100字范文 > 中国皇家园林 Chinese Royal Gardens英语短句 例句大全

中国皇家园林 Chinese Royal Gardens英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-27 18:47:36


中国皇家园林 Chinese Royal Gardens英语短句 例句大全

中国皇家园林,Chinese Royal Gardens

1)Chinese Royal Gardens中国皇家园林

1.A Primary Probe into the Axis of Space inChinese Royal Gardens;中国皇家园林空间中的轴线浅析


1.Chinese Imperial Garden of Color and Artistic Features中国皇家园林色彩及其艺术特征探析

2.There is always a long corridor in imperial gardens in China.在中国的皇家园林里经常有长廊。

3.The Summer Palace is the largest and best-preserved imperial garden in China.颐和园是目前中国最大的、存最完整的皇家园林。

4.Value Assessment and Development Strategy on the Extant Ancient Chinese Gardens of Imperial Families;中国古代皇家园林资源的价值考察与开发策略

5.Summer Palace, the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden, visit for2 hours.参观中国最大、美的皇家园林,清代慈禧太后的夏宫,时间2小时。

6.The keeper of a royal forest or park.皇家园林卫队保护皇家森林和公园的看守者

7.The Comparison between Small Architectures in Imperial Garden and Private Garden in Suzhou of Qing Dynasty on Semeiology清代皇家园林与苏州私家园林中小建筑的符号学比较

8.On the Conservation and Utilization of Butterflies Resource in Shunhuangshan Mountain National Forest Park;舜皇山国家森林公园蝶类资源的保护和利用

9.Studies on the Biodiversity and Protection of Shunhuang Mounain National Forest Park in Dong"an舜皇山国家森林公园生物多样性及其保护研究

10.Drive to the Summer Palace, the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden. Visit it for 2 hours.乘车赴颐和园,参观中国最大、最美的皇家园林,清代慈禧太后的夏宫,时间2小时。

11.The Imperial Utopia--The Ideal Realm of Imperial Gardens in the Qing Dynasty帝王的乌托邦——清代皇家园林中的理想境界

12.An investigation report of Rhododendron from Rock Garden,Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh,U.K.英国爱丁堡皇家植物园石山园中杜鹃调查报告

13.The Restoration and Utilization of Wetland from the Perspective of Landscape Planning--Landscape Planning & Design of Wetland Park in National Seashore Forest Park,Qinhuangdao风景园林视角下的城市湿地恢复与利用——以秦皇岛海滨国家森林公园湿地园为例

14.The author believes that in taxonomy of park,authoritative park should have the same position as imperial,per-sonal,temple park.认为在园林分类上,官家园林应具有与皇家园林、私家园林和寺庙园林同等位置。

15.The Royal Parks are some of London‘ s most popular, and also include Hyde Park, St. James‘ s Park and Green Park.包括海德公园、·姆斯公园和格林公园在内的英国皇家公园为伦敦最著名的景点。

16.The Royal Parks are some of London‘s most popular, and also include Hyde Park, St. James‘s Park and Green Park.包括海德公园、圣·詹姆斯公园和格林公园在内的英国皇家公园为伦敦最著名的景点。

17.The Summer Palace, which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park.颐和园是我最喜欢的公园,它以前是座皇家园林.

18.Study on Dongan Shunhuangshan(舜皇山) National Forest Park Ecotourism Sustainable Development;东安舜皇山国家森林公园生态旅游可持续发展研究


imperial garden皇家园林

1.In the Eastern Han Dynasty,imperial gardens developed rapidly with the more and more outstanding function of entertainment,but the function of hunting and military affairs was still remained.东汉时期皇家园林获得巨大发展,休闲娱乐性逐渐增加,但狩猎军事功能依然存在。

2.Theimperial garden in Han Dynasty had the milestone significance in the history of Chinese gardens.汉代皇家园林在中国园林发展史上具有里程碑的意义。

3)extant Gardens of the Imperial Families皇家园林

1.The article sums up the main five valuable aspects on the extant gardens of the imperial families, and discusses the development strategies based on them.中国历代王朝都建有自己的皇家园林,它们都是宝贵的历史文化遗产,蕴涵着丰富而又深厚的价值。

4)royal garden皇家园林

1.This paper based on the category ofroyal garden,illuminates the research status of rockery.本文基于北京皇家园林的范畴,对中国古典园林掇山的研究现状进行了综述。

2.Although theroyal gardens in China and in Japan look like the same,they have many differences in overall scale,architectural volume,architectural color and the decoration in details space organizing.貌似相同的中国皇家园林与日本皇家园林,在整体规模、建筑体量、建筑色彩、细部装饰和空间处理等方面有着较大的差异。

5)Shunhuangshan Mountain National Forest Park舜皇山国家森林公园

1.Investigation on Butterflies Resource inShunhuangshan Mountain National Forest Park of Dong’an County in Hunan;湖南省东安县舜皇山国家森林公园蝶类资源调查

6)royal garden in Qing Dynasty清代皇家园林


