100字范文 > 史前遗址 prehistoric site英语短句 例句大全

史前遗址 prehistoric site英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-24 12:37:21


史前遗址 prehistoric site英语短句 例句大全

史前遗址,prehistoric site

1)prehistoric site史前遗址

1.Prehistoric sites preservation plans are difficult in that the sites usually lack tangible relics and records.史前遗址是按照时间序列划分的一种遗址类型。


1.Gochang, Hwasun, and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites高敞、和顺、江华的史前遗址

2.Prehistoric Site Preservation Puzzle: Yixing Luotuodun Preservation Planning困境交织中的史前遗址保护规划探讨——以宜兴市骆驼墩史前遗址保护规划为例

3.Excavated Stone Artifacts in Chungdong Prehistoric Site in Puding County,Guizhou Province贵州普定穿洞史前遗址试掘中的石制品

4.Phytolith diagnostic characteristics of rice remains at prehistoric settlements in North China;中国北方史前遗址稻作遗存的植物硅酸体判别标准

5.On the Cultural Aesthetic Signs of the Yuchi Temple--Prehistoric Village sites of Mengcheng Anhui论安徽蒙城尉迟寺史前遗址聚落文化的审美体征

6.Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Coa Valley科阿山谷的史前岩画遗址

7.The Contribution of Ruins of Kuahu Bridge in Prehistoric History of Zhejiang;跨湖桥遗址的人们在浙江史前史上的贡献

8.Discussion on the Times of Painting on the Rocks in Prehistory at Jiangjunya;将军崖史前岩画遗址的断代及相关问题的讨论

9.On the Prehistory Rail Crown in China;中国史前的纵梁冠——由凌家滩遗址出土玉人说起

10.Yingpanshan Relics-Prehistorical Regional Culture Centre in Tibet-Yi Corridor;营盘山遗址——藏彝走廊史前区域文化中心

11.On the Westward Migration of the Prehistoric Dongyi People in the Light of the Sites at Qilihe in Fangxian County;从房县七里河诸遗址看史前东夷族的西迁

12.The Mollusc Shells:An Important Message Carrier for the Study of Ancient Climate in the Prehistorical Relics of Archaeology史前考古遗址中一种重要的古气候信息载体: 软体动物贝壳

13.A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana, the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over.奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是世界上著名的史前文化遗址。

14.Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and is now a world Heritage site in the care of English Heritage.史前巨石阵是世界奇迹之一,现在是英国备受关注的世界遗址.

15.A Discussion on the Geographical Environment Features of Prehistoric Sites in Ning bo-Shaoxing Area and the Relevant Problems;宁绍地区史前文化遗址地理环境特征及相关问题探索

16.Probe into Prehistoric Art in the Three-Gorges Area--Small Sized Stone Statue Discovered in Liu Lin,Zi Zui;长江三峡地区史前美术探谜之一——秭归柳林溪遗址发现小型石雕

17.On the Relevance Between Prehistoric Pig Husbandary and Agricultural Development Based on Case of Longqiuzhuang Site从龙虬庄遗址个案看史前家猪饲养与农业发展的相关性

18.FuQuan Mountain ,in the west of ZhongGu town, has many traces of historic celebrities" apartments. And it is an ancient culture relic. 4000 yeas ago, there was a special cemetery there.重固镇西部的福泉山,有历史名人的宅舍的踪迹,为古文化遗址。4000年前是一个特殊的葬址。


prehistorical relics of archaeology史前考古遗址

1.The mollusc shells,unearthed in theprehistorical relics of archaeology, have a rate of oxgen-carbon isotope,which is a qualified signal to indincate of climate during the growth of molluscs.史前考古遗址中出土的软体动物贝壳中的氧碳同位素值是生长时期气候变化的良好指示器,对有比较确切考古学年代的贝壳的分析,有助于建立史前气候变化的序列。

3)Historical Relics历史遗址

4)Prehistoric house foundation史前房址

5)Location of prehistoric city史前城址

6)prehistoric relics only史前孑遗


