100字范文 > 村庄建设规划 village building planning英语短句 例句大全

村庄建设规划 village building planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-05 19:25:33


村庄建设规划 village building planning英语短句 例句大全

村庄建设规划,village building planning

1)village building planning村庄建设规划

1.Two important principles forvillage building planning—savingland and Improving total environmental quality;谈村庄建设规划的两条重要原则——节约土地与提高整体环境质量


1.Research on the Construction of the Content System of the Village Construction Planning in Developed Regions;发达地区村庄建设规划内容体系的构建研究

2.Planning of New Rural Area in Foshan City:A Case Study of Three Districts,Nanhai,Gaoming,and Sanshui佛山市新农村村庄建设规划初探——以南海区、高明区、三水区为例

3.Viewing the Depth of the Village Construction Planning Revision in Central Areas From Its Implementation in the Final Phase从后期实施看中部地区村庄建设规划修编的深度——以湖北曾店镇大汪村为例

4.Consideration of Village Planning in New Socialist Countryside Construction关于新农村建设村庄规划的思考——以新罗区村庄规划为例

5.Study on Strategy of Layout and Design for the Village Construction of Anhui Province;安徽省村庄建设的规划设计对策研究

6.The Research of the Village Plan and Enforcement in the Constract of the New Country of Social Democracy;社会主义新农村建设中的村庄规划与实施研究

7.Research on Village Adjustment and Planning in the Process of New Rural Development of Jiangyin;江阴市新农村建设中村庄调整规划研究

8.Thought on Village Planning of New Countryside Construction in Less-developed Areas;欠发达地区新农村建设村庄规划的思考

9.Study on Thorpe Seism Preventing and Disaster Reducing Planning in New Countryside Construction新农村建设中村庄防震减灾规划问题研究

10.Protection of the Community at the Great Wall and the Planning and Building of New Countryside--with the planning of Changyu City Village at Changping as an example长城戍边聚落保护与新农村规划建设——以昌平长峪城村庄规划为例

11.A Study on Village Centralization and Planning Construction under Rapid Urbanization;城市化加速时期村庄集聚及规划建设研究

12.Primary Exploration of the New Countryside Construction;社会主义新农村建设初探——以西辛庄新农村建设规划为例

13.Study on Characteristics of Village Cottage Building in New Rural Construction Planning: Taking Xiba Village as an Example关于新农村建设规划设计中村庄特色的研究——以洛南县保安镇西坝村建设规划为例

14.Dynamic Review on the Implement and Construction of New Socialist Countryside新农村规划建设实施后的动态述评——以北京市远郊区村庄为例

15.Research on Village Renovation Planning and Design村庄整治规划设计探讨——以八景镇上保蔡家村整治规划为例

16.Pay Attention to the Differences between Rural Planning and Urban Planning in New Rural Construction新农村建设要重视乡村规划与城市规划的区别

17.Research on New System and Model Construction for Rural Adaptable Planning适应农村发展诉求的村庄规划新体系与模式建构

18.Renovation of Village Features,with Wuxin Village of Chongqing as an Example村庄风貌整治规划设计的思考——以重庆市北碚区五新村为例


Village construction planning revision村庄建设规划修编

3)village planning村庄规划

1.Discussion on the problems ofvillage planning and design in the construction of a new countryside;浅谈新农村村庄规划设计中存在的问题

2.Study on function and emphasis ofvillage planning in new rural construction;新农村建设中村庄规划的作用及重点研究

3.The article relates with the practice ofvillage planning in the north of Jiangxi province.结合九江学院在赣北地区村庄规划的实践,对村庄调查、村庄总体规划、村庄道路交通规划、村庄景观生态规划等几个方面做了深入探讨,并提出相应的解决策略,以实现建设社会主义新农村的目标。

4)Village plan村庄规划

5)Village construction村庄建设

1.Value and Application of Modern Agricultural Landscape in Village Construction;现代农业景观在村庄建设中的价值与运用

2.Study on Strategy of Layout and Design for the Village Construction of Anhui Province;安徽省村庄建设的规划设计对策研究

6)build a village建设村庄


