100字范文 > 赣州旧城 the Inner City of Ganzhou英语短句 例句大全

赣州旧城 the Inner City of Ganzhou英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 02:17:36


赣州旧城 the Inner City of Ganzhou英语短句 例句大全

赣州旧城,the Inner City of Ganzhou

1)the Inner City of Ganzhou赣州旧城

1.The Research on the Conservation and Revitalization forthe Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区保护与更新方式研究


1.The Research on the Conservation and Revitalization for the Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区保护与更新方式研究

2.The Research on the Conservation and Regeneration of the Historic Cultural Districts of Ganzhou历史文化名城赣州旧城保护与可持续再生研究

3.The Study on the Conservation and Continuance of the Traditional Space for the Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区传统空间保护与传承研究

4.Research on regional central city in Ganzhou modernization construction;赣州区域性现代化中心城市建设探讨

5.Juzhou City in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, is also known as the Iron Lion City.河北沧州的旧州城,又名狮子城,

6.Residential Real Estate Market Supply and Demand Research of Gan Zhou City Center;赣州市中心城区住宅房地产市场供需研究

7.The Survey and Analysis of High School Students" Information Literacy in Ganzhou City赣州市城区高中生信息素养状况调查分析

8.Considerations about Constructing the Urban Emergency Drinking Water Sources in Ganzhou City关于建设赣州市城市应急饮用水源的思考

9.Tourism Exploitation on Culture Tourism Resources of Qili Ancient Town: The Suburb of Ganzhou City文化旅游资源的开发与利用——以赣州城郊七里古镇为例

10.Development Approach of Cultural Services Economy in Small and Medium-sized Cities--A Case Study of Ganzhou,Jiangxi Province探索中小城市文化服务经济的途径——以江西赣州为例

11.Research on Paths of Promoting Small Towns Development in Underdeveloped Areas欠发达地区小城镇发展路径建构研究——以江西省赣州市为例

12.The Application of Urban Texture in the Reservation and Renaissance of Fuzhou Old District;城市肌理在福州旧城保护与更新中的应用研究

13.The picture shows the view of Ganzhou City"s New District.图为赣州市新区面貌。

14.Research on Conservation and Development of Historic District in Zhangzhou Urban Renewal;漳州市旧城更新中历史街区的保护和发展研究

15.The Redevelopment of Recreational Business Districts in Historic Cities:A Case Study of Shangxiajiu Area in Guangzhou旧城游憩商业区改造研究——以广州上下九为例

16.Transformation of the old city of Quanzhou to the drainage design projects浅议泉州市区旧城改造工程的给排水设计

17.Survey on the estrogen activity in organic extracts of water body from the Ganzhou reach of Ganjiang River赣江赣州段水体有机提取物的雌激素活性观察

18.Research on Former Village Reform under the Background of New Rural Construction in the Central Region of JiangXi;赣中地区新农村建设中旧村改造研究


Suzhou"s old city苏州旧城


1.Research on the Situation and its Proposals of the Exploitation and Utilization of Mineral Resources inGanzhou;赣州矿产资源开发利用现状及对策研究

2.A Study on the City Image Planning in Concept Planning —Take the Concept Planning ofGanzhou City for Example;概念规划中对城市形象策划的研究——以赣州市概念规划为例

3.Reflection on the Protection Planningand Implementation for the Historic City ofGanzhou;赣州历史文化名城保护规划与实施思考

4)Ganzhou City赣州

1.Analysis onGanzhou City s Advantages of its Fast and Fine Economic Development;中部崛起背景下赣州实现又好又快发展的优势分析

2.Ganzhou city is rich in mineral resources,and mining has become an economic pillar industry in this city.赣州矿产资源丰富,矿业已经成为赣州的经济支柱,但赣州的矿业发展之路并不顺利,市政府进行了大力度的整治工作,采取了强有力的调控措施,使矿业发展有了一定成效。


1.On the Scientific & Technological Development ofGanzhou"s Tungsten Industry;赣州市钨产业科技发展问题分析

2.Survey on 5 cases with tsutsugamushi disease (Scrub typhus) inGanzhou City;赣州市5例恙虫病调查报告

3.Urban System Fractal Characteristics in Mountainous Areas──A Case ofGanzhou in Jiangxi Province;丘陵山区城镇体系的分形特征──以江西省赣州市为例

6)Ganzhou City赣州市

1.Feature reseach and preventive countermeasures about the mountain flood and geological disaster inGanzhou City;赣州市山洪地质灾害特征研究与防治对策

2.Optimization of Forest Layout and Construction inGanzhou City赣州市城市森林布局的优化与建设




赣州市位于江西南部,又称赣南国土面积3.9万平方公里,设1区辖2市15县.人口 800多 万。赣州人文荟萃,旅游资源丰富,有以宋代“四古”(古石窟、古城墙、古浮桥、古瓷窑) 为代表的宋城文化旅游区,有4a级景区通天岩,有被誉为“海上丝绸之路”的大余梅关古驿道旅游区,有道教第35福地宁都翠微峰金精洞,还有传说中汉钟离得道成仙的会昌汉仙岩,有天然氧吧崇义阳岭、人间仙境龙南小武当山,水上明珠上犹陡水湖,还有国家级风景名 胜区东江源头安远三百山,......。赣州曾是个激涌革命风云的地方.中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府在瑞金成立,工农红军从瑞金、于都等地出发进行了震惊世界的二万五千里长征。瑞金被称为“红色故都”、“共和国摇篮”。兴国是著名的将军县。蒋经国先生也曾在赣南工作和生活了5年多时间.赣州还是客家人主要集散地和聚居地.有神奇的客家围屋,有古朴的客家民居、有美妙的客家山歌,有浓郁的客家风情,这里悠扬的风韵和纯朴的民情,令人心驰神往。
