100字范文 > 街道美学 street aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

街道美学 street aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-09 20:44:57


街道美学 street aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

街道美学,street aesthetics

1)street aesthetics街道美学


1.Cityscape and Characteristic:Street Aesthetics城市风貌与特色——从街道美学说起

2.The streets are clean, the houses Beautiful, the clothes hygienic.街道整洁,房屋美观,衣服卫生。

3.In US English the street-level floor is theBfirst floorband the one above is theBsecond floor.在美式英语中,与街道相平的楼层叫。

4.urban buildings will be refurbished and streets in the city beautified.加快环境优美街道、社区建设。

5.On the Significance of The Fair in the Air from the Pesspective of Acceptance Esthetics;从接受美学看《天上的街市》的意义

6.American housing is laid out in neighborhoods with streets accessible by cars.美国居住区的邻里街道设计便于机动车交通。

7.Many large cities are any thing but beautiful, streets are littered with trash .许多大城市称不上是美的,街道上乱丢东西。

8.and the narrow streets are crowded with wonderful costumes.狭窄的街道挤满了身着各种华美服饰的人们。

9.Marching along the street is a group of students.沿着街道行进的是一群学生。

10.Our school stands back from the street.我们学校离开街道有一点距离。

11.Children do not have to cross busy streets to go to school.孩子们上学不用穿越繁忙的街道。

12.Space of the Historic Streets in View of Phenomenology;现象学视野中的历史性街道空间形态

13.The Application of Semiotics in Street Space Design基于符号学的城市街道空间设计研究

14.Aesthetics Analysis Formed by"BATTLES" Culture in American Street Dance Sports;美国街舞运动中“BATTLES”文化形成的美学解析

15.Aesthetic Analysis on Street of Harmony:The Illumination by the Contextualism in Shengli Street of Puqian, Hainan和谐街景的美学分析——海南铺前镇胜利街的文脉主义启示

16.American Street Design Trends from Planning and Urban Design Standards从《美国城市规划和设计标准》解读美国街道设计趋势

17.There are some paved, streets, and you pass along these ancient paths to reach the great galleries and concert halls of Venice.城内有一些铺平的街道,这些古老的街道可以通到威尼斯的大美术馆和音乐厅。

18.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Thought of Zhuang Zi;形美、德美、道美——浅谈庄子美学思想


Vista Aestheticism街景美学

1.Evaluate the UrbanVista Aestheticism from Musical View从音乐角度评价城市街景美学效果之初探

3)street committee setting up school街道办学


5)Taoist aesthetics道家美学

1.TheTaoist aesthetics in particular greatly enlightened and promoted the Western thoughts.中国诗、诗学给了美国现代诗以重要影响,尤其是道家美学的物自性、无言独化、去语障、解心囚,恢复到活泼泼的整体的生命世界,给了西方现代思潮走出困境以重要启迪。

2.Wai-lim Yip, as a overseas scholar, has many great influences on the studies of Chinese poetry andTaoist aesthetics.海外学者叶维廉在中国诗歌和道家美学思想的研究上有着深厚的学养,相关著作丰富,对中西语言及美学特质的比较与汇通是叶维廉理论研究的主轴。

6)aesthetics of Dao and Buddhism道禅美学

1.In the ultimate sense,appreciation of beauty is a kind of experience of transcending limitation,so is the ancient Chineseaesthetics of Dao and Buddhism as well as Western aesthetics of Marxism.但是 ,道禅美学自我设定的绝对理念是宇宙本体论的道或佛 ,而马克思美学自我设定的绝对理念是人类本体论的人的本质属性和本质力量。


