100字范文 > 园林行业 garden trade英语短句 例句大全

园林行业 garden trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-18 07:26:07


园林行业 garden trade英语短句 例句大全

园林行业,garden trade

1)garden trade园林行业

1.Several thoughts ofgarden trade implementing supervisory system of project in an all-round way;园林行业全面实行工程监理制的几点思考


1.Several thoughts of garden trade implementing supervisory system of project in an all-round way;园林行业全面实行工程监理制的几点思考

2.The Study of the Synthetical Newspaper Affecting the Development of the Landscape Feild;综合性报纸对园林行业发展的影响研究

3.Heritage Conservation: Cultural Landscapes and American Landscape Architecture遗产保护:文化景观与美国的风景园林行业

4.Professionalism and Competency: Hong Kong’s Model on Establishing the Profession of Landscape Architecture专业精神与行业竞争力:以香港为例谈如何确立风景园林行业之专业地位

5.Investigate and Research of the Landscape Plants Applied in Business Pedestrian Street商业步行街中园林植物作用的调查与研究

6.Discussion on the building scape of landscape plant in business pedestrian street in modern city浅议现代城市商业步行街的园林植物造景

7.A Brief Discussion on Garden Building of Landscape Architecture Education--Take the Landscape Architecture Program of Beijing Forestry University for Example风景园林专业园林建筑教学浅谈——以北京林业大学园林专业为例

8.Analysis on the Feasibility of Establishing City Garden Major in Yueyang Vocational Technical College岳阳职业技术学院增设城市园林专业的可行性分析

9.Research on the Problems and Measures in the Construction of Botanical Garden Industry Zone;园林产业园建设中的问题及对策研究

10.Implement Scientific Development View,Strengthen Campus" Infrastructure Construction努力践行科学发展观思想 加强北京林业大学校园基本建设工作

11.Applicable Case Teaching in Gardening Engineering Course of Gardening Major in Higher Vocational Education;高职园林专业园林工程课适用案例教学

12.Preliminary Practice on Reform of Landscape Dendrology B in Major of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University北京林业大学风景园林专业园林树木学B课程教学改革初探

13.Forestry Ecological Afforestation and the Implementation of Quality Supervision Points of Landscaping Projects林业生态造林及园林绿化工程质量监理重点

14.Trade Unions International of Agricultural, Forestry and Plantation Workers农业、林业和种植园工人工会国际(农林业和种植园工人工会)

15.Discussion on Training of the Creative Ability of Occupational Technical College Students of Gardens major;园林专业高职学生创业能力培养初探

16.On exploration for garden space and tourist behavior activities in Xuefu garden of Taiyuan太原市学府公园园林空间与游人行为活动初探

17.Economics Analysis of Tourist Peccancy in the Forest Park;森林公园游客违章行为的经济学分析

18.Analysis of the Characteristics of Domestic Tourists Behavior in Wulingshan Forest Park;雾灵山森林公园旅游者行为特征分析


Landscape architecture speciality园林专业

1.Based on the characteristics of landscape architecture speciality in normal universities,the paper analyses the problems on the reformation of education and the training of the qualified persons,such as subjects and the credit system,construction of teachers,teaching methods and skills,training of students comprehensive qualified personnel and building of experimental base.根据园林专业学科特点及师范院校特点,分析探讨了园林课程体系改革与学分制的试行,师资队伍的建设,教学方法和教学手段的改革,学生综合能力的培养以及建立多层次的教学实践基地、加强实践教学环节等问题。

2.The landscape architecture s subject deal with the field of biology, engineering and art, its applied characteristic is strong; Doing practice teaching is possessed of important status in the teaching of landscape architecture speciality.园林教育方兴未艾 ,园林学科涉及生物、工程技术、艺术领域 ,应用性强 ,实习教学环节在园林专业教学中占有重要地位 ;对园林教学实习环节的课程综合性实习以及实习基地、形式、内容、学时安排等问题进行探讨 ,以便于科学地设置课程教学实习 ,合理地解决好实习教学环节中的有关问题 ,提高园林专业教学水平 ,增强学生的实际技能和专业素质。

3)Landscape architecture园林专业

1.Exploration on Landscape Architecture Developing in Vocational Education College;高职院校园林专业发展问题的探讨

2.Strengthen teaching characteristics of landscape architecture in local colleges and universities加强地方院校园林专业办学特色探讨

3.Analysis to teaching ability of landscape architecture in secondary vocational school中职教育园林专业教师教学能力构成探析

4)landscape specialty园林专业

1.This paper presents the challenges and influenceslandscape specialty will be faced in the new century,analyzes the teaching status quo and defects existing in design curricula oflandscape specialty in today s agriculture and forestry colleges,and proposes some thoughts on teaching reform in design curricula.文章提出园林专业在新世纪中将面临的挑战与影响,分析了目前农林院校园林专业设计类课程的教学现状及其弊病,从而提出设计类课程教学改革的思路。

2.Professional competence cultivation oflandscape specialty in higher vocational col- leges has many problems,such as lack of recognition,form retardation,the unscientific e- valuation system,etc.高职园林专业职业素质培养中存在认识不足、形式落后、评价体系不科学等问题,应该通过明确认识,使教学内容多样化,增强师资力量,提高评价体系的科学性等来对园林专业及高职院校相关专业进行教学改革。

5)Landscape architecture specialty园林专业

1.On the reformation of course system and teaching contents in landscape architecture specialty;园林专业课程体系和教学内容改革的探索与实践

2.Research and practice of the mode of cultivating innovative talent of landscape architecture specialty园林专业创新人才培养模式研究与实践

3.China is now in an unprecedented process of urbanization,modem Chinese landscape architecture specialty must face significant practical problems,put aside ideological burden of small farmers gardens,and go to a broader space.我国目前正处在一个空前的城市化进程中,现代中国园林专业必须面对重大的现实问题, 放下小农园林思想包袱,走向更广阔的空间。

6)Manorial forestry庄园林业


