100字范文 > 福建长乐 Changle City in Fujian Province英语短句 例句大全

福建长乐 Changle City in Fujian Province英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-31 07:20:04


福建长乐 Changle City in Fujian Province英语短句 例句大全

福建长乐,Changle City in Fujian Province

1)Changle City in Fujian Province福建长乐


1.The Study on Mutagenic Effect of Fish Sauce Available on the Market in Changle City of Fujian;福建长乐市售鱼露的致突变作用研究

2.Spatio- temporal analysis of land use in Changle City on basis of GIS;基于GIS的福建长乐市土地利用变化时空分析

3.Sculptural Portraits of Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty: Further Study of Coloured Sculptures Unearthed at the Xianying Temple in Changle, Fujian;明代郑和的塑像——福建长乐显应宫出土彩塑再探

4.Motives and Conditions of Emigration from Changle to U.S. in Last 20 Years: A Field Study;近福建长乐人移民美国的动机和条件——以长乐实地调查为主的分析

5.Bing Xin (1900 -1999), originally known as Xie Wanying, was from a naval officer"s family in Changle, Fujian.冰 心(1900-1999)福建长乐人。 原名谢婉莹。 出生于海军军官家庭。

6.A Research on the Emotion Regulation Ability of Overseas Left-behind Children in Changle, Fujian;福建长乐海外留守儿童的情绪调节能力发展状况研究

7.A Research on the Psychological Development of Overseas Left-behind Children Aged from 5 to 7 in Changle, Fujian;福建长乐5~7岁海外留守儿童心理发展状况的研究

8.A Research on the Psychological Development of Overseas Left-behind Children Aged from 3 to 5 in Changle, Fujian;福建长乐3~5岁海外留守儿童心理发展状况研究

9.The study on land use change at county scale--A case study of Changle city in Fujian province;县域土地利用变化研究——以福建省长乐市为例

10.May you live a long and joyful life-a life full of all the Blessings that this world can bestow"祝你长寿,康乐,福佑多多"

11.Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity.祝你幸福快乐,健康长寿,事业发达!

12.A Research on Music by Zhentou Instrument in Putian, Fujian福建莆田地区枕头琴音乐调查与研究

13.To be happy we need continuous growth.我们需要不断地成长来获得最终的快乐幸福。

14.Welcome to join Carrefour and grow with us.欢迎您加入家乐福大家庭和我们一起成长。

15.Studies on the History of Musical Exchange between Fujian and Some Oceanic Countries in Modern Times;近代福建海上音乐交流的初步研究(1840~1949)

16.Current Situations of Drug Involvement in Fujian Entertainment Places And Their Management Countermeasures;福建省娱乐场所涉毒问题现状及治理对策

17.Brief talk about three special melodic phenomenon in theinstrumental music of Nanyin,Fujian province;浅谈福建南音器乐曲(谱)中三种特殊的旋律现象

18.Investigation on the Pteridophyte Resources in Southern Subtropical Rainforest of Letu Nanjing in Fujian;福建南靖乐土南亚热带雨林蕨类植物资源调查


east seacoast in Changle福建长乐东部海岸

3)Fujian Jiangle福建将乐

4)Fujian music福建音乐

1.The distinct features ofFujian music formed in mingling and bumping promoted the musical exchange between China and the world.由于特殊的地理位置,福建音乐以海洋为依托,与世界许多沿海国家产生过密切的音乐交流活动。

5)Changting County of Fujian Province福建长汀

1.This paper presented a comprehensive investigation on water use strategy and resource competition of two co-occurring coniferous and broad-leaf trees: Pinus massoniana and Schima superba, both are dominant tree species in Changting county of Fujian province, a granite mountainous area in subtropical regions.应用稳定碳同位素技术测定了福建长汀亚热带花岗岩水土流失区重建植被优势树种——马尾松(Pinus massoniana)与木荷(Schima superba)叶片的稳定碳同位素组成(δ~(13)C)值,并以此指示植物水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE),同时结合叶片光合特性及叶性状特征参数,对不同生态恢复程度生境2树种的水分利用效率特征进行研究,以揭示2树种对有限水资源的利用效率、利用策略及竞争能力。

2.In this paper,infra-red gas analyzer(IRGA) method was used to measure the stem CO_2 efflux rate(F_(CO2)) of two pioneer trees(Pinus massoniana and Schima superbaa) in two different habitats restored in Changting county of Fujian province.本研究应用红外气体分析法(IRGA),测定了福建长汀重建生态系统中两个不同恢复程度样地中的两种先锋植物(马尾松、木荷)的树干CO_2释放速率(stem CO_2effiux rate,F_(CO2)),并分析其与环境因子(气温、空气相对湿度、土壤单位体积含水量)及其它树木生理指标(树干温度、树干液流密度、树干总氮含量、树干总碳含量、树干可溶性糖和淀粉含量以及叶净光合速率)的关系。

6)Changding County of Fujian福建长汀县


