Research on Undeveloped Cities" Success in Creating the National Health City经济欠发达城市成功创建国家卫生城市研究

2.Ecological Characteristics and Control Strategy of the Rodents Left in the National Health City国家卫生城市的残存鼠生态特征及其防制对策

3.Satisfaction Survey Analysis among Residents during Creating The National Health City by Nantong City南通市创建国家卫生城市中居民满意度调查分析

4.View on Effects of School Health Education from Building National Health City;从创建国家卫生城市看学校健康教育的开展效果

5.A Study on Catastrophic Health Expenditure of Urban Poor Families;我国城市贫困家庭的灾难性卫生支出研究

6.Health experts are trying to cleanse the air in cities.卫生专家们正设法净化城市里的空气。

7.Study on the Structure of Urban Medical Delivery System in China;我国城市医疗卫生服务系统结构研究

8.Probe into the Management of Environmental Hygiene in Guangzhou City in the Period of the Republic China;民国时期广州城市环境卫生治理述论

9.Analysis of The City Public Health Problems in Industralized Britain;工业化时期英国城市的公共卫生问题

10.Study on the Status Quo of Chinese Human Resources Management of Township Health Centers and Community Health Facilities;我国乡镇卫生院和城市社区卫生服务机构人力资源管理现状调查

11.A Study on Managing Pattern of Country Community Health Service in China;中国城市社区卫生服务机构管理模式研究

12.The Setting-up of the Dual Referral System being the Effective Way to Push forward the Development of Community Health Services;关于我国城市社区卫生服务发展的思考

13.The health problems in the process of our country s urbanization and its causes exploring;我国城市化进程中的卫生问题及其原因探讨

14.Analysis on the status quo of healthcare management in China"s urban community health facilities我国城市社区卫生机构健康管理开展现状分析

15.Functional Implementation of Urban Community Health Service in China全国城市社区卫生服务功能落实情况分析

16.The Road of Urban Envionmental Sanitation under the perspective of Urban Master Plan--A Case Study of Envionmental Sanitation Planning of the Zhongxin Ecological City in Tianjin;城市总体规划视角下我国城镇环境卫生之路——以中新天津生态城环卫规划为例

17.The Quality Evaluation of Living Space of the Central Cit y and Its Satellite Towns in China --A Case Study of the Satellite Towns of Xi"an中国区域中心城市及其卫星城镇生活空间质量评价——以西安卫星城镇评价为例

18.Development of Health Care Market under the State Government Macroscopic Intervention发展国家宏观调控下的医疗卫生保健市场


state-level hygiene city国家级卫生城市

3)A national sanitary city全国卫生城市

4)urban health城市卫生

5)Health city卫生城市

1.Objectives To form a scientific, comparative and simple index system of assessment inHealth city construction in Sichuan province for meeting the requirements of the currentHealth city construction in Sichuan province and comprehensive evaluating of theHealth city construction in Sichuan and providing reference for similar studies.目的建立一套适应新时期四川省卫生城市建设工作需要的,科学合理、量化可比、简单易行、实用性强的卫生城市建设评价指标体系,在四川省今后的卫生城市建设考评工作中综合评价各地级市卫生城市建设工作情况,同时为相关研究提供方法学参考。

6)city and state城市及国家


