100字范文 > 链路损耗 link loss英语短句 例句大全

链路损耗 link loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-14 17:07:51


链路损耗 link loss英语短句 例句大全

链路损耗,link loss

1)link loss链路损耗

1.Fiberoptic gas sensor is a novel sensor,a performance of methane sensor is analyzed and tested from the aspect of the fiber[CD*2]opticlink loss,driving technology light source and output waveform of the phaselocked amplification circuit,methane absorption and etc in this paper.光纤气体传感器是一种新型传感器,从光纤链路损耗实验、光源驱动和锁相放大电路输出波形实验、甲烷气体吸收实验等3个方面对甲烷气体传感器性能进行了分析和测试。


1.The Definition of Optical Link Loss and Calculation of Optical Divide Ratio光链路损耗参数的定义和分光比的计算

2.Wastage characteristics and control of fresh vegetables in supermarket chains超市生鲜蔬菜供应链特征及损耗控制

3.Coordinating Fresh Agricultural Supply Chain under the Valuable Loss;基于价值损耗的生鲜农产品供应链协调

4.Fresh agricultural product supply chain coordination under the physical loss-controlling基于实体损耗控制的生鲜农产品供应链协调

5.Strengthening Reactive Voltage Management to Lower Power Line Loss;加强无功电压管理 降低电网线路损耗

6.Problems of Using Proportion of Transmission Line and Loss Allocation;输电线路的利用份额及损耗分摊问题

7.Analysis how to Strengthen Management to Reduce Distribution Line Losses浅析通过强化管理降低配电线路损耗

8.Branch Loss Allocation Based on Circuit Theories and Orthogonal Projection基于电路理论与正交投影的支路损耗分摊方法

9.Excess corrosion of wheel speed circuit terminals and connectors轮速感知器短路或断端子或接头过度损耗

10.Loss Analysis and Thermal Design of Mid-Voltage & Mine-Used Inverter Main Circuit中压矿用变频器主电路损耗分析及散热设计

puting Of Pass Loss Base On Field Diffuse基于场量扩散的电波传播路径损耗计算

12.Investigation into Low Insertion-Loss & High Isolation SOI RF Switch低插入损耗高隔离度SOI射频开关电路的研究

13.Research on electromagnetic wave propagation models of the path loss in wireless communication system无线通信系统中电波传播路径损耗模型研究

14.Numerical Simulation for the Periodic Amplification of a Soliton in an Optical Fibre Link with Loss;对带损耗的光纤链孤子的周期放大的数值模拟与分析

15.Research on Ordering Policies and Coordination of Fresh Supply Chain under Circulative Loss-controlling考虑流通损耗控制的生鲜农产品供应链订货策略及供需协调研究

16.Research on the VHF Data-Link Transmission Loss Based on Satellite Navigation Ground-based Augmentation System基于卫星导航陆基增强系统VHF数据链中的传输损耗研究

17.Supply chain inventory models for easily spoilage products based on delayed payments在延迟付款期限下基于损耗性商品的供应链库存模型

18.The power decrease caused by resistance in a circuit, circuit element, or device.损耗由电路、电路元件或电路装置内的电阻造成的电力下降


optical link loss光链路损耗

1.This paper analyses and researches the solve method foroptical link loss and optical divide ratio in star optical fiber networks,introduces the solve clue,method and steps by the examples for optical divide ratio of every optical distributor and foroptical link loss of the entire network in complicated star optical fiber networks.分析和研究了星形光纤网中光链路损耗和光分路器分光比的求解方法,通过实例着重介绍了比较复杂的广义星形网中各光分路器分光比与整个网络的全程光链路损耗的求解思路、方法和步骤。

2.This paper analyses and studies the structure of star optical fiber transport network, reaches the algebraic relationship ofoptical link loss between single star optical fiber network and multiple star optical fiber network, and presents the calculation forma of optical divide ratio of optical distributors.对星型光纤传输网络及其组分结构作了分析与研究,得到并组式星型光纤网与单元式星型光纤网光链路损耗间的代数关系,给出了各光分路器分光比的计算方法和公式。

3)link loss budget链路损耗预算

4)Fiber optical route loss光纤链路损耗

5)permissible optical link loss最大允许光链路损耗

1.This paper studies the relationship between maximum number of optical fiber lines andpermissible optical link loss in single star optical fiber network.研究了单元星形光纤网中,最多光路数目与最大允许光链路损耗间的关系,推出了在给定最大允许光链路损耗,不同光路数目时的各光路总纤长的求算方法,进而得到最佳光路数目与最大总纤长,最终得出6条结论。

6)line loss线路损耗

1.After the reliability and security of distribution network are ripe day by day, it becomes an important work to reduce theline loss for distribution network.在配电网安全性和可靠性日渐成熟后,降低线损变成配电网的一项重要工作,而大部分线路损耗是在10 kV以下的配电线路上。

2.Lowerline loss is an important work for power supply section.降低线损是供电部门的一项重要工作,而大部分线路损耗是在10kV以下的配电线路上。

3.From four aspects of the reduction of theline losses,the economic operation of the transformers,the increase of the power factor for loss reduction and the compensation of the reactive power,this paper discusses how to improve and increase the economical efficiency of the power supply system for increasing the utilization efficiency of the electric energy.从降低线路损耗、变压器经济运行、提高功率因数达到节能降损及无功补偿4个方面论述了如何改进和提高供电系统的经济性,以提高电能的利用效率。


脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂)药物名称:脂肪乳剂(中链和长链复合物)英文名:Fat Emulsion for Injection(MCT/LCT)别名: 脂肪乳剂(中链及长链复合剂) (10%~20%中/长链脂肪乳剂) 外文名:FatEmulsion forInjection(MCT/LCT)药理作用及用途: 胃肠外给药,可补充人体热能,避免必需脂肪酸缺乏。具有易于氧化水解、氧化完全、生酮作用和对肝功能影响较少等特点。 适用于创伤以及肝功能不全病人。 用法及用量: 同长链脂肪乳剂。 不良反应: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 注意事项: 基本同长链脂肪乳剂。 规格: 注射乳剂 250ml, 500ml类别:肠内、肠外营养药
