100字范文 > 工业用地布局 industrial land layout英语短句 例句大全

工业用地布局 industrial land layout英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-27 16:56:49


工业用地布局 industrial land layout英语短句 例句大全

工业用地布局,industrial land layout

1)industrial land layout工业用地布局


1.Layout,ecology and renewal--study on industrial planning countermeasure in Harbin;布局·生态·更新——哈尔滨工业用地布局研究

2.utilitarian considerations in industrial design.在工业布局时效用考虑

3.Study on the Spatial Extension and Distribution of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS;基于RS与GIS工业用地扩展模式与布局研究

4.On Adjusting the Industry Distribution of the Old Industrial Bases in the Northeast;浅谈东北老工业基地产业布局的调整

5.Logistics Make the Effect Summon up Northeastern Region and the Study Which is about Space Layout of Logistics;现代物流业对东北老工业基地振兴的作用及空间布局研究

6.The coastal industrial base must be put to full use, but to even out the distribution of industry as it develops we must strive to promote industry in the interior.沿海的工业基地必须充分利用,但是,为了平衡工业发展的布局,内地工业必须大力发展。

7.Industry Distribution and Regional Organization工业布局与工业区组织

8.Industrial Cluster and the Adjustment of the Industry Layout in the Northeast Old Industry Base of China;产业集群与东北老工业基地产业布局调整

9.Study on the Logistics Industrial Distribution and Implementation Way of the Northeast Old Industrial Base;东北老工业基地物流产业布局及实现途径研究

10.Researches on the Layout of the Old Industrial Base of Zhengzhou City and Its Coordinated Development;郑州市老工业基地的产业布局与协调发展研究

11.Adhereing to the market in old industrial base to adjust the industrial layout;坚持市场化的方向 调整老工业基地的产业布局

12.Study on the Industrial Allocation and Industrial Harmony of Improvement of Jilin Old Industrial Base;吉林老工业基地产业布局与协调发展研究

13.Industrial Structure Adjustment in the Old Northeast Industrial Bases;东北老工业基地产业布局调整的几个问题

14.The Development of Town Agglomeration in Yuxi District of Chongqing and the Planning of the Characteristic Industrial Zone;渝西地区域镇群发展与特色工业园区布局

15.Study on the Distribution Adjustment and Consolidation of the Rural Settlement and the Plant in the Countryside;农村居民点与企业用地的布局调整和整理研究

16.Probe for the Application of Lean Management Production Philosophy In Industrial Enterprise Management & Overall Arrangement谈精益生产理念在工业企业管理及整体布局中的应用

17.readjusting the locations of processing industries, and shifting the resource processing and labor-intensive industries to the central and western regions;调整加工工业的地区布局,引导资源加工型和劳动密集型产业向中西部地区转移;

18.As a result of this relocation, many thriving northern industrial centers became depressed areas.这种重新布局的结果是很多繁荣的北方工业中心变成了萧条地区。


industrial layout工业布局

1.The major status of cityindustrial layout of our country have been carried out analysis.本文对我国城市工业布局的主要状况进行了分析 ,指出其形成的原因及存在的主要问题 ,提出工业布局必须以生态经济学理论为指导的重要性以及合理工业布局的主要原则和大的方案 ,论述了其对促进经济与环境及社会的相互适应、协调发展 ,进而达到最佳效益、实现可持续发展目标所起的作用。

2.The paper reviews Chen Yun s regionalindustrial layout thinking in different historical periods,analyzes its forming backgrounds,content and impact,then summarizes and interprets their connotations.本文对陈云在不同历史时期的区域工业布局思想进行了历史考察,分析了该思想的形成背景、内容和影响,在此基础上,对陈云的经济布局思想进行了系统梳理和总结,并运用马恩经典理论对其内涵进行了解读,认为该思想具有重要的理论和实践价值,对解决我国生产力布局问题曾发挥了重要指导作用,同时对当前深入贯彻党的十七大精神、更好地优化区域经济布局、促使国民经济又好又快发展也具有启示意义。

3.Because of the prevailing wind direction frequency on Laiwu City is only 11%,as well as the wind direction frequency in each direction is uniform,so it is meaningless about the Prevailing Wind Principle for consideration of theindustrial layout,and the pollution coefficient and the pollution .由于莱芜市盛行风向的频率仅为11%,各方向风向频率较均匀,因此在工业布局时主导风原则就失去了意义,应参考污染系数和污染风频进行规划设计。

3)industrial allocation工业布局

1.Strategic thoughts onindustrial allocation in the key regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;青藏高原重点区域工业布局的战略构想

2.Aothor proposed the strategy thought and general aim of the adjustment industrial structure, discussed many problems about leading industry how todevelop rapidly, put forward the adjustment plan ofindustrial allocation in the future.阐述了黑龙江省工业结构调整的战略思想和总体目标,提出了黑龙江省主导产业部门及工业布局体系调整的规划设想。

4)industry layout工业布局

1.Theindustry layout refers to geographic distribution for the industrial production in a country or region scope, which is the leading link of productive forces layout.工业布局是指工业生产在一国一地区范围内的地理分布,是生产力布局的主导环节,它受到自然资源、技术条件、人口状况、政治条件、历史基础等诸多方面因素影响和制约,决策者要充分研究并利用各种因素之间的关系及其对工业布局的影响,才能合理地布局工业生产。

5)industrial distribution工业布局

1.Analysis on the tendency in theindustrial distribution of Shandong province within 15 years;十五年来山东省工业布局变化趋势浅析

2.Analyzes the distribution of coking industry in the district and proposes improvement on the future development of theindustrial distribution.为科学合理地确定七台河市新兴区大气环境容量,对新兴区现有的焦化工业布局进行分析,提出存在的环境问题,并运用点-轴空间结构相关的区域工业布局理论提出切实可行调整方案,根据现有焦化企业大气污染源及气象资料,运用多源气流扩散模式借助计算机EIA环评助手软件对七台河市新兴区大气环境容量进行预测,同时对当前大气环境质量现状超标现象提出削减计划和治理措施,并对未来新兴区工业布局发展提出可行的改进方案,从而使新兴区发展成为环境友好型工业区。

6)industrial plan工业布局

1.By using region industrial area organization structure theory,depend on Harbin,use gray relevance analysis to analyze the energy consumption,industrial plan and environmental quality,then make a conclusion: in Harbin,the coal and coke exert a largest influence,especially in old Dongli area.应用区域工业空间组织结构理论,以哈尔滨市为依托,采用灰色关联分析法分别对工业部门的能源消耗、工业布局与环境质量进行分析,得出结论:哈尔滨市煤炭和焦炭"三废"排放量的影响最大,原动力区"三废"排放量的影响最大,为了改善环境质量,必须转变能源消费结构,调整工业地域组合,构建合理的城市工业空间布局结构。


工业用地工业用地 industrial land【概念】城市中工矿企业的生产车间、库房、堆场、构筑物及其附属设施(包括其专用的铁路、码头和道路等)的建设用地。【说明】按国标GBJ137—90第2.0.5条的规定,工业用地不包括露天矿用地,该用地应归入“水域和其它用地(代号E)”。
