100字范文 > 等标污染负荷 equal standard pollution load英语短句 例句大全

等标污染负荷 equal standard pollution load英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-05 11:26:37


等标污染负荷 equal standard pollution load英语短句 例句大全

等标污染负荷,equal standard pollution load

1)equal standard pollution load等标污染负荷

1.By taking a city’s industrial pollution source for example, anequal standard pollution load method was adopted to evaluate the total impact of industrial pollution source on urban surface water environment, and then the equal standard load per unit output was devised to assess the strength of industrial pollution source impact on urban surface water environment.以某市工业污染源为例,采用等标污染负荷法评价了各工业污染源对城市地表水环境的影响力度(总量);提出了单位产值等标污染负荷法,并用之评价各工业污染源对城市地表水环境的影响强度。

2.The results exhibit as follows:1) The ranking of average heavy-metalequal standard pollution load was given in the order from large to small as Cr(Ⅵ),Cd,Pb,Hg and As over the last decade.以深圳市为例,利用等标污染负荷法和单位产值等标污染负荷法,从污染物种类、时间变化、空间分布、行业排放4个方面,分析了深圳市工业污染源重金属的排放特征,重点比较了1996—以来重金属排放特征的变化。


1.Application of Equiscalar Pollution Loading Regional Industrial Pollution Source Assessment;用单位产值等标污染负荷法评价区域工业污染源

2.Application of Iso-standard Charge Method in the Evaluation to the Pollution Source in Shaoguan City Water Environment;等标污染负荷法在韶关市水环境污染源评价中的应用

3.Research of Pollution Load Allocation in Atmospheric Total Control;大气污染物总量控制污染负荷分配研究

4.Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution Load in Jialing River Basin;嘉陵江流域非点源污染负荷模拟研究

5.Study of Pollution Loading Model in the Area of Typical Plain River Network;典型平原河网地区污染负荷模型研究

6.Study on the assessment methods of pollution load for products based on the coefficients of pollutant generation and discharge基于产排污系数的产品污染负荷评价方法研究

7.Study on the Pollution Load Calculation and Polluting Effect of Barier Net Aquiculture in Yangcheng Lake;阳澄湖围网养殖污染负荷计算及其污染效应研究

8.Pollution load forecasting model and its application in Bohai Bay海岸带污染负荷预测模型及其在渤海湾的应用


10.Study on Pollution Load and Control Measures for Different Drainage System;不同排水体制的污染负荷及控制措施研究

11.The Load Study and Synthesized Evaluation on Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution in Daqing Area;大庆地区农业非点源污染负荷研究与综合评价

12.Research of the Non-point Source Pollution Load in Palm-spring Residential District Based on SWMM;基于SWMM的棕榈泉小区非点源污染负荷研究

13.The Annual Pollutant Carry Model of Highway and the Wood-Pavement in the Tour Area;旅游景区公路和栈道年径流污染负荷计算模型

14.Study of Rainwater Schelping Soil Pollution into the Water;土壤污染物在径流作用下进入水体的负荷研究

15.Estimation of the Annual Load of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Illustrated with Huaihe River in Huainan;农业非点源污染年负荷量估算方法研究

16.Evaluation of Load s Disturbance Property and Research of Electromagnetic Pollution Emission System;负荷的干扰性评估及电磁污染排放体系的研究

17.The Analysis of City Non-point Source Pollution Load under the Designed Storm;设计暴雨条件下城市非点源污染负荷分析

18.Evaluation of Pollution from Non-point Sources in Weigou Small Watershed Based on GIS and RS;GIS和遥感支持下的小流域非点源污染负荷估算


Equal standard pollution loading等标污染负荷

1.An integrated investigation and evaluation by equal standard pollution loading method on agricultural non-point source pollution was conducted of water environment of thirteen counties in Jiangsu Province.对江苏省13个市的水环境农业非点源污染进行了分类调查,并采用等标污染负荷的评价方法对各类污染源进行了评价。

3)iso-standard charge method等标污染负荷法

4)equiscalar pollution loading ratio等标污染负荷比

1.The methed for the calculation of theequiscalar pollution loading ratio.通过等标污染负荷比计算及单一指数法和综合指数法,查明了该区的主要污染源、污染物和污染类型,并给出了矿业万元产值废物和废液产生量。

5)equiscalar pollation looding per product单位产值等标污染负荷

6)percentage of equivalent-standard burthen等标污染负荷百分比


等标污染负荷分子式:CAS号:性质:在对一个系统(如一个城市或一个工厂)中的多个污染源及其排放的多种污染物进行评价,以确定主要污染源和主要污染物时,通常采用等标污染负荷作为统一比较的尺度,对各污染源和各污染物的环境影响大小进行比较。 某污染物的等标污染负荷=式中污染物排放量的单位为kg/a,环境质量标准限值的单位为mg/m3(气)或mg/L(水)。某污染源的等标污染负荷是该污染源排放的各种污染物的等标污染负荷的总和。某系统的等标污染负荷是该系统各污染源等标污染负荷的总和。
