100字范文 > 有机发展 Organic development英语短句 例句大全

有机发展 Organic development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-21 23:43:51


有机发展 Organic development英语短句 例句大全

有机发展,Organic development

1)Organic development有机发展

1.Based on the analysis of the occurring "hard parking" problem\"s background in old residential district,gets the principle of improving old residential district\"s parking problem——organic development,and further provides ways of solving old residential district\"s parking problem,thus relieving the influences resulted from the increase of private car on old residential district.通过对旧居住区内"停车难"问题产生的背景进行分析,得出了改善旧住区停车问题的原则——有机发展,并进一步提出了解决旧居住区停车问题的途径,从而更好的缓解由于私人轿车的增多给旧居住区带来的影响。

2)development of organism有机体发展


1.Develop similar research technologies for other organuisms.为其它有机体发展相似的研究技术;

2.The theory that all living organisms are descended from a single cell or organism.一元发生说认为所有生物都是由一个单细胞或有机体发展而来的理论

3.of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms.有机体的进化和发展的,或与之有关的。

4.The Analysis of the Market and Development of Organic Intermediates in Asia.亚洲有机中间体发展和市场现状分析

5.Research on Community Sports and School Sports Organic Synthesis Development;社区体育与学校体育有机结合发展的研究

6.The embryonic structure or development of a particular organism.发生学一种特定有机体的胚胎的结构或发展

7.To Study the Marrow of the Concept of Scientific Development and Work Hard to Build a System Conducive to Scientific Development深入学习实践科学发展观 着力构建有利于科学发展的体制机制

8.We will also develop organic foodstuffs, and improve the system of the safe production of food agricultural produce.发展有机食品,完善食用农产品安全生产体系。

9.On Regularity of the Social Development from the Aspect of Social Organism of Marxism;从马克思社会有机体理论看社会发展的规律性

10.On Normalizatioin of Transferences of Collective Land and Orderly Development of Land Market;集体土地流转机制的规范与土地市场有序发展

11.Management and Development of Construction Machinery Equipment under State-owned System;国有体制下建筑机械设备的管理与发展

12.The overall protection,organic update and sustainable development of historical and cultural blocks历史文化街区整体保护及有机更新与持续发展

13.To appear to repeat(the evolutionary stages of the species)during the embryonic development of the individual organism.重演在个体有机体胚胎培育发展中重现(物种进化的过程)

14.On the Systematic Wholeness of Scientific Outlook on Development from the Perspective of Marxist Idea of Social Organism从马克思的社会有机体思想看科学发展观的系统整体性

15.The branch of biology that deals with the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms.胚胎学研究活着的有机体的形成、早期发育和发展的生物学的分支

16.The developoment and progression of liver neoplasms is related to the immunological status of body and gene abnormality.肝癌的发生发展与机体的免疫功能状态和某些基因的异常有关。

17.We might call it a leap, but unlike the Great Leap Forward of 1958, it did not damage the structure and mechanisms of economic development as a whole.那五年的加速发展,也可以称作一种飞跃,但与“大跃进”不同,没有伤害整个发展的机体、机制。

pared with early researches, the researches about theory of mind are more possible to reveal inner mechanism of individual cognition genesis and development.与早期的认知发展研究相比,心理理论更有可能揭示个体认识发生和发展的内部机制。


development of organism有机体发展

3)effective development有效发展

1.Scientific Development View and Effective Development of Higher Vocational Education;科学发展观与高等职业教育有效发展

2.The paper discusses the opportunity of regulative structure-reform how to recognize objectively,grasp correctly and use elaborately,and points out the way to strengthen ideas ofeffective development,arouse the power ofeffective development and realize goals ofeffective development.本文以江总书记《关于教育问题的谈话》为指导 ,论述了如何客观认识、正确把握和悉心用好高教体制改革的机遇 ,从而强化有效发展意识 ,激发有效发展动力 ,实现有效发展目标。

3.Theeffective development of Vocational education should be following the scientific devel.职业教育有效发展,应当遵循科学发展观,实现定位观、目标观、教学观、人才观和生存观的转向。

4)orderly development有序发展

1.A model oforderly development of coal mine is established.根据灰色系统理论中“多维动态分析”原理 ,建立了煤矿企业有序发展多维动态分析模型 ,并根据该模型对影响煤矿企业发展的各种因素进行了理论分析 ,为煤矿企业科学管理提供决策依

5)limited development有限发展

1.Many scholars have been engaged in this area,however,the problem of Qi Ji-guang\"slimited development of firearm technology is still neglected.这方面的研究已有不少,但是,对于戚继光"有限发展"火器技术的问题,却很少有学者关注。

6)Research on the Development of Organic Agriculture有机农业发展研究


有机覆层:有机覆层在基体材料表面覆以有机材料的材料保护层。在机械製造中﹐有机覆层的绝大部分是涂装层﹐或称油漆层。此外﹐也有用橡胶或塑料作为覆层的。需要抗酸﹑硷和抗腐蚀性气体和液体的钢铁件﹐常用厚约 3毫米的橡胶(如氯丁橡胶)或塑料(如氯化亚乙烯共聚物)黏在表面﹐可长期保护基体不受腐蚀。这种覆层主要用在大型抗蚀容器或排气系统中。埋在土壤中的金属构件﹐常以聚乙烯带包裹保护。在喷鉬或喷不锈钢的表面上涂覆聚四氟乙烯﹐在150℃温度下摩擦係数很低﹐磨损轻微﹐适於製造低载荷和要求高度清洁的滑动轴承﹐或用在食品﹑精细包装和纺织机械上。各国的Du﹑Dx轴承都是以塑料与金属复合製成的。通过静电喷涂将环氧树脂﹑氯化聚醚﹑聚四氟乙烯以及聚氯乙烯等塑料粉末涂覆在金属表面﹐可获多种抗化学腐蚀性极好的覆层﹐可用於输水﹑污水处理和海洋平台的设备上。有机覆层在辉光放电情况下﹐有机单体可以聚合成无针孔的有机膜﹐用作电容器的介质层。
